THE (Trying Hard Everyday) Team - Week 23



  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Good Morning everyone...

    Exercise : Treadmill walking... 52 mins 425 burned
    Crunches: 4 sets of 20 for a total of 80 - I am going to try to do this all week and see if I can't gain some strength in the abs. They are so flabby, especially the lower abs.. YUCK...

    Walking - This is just my favorite way to get in what cardio it gives me.. I like it. I watch General hospital while I walk.. Dang, wish I hadn't stop... I am lost with General Hospital...

    I ate good yesterday.. Stayed focused and drank water...

    Sheila you and April have fun....

    Cyndee - Have fun and remember hair does grow back.. But I understand, my daughter is the same what , beautiful hair...

    Everyone else have a great day...

  • Buttonnose
    Buttonnose Posts: 76
    Well hello everyone. Just thought I would stop in and say hi and see what is happening.
    On that note - Cindy...good luck with the hair style. She is a smart kid and she won't go too wild. I love the pictures of her and her sister on facebook...both beautiful girls.

    Other than that..working out everyday...trying to get more and more motivated. Tough somedays but I told my hubby he needs to help me set a goal. We agreed that if I lose 20 lbs by my next b/day which is like approx 9 weeks away...he will give me for my b/day a large sum of money to go buy new clothes. He said deal, so now I have a goal. So since I have already lost 4...only have 16 more to go. Sounds easy but I know it is going to be a somewhat struggle at times.

    Well that is it for me...really downing the water :drinker: a lot lately. I can actually drink water in the morning now..where before I wouldn't even think of it.

    Well back to to all again soon.

  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    morning all. I'm proud of myself to keep at calories or a little below since I lowered them. I'm struggling with "bored eating" so I'm trying to stay out of the house. I used to be happy to sit in front of the tv every chance I could get, now i can't stand it hardly sit thru 1 tv show, I have to be up doing something. Drives hubby crazy.

    Sold some more clothes yesterday so went to Kohls and bought a pair of dressy capris, something I can wear to church and not feel underdressed. They're also a style that can be taken in so I can wear them for quite a while. They are size 18 regular! Hurray! And I was trying on regular size shirts, did find a very cute blousey tank top - size XL - fit perfect! But didn't have the money for both. I'm learning what brands I can go down to regular size in (dockers, elle) but there is such a huge difference in sizes between brands. Sheesh. Weighed myself today, dropped exactly a pound. Very excited.

    LULU - I need the slipper, because I blew off the trainer appt this morning. Bad Kelli! I will call and reschedule it though. The boys used to get up at the buttcrack of dawn so I thought being at the gym at 8:30 would be no big deal - suddenly they are sleeping in till 9 am. sheesh! so will make the appts later so I have no more excuses! only 2 more weeks til vacation!!

    has anyone heard from Kristi? I'm pm'ed her, no reply.

    Have you guys who have lost quite a bit of weight noticed that when you tell people "how", they really don't believe you or think you must have exceptional willpower? I've referred several people to this site (people buying my clothes always ask, how'd ya lose it) and they just don't seem to believe it. I tell you what, I do NOT have willpower. But the things I've learned on here have shown me "the way". LOL I always tell them to first read the links in the general weight loss section at the top, and then they will know what I've learned that literally changed my life. I'm like a jeh witness or something, knocking on doors and saying, "did you know..." LOL I know for a while there I was a workout freak, but you don't have to be to have it succeed, as the last few weeks have shown me.
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    I've heard nothing from Kristi and I'm sad.. I miss her..

    Kelli where ya selling your clothes at?? Ebay??

    No will power here, I suck at will power...
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,045 Member
    yeah, you guys, go after Kristi.....:wink:

    Hi, Zano!
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    yeah, you guys, go after Kristi.....:wink:

    Hi, Zano!

    I am sending her a message as soon as I am done typing this..

    A lot of us are struggling..

    Hope your well...

  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Helllllo Zano!! I have missed you!! The floors look amazing!! Wanna come do mine next?? LOL I would LOVE to have that beautiful wood instead of the laminate stuff I have now! Welcome back!!!

