What size do you want to be?



  • happyjoyousfree1
    happyjoyousfree1 Posts: 124 Member
    Recently went from a 20W to a reg 14 Anything without a letter in the size is fine by me.
  • ssforcey
    ssforcey Posts: 92 Member
    I'll take a size 6 please!
  • I want to be in a size 9. :smile:
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I am really confused with sizes. Wouldn't a US size 2, equivalent to a UK size 4 be bordering on anorexic?
    I would love to be a UK size 10 waist down (think I am already there upwards) but I am very hippy so don't think that will ever happen.

    Size has nothing to do with an eating disorder. A person can be anorexic and not a size 00, 0, or 2. They can be bigger, in fact. There are bodies of all shapes and sizes, and if someone can get to that size in a healthy manner and maintain it, it means they're healthy, not suffering from an ED. :)

    What would be the body measurements of a 00?

    Not exactly sure, but even if a person is small enough to fit into a size 00, doesn't mean they have a mental illness such as anorexia. Characterizing being very petite as "bordering on anorexic" is highly offensive to both those who have anorexia, or another ED, and the person who is wearing a size 00. It's like calling someone who is overweight "fat", which isn't right either. Might want to watch your wording there.

    This is me wearing a US size 0 4639562_9337.jpg I am normally a UK size 8, which is about equivalent to a US 2. I don't think anyone would say I look like I have an eating disorder or look too thin! I am in the middle of a healthy weight for my height.
  • melanieparker13
    melanieparker13 Posts: 110 Member
    Size 8.... am currently 12/14...I know I got this!!
  • TracyB25
    TracyB25 Posts: 39
    Thank you afraishoward for starting this thread with your goals, and congrats on your progress so far!!

    I'm currently a size 12.

    My goal is a size 7 (6-8), I've been there before briefly, despite being a size10 most of my life.

    (These are US/Canadian sizes btw)
  • kimg70
    kimg70 Posts: 32 Member
    I want to be a solid size 6!!
  • RoughDiamondUK
    RoughDiamondUK Posts: 151 Member
    UK size 10. Currently UK size 14. I have no idea what UK size 14 is in US sizes.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    115 pounds, size 2.
    I know I'll never get there. My butt is too big for a size 2 LOL. But... I guess I'd wanna be 120-125 size 4.

    I never ever dreamed I'd be in a size 2!! And that's what I am wearing these days!!
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    LADIES? Have you noticed that there are only a couple of men who responded to this post? Do you know why? Men are not concerned about their size as long as they are comfortable. We are the only ones who want to put a number on our size. That's because every magazine that is geared to women tells them that there is something wrong with them. It could be physical, mental or superficial, they will tell that something is wrong with you. Would you believe that Weight Watchers told me that I could be a lifetime member unless I could keep my weight at 142lbs and I'm 5'8" tall? Would you also believe that at 155lbs, my measurements were 36-24-34 and I was told that I needed to lose weight to joined the service, albeit a couple of pounds? Would you believe that I even thought that I was fat because of what these people said to me? I'm done with the numbers. If I fit my clothes and look good to me then that is all that matters. I WANT TO FEEL COMFORTABLE TOO!!! That is not for men only.

    I'm 5f1" tall and according to my doctor and the height/weight chart, I supposed to be 101 pounds. My doctor wants me to get down to that weight. I've told him that I wasn't doing that. The biggest I ever was, before gaining weight was 125 pounds. It took me four years to gain 20 pounds, raising my weight up to 145. Of course, I have gained more as the years went by. I will never get down to 101 pounds. I don't want to be 125 pounds or even 145 pounds. I don't want to wear a size 7 or smaller. I