MEN - I have a bone to pick with you!



  • ClarkeZor
    There are loads of women only gyms popping up round the UK, but no men only gyms as that's sexist ???

    How does that work?
  • nutandbutter
    Maybe I didn't make this clear in my initial post. I DO LIFT, I DO ROTATE IN WITH MEN, I AM NOT AFRAID TO ASK A MAN HOW MANY SETS DO THEY HAVE, I GET IT DONE...but its not the easiest. I have to demand respect in the weight area, where as other men do not. Also, this wasn't to be so serious. I'm just bringing it to the MEN attention that they have a tendacy to do this...and some of the women who are just starting off are intimidated by the weight area because of this....Jeesh!

    ~~~~~~~~~~All you up tight people need to get laid!!!~~~~~~~~~ LMAO! Lighten up!

    I know this is all in fun but I really don't have any issues at my gym. The guys normally just nod at me when we pass each other since we're all focused on our workouts and ourselves. Not to say we don't raise our eyebrows and smirk at each other if someone is being ridiculous (a woman doing a catwalk turn in front of the mirrors). In the beginning they ignored me (and my husband) but we've been there long enough that they know we're serious. Give it some time if you haven't been at your gym long.

    Also, skinny guys may have it worse than women in the weight area as far as having to "demand respect". That I have seen.
  • KarateGoddess
    KarateGoddess Posts: 93 Member
    Here's an option: If it's on a machine that only requires moving the pin to change the weight, just walk up to them and ask 'hey, can I work in with you?'

    Chances are they'll say yes. :) Just make sure when you get up to put the pin back where it was. Just a little gym etiquette when you're the one asking to work in with someone else.