    Lulu- LOL at the bra wire story.

    Adopt4- yes, Ive had people say that to me. Especially my mom. She makes comments once in a while on facebook. She told me I looked like a little kid and said "have you REALLY lost that much weight?" When i told yer I had, she called me a skinny little turd! Gee... Thanks mom! I guess.. LOL

    Ive been using facebook and logging my food into my iphone. It seems to be working good! Going to the gym tonight. My friend has me committed to Tues, Thurs & Sun for now. Just fitting in the time we go where I can.

    I got hired by a temp service today to do office and clerical work. Im pretty happy! Filled out all my employment paperwork and now Im just waiting for them to call me and send me where they need me. I told them Id work a temp, temp to hire or direct hire position and that it just didnt matter what hours... just put me to work! Im hoping this will open doors and lead to a good position somewhere as we are just plain broke right now and stuggling to make ends meet. Hubby has an interview today at 4, so please, please, please pray that he gets it. It looking pretty good, but so did the last one. Im just hoping this one finally pans out!
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    Hi all how is everyone? I added Kriti to my facebook just waiting for her to ok me so I can see how she is doing. Hope one of us hears from her.

    I seem to be maintaining weight which is good. I'm not eating all the calories I am able to but I'm not really losing. I did get into a pair of jeans I couldn't wear last month. That I like. I wore them to work today.

    I was planning on getting teriyaki for dinner tonight since I am alone. It will still keep me in my calorie range. Guess it is ok to spurge once in awhile.

    Good going on the temp job Cyndi hope they put you to work real soon. Have finger crossed for hubby too. If you start working you might not come see me at the beach :sad: I was hoping to get to see you.

    Well my lunch time is over I have to get back to work. Have a good day all!!
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    Hey guys. Welcome any new members and welcome back old ones. I have so much reading to get caught up on. Today emotionally for me sucked. The past two years have been hard and my grades at school have reflected it bad. I got notice that I was being put on suspension and I won't be able to return until next year fall. I've lost my aid too. I've appealed them and I'm waiting for reply. The dean says however that they rarely ever overturn suspensions. So it's a bummer.

    I've done good with my calories. I'm staying under or at goal. I haven't had a chance to do real exercise though, I've been walking though. I walk for 3.5 hours at work. That's all I do is walk...walk the dogs, walk to the dogs, walk to feed, walk to pick up bowls, walk all over the grounds, walk here and walk there. So walking on the path at the park doesn't appeal to me on days that I work. It was also recommended that I chill with the working out and stuff until after this months period. I need to make sure nothing else is going on.. pregnancy test last month said negative lol.

    I passed word of mouth along about mfp. My future mother in law and her fiend fell in love with the site. So my mil joined. Not sure about her friend yet but she is planning on it. I've been MIA the past few days. Boyfriend was in town this weekend for his time home. He might gt a job with a local company driving so he's home every day.... I can't wait. I miss him for the 2 weeks that he's out. I have gained a few pounds and I think that TOM is right around the corner. I feel it coming... I'm hoping that's it. I've been doing great with my calories and I haven't been using the calories earned either. So, I hope it goes back down. I'm going to have to get a new bra soon. I'm losing them. Even my boyfriend says they are shrinking lol. My friend gave me some resistance ropes... where you put your feet in one side and pull the other side... can be adjusted for easy or hard.. I look forward to using them tonight.

    That's it for now. I have to get caught up on all the posts. It's been a few days... congrads to all the losers and maintainers though. That's great news to hear about the clothes that are being tossed to make room for new smaller ones... it feels great. Keep up the good work everyone.
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    Hi all, well it took me an hour to read what all of you have been doing, quite busy you all seem to be. I also saw a person I haven't seen in awhile, hi to Criverside. I would love to say I did great today but a piece of blueberry pie waylaid me. Breakfast was good, though. Also had a healthy snack of an apple and a chef salad. I would have gotten a workout in but I was called in to work and now am trying to complete the housework that I didn't get done today. I will try again tomorrow. Everyone have a good evening.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Bee... I'll have to see about the beach. I gotta have the gas money to get there and get home and right now things are really strapped. I just paid my car insurance and still have a couple other bills to pay, so we will see. Even if they dont stick me in a spot right away, I may not have the funds to go, but hell.. either way.. the beach is just as far for me to go to see you as me driving up to where you live, so if I cant see you at the coast, we will have to plan a girl day one weekend and meet up in Centrailia like we planned last winter when we got snowed out! We also havent been to Seattle to see our other friends that live there. I know hubby would like to go visit with them when we have the funds. We usually stay there for a night and come home the next day and the guys usually ditch me at the mall to go shooting at the range...:laugh:

    Pawprint- Sorry about the school situation!!! That sucks! I hope things work out with the appeal and that you are able to do what you need to to finish. How much longer do you have and what are you studying?

    As of last friday, all my baby kitties have gone to thier new homes. Momma kitty was worried about them for a whole day, then decided she was relieved to finally be able to sleep without getting her tail pounced! :laugh: I feel so sorry for her tho because even though she had the kittens weened, her boobs are all swollen and hard and she constantly wants me to rub her tummy now. She never used to like that, but aparently now it feels good and she wants me to love on her all the time! My job today is to call the vet and get a quote to get her fixed! :happy:
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member

    Hubby just got home from his interview! He got the job!!

  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    CONGRATS to Morgolis, LI4G!!!!!!!!!!! That's fantastic!!
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    ugh, it's so hot in our house! for some reason, it was fine until this evening and i'm just sitting here sweating. sheesh. terrible sleeping weather. went over on cals a bit, had a skinny cow ice cream. not bad as long as i don't eat anything else tonight.

    losingit and morgolis - congrats on the jobs.

    still cleaning up the house after the party on sunday. sheesh, will i ever be done with dishes??

    don't know what my problem is, i haven't slept well since the week of the 4th, when the fireworks started and constantly woke me up for a week... then zack had a few rough nights... and last night i should have gotten enough sleep and been fine, but i was exhausted today, took a nap this afternoon. hubby was home for a few hours today, we took a nap together. you know you've been married a long time when you take a nap together and you both actually just sleep! and you're happy to sleep! LOL

    i noticed today my knees are starting to look like, well, knees. its' not like i'm dropping fast like i was but things seem to be changing, or maybe i'm just noticing them now. either way it's weird to look down and it looks like someone else's legs are attached to my body. how much stranger will it be when i actually hit my goal? i've never been as thin as my goal is... and that's not even thin! will be quite strange...
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,045 Member
    Hi all, well it took me an hour to read what all of you have been doing, quite busy you all seem to be. I also saw a person I haven't seen in awhile, hi to Criverside. I would love to say I did great today but a piece of blueberry pie waylaid me. Breakfast was good, though. Also had a healthy snack of an apple and a chef salad. I would have gotten a workout in but I was called in to work and now am trying to complete the housework that I didn't get done today. I will try again tomorrow. Everyone have a good evening.

    Yep. Hi, my old friend, Karen. You found a good group here. You still driving the bus?? I was part of this group for a while. I am rarely on MFP anymore unless it is on the "Proud" thread. Good luck avoiding blueberry pie.
  • Lorann
    Lorann Posts: 107
    Good morning Team :flowerforyou:

    LI4G - That's awesome ... I'm so happy for you and hubby!!

    Adopt that sucks about the heat ... nothing worse then trying to sleep in the heat.... we haven't had that problem here this summer ... if you even want to call it summer... I haven't even been swimming yet because the highest it's been so far is around 22 degrees Celsius. I'm taking some vacation time next week and I sure hope the weather gets warmer, I want to spend it all at the beach, plus I'll have three extra kids for a week next week (hubby's cousins kids) and we are going camping next weekend (anyone have any ideas for food while camping).

    So I'm back on track again :smile: hopefully I can continue .. it's been hard because of the stress at work, really felt like quitting yesterday.... but I just kept telling myself "Lori your off next week, you can make it til then" :laugh: So other than that things have been going well ... my hubby is still losing weight, just at a much slower pace then myself ... as for my daughter I think she has stopped ... she's been working midnights for the past couple weeks and her eating has been very irregular... she'll be done next week and said she will get back on track then.

    So in case any of you were wondering what I am doing with the money I won, well I've decided to buy a small boat (I'll be fishing all the time now) and it's a toss up between a stationary bike or a membership to our recreation center (membership includes gym, pools and all the exercise classes)
    and whatever is left will be put away for new clothes :smile:

    Ok thats it for now... you all have a wonderful day!! :flowerforyou:
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    I briefly caught up with Kristi last night. She was in the middle of something but answered me enough to tell me she is ok. She didn't answer me about running away with her tailor :laugh:

    Really happy for you and hubby Cyndi.

    I don't get it I've been within calories, even under a little. I walked last night and I am up a little over a pound. I've been yo-yoing 2lbs this whole week. Feeling frustrated!
  • manda1111
    manda1111 Posts: 113
    things here are mostly good. I have a hard time with summer. I'm used to being super bizzy. I really enjoy the first few weeks of summer break and then I start to go stir crazy. I'm taking myself to a movie a little later on just to get out of the house. TX summers get so hot! Its been over 100' all week in the after noons. Which means if I do anything outside I have to do it in the morning (I'm not a dripping sweat person). I got a massage for the first time yesterday. It was okay but I'm not sure its for me. I'll go one more time just to make sure. My husband got me three massages for our anniversary in June.

    I think I'm at a "need to step it up a knotch" place with my work outs. I haven't lost any weight in two weeks. I have lost inches thought. I'm going to pick up the next two sizes of hand weights. I've been using a 5 lbs and a 8 lbs. So I'm goign to get a 10-12. I won't use the 12 right away but my bicepts are pritty strong so it won't be that long. I want to stop using the 5 lbs all together. I am okay with the ab work that I am doing. I do a total of 80 ab exersizes three times a week. The stationary bike work I could have more forcus on (up the intensity) but I have enjoyed reading a book while biking as well.

    Diet has been so so. I have been staying inside my calorie count but not really watching to make sure they were the best kind of calories. I have a major sweet tooth. But it has helped that berries are in season right now.

    Any how I really want to see change this week but I know that if I don't its not for lack of effort. I hope that all of you are having a great summer and sticking to your workouts as best you can.
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    I was part of this group for a while.

    cm, all it takes to be part of this group is to post. so you're part of the group whether you like it or not.:tongue:
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    I know a lot of you are at plateaus right now - we all started around the same time so we're about at the same point - so I have to admit that I"m scared to change anything right now. I'm scared to exercise. I finally started losing again just by watching my calories, and not going to the gym, and I"m afraid if I start up exercising again my plateau will come back! Talk some sense into me, please!!!

    I need to start exercising to lose weight faster, reach my goal faster, now that things are moving again, they can move a little bit faster, I"m sure. But I'm terrified of bringing back the plateau!

    Hubby brought some treats home the Europeans brought, still haven't had enough leftover calories to eat them yet. One is a chocolate covered cherry that he says is to die for. 230 calories for the one serving (1 cherry!). So I haven't tried it yet... need to exercise just so I can try the treats! LOL

    I also have a question for you guys who have been doing this awhile or know about the psychological part of this stuff, do you think my legs, for example, are really changing NOW or did they change and I'm just starting to recognize it? Just curious because it makes no sense they would be changing now with no exercise... I'm not losing that much. I personally think it's my brain. Need to get some pictures taken so I can get a better idea of what I actually look like. I'm afraid I"m back to 'seeing a thin person in the mirror' rather than seeing reality. (you know, the anorexxxia disease). So my struggles this week are not so much with food (thank god for watermelon, you can eat tons, and it's hardly any calories, and boy is it filling!) right now as they are with the mental aspects of this. Anyone else there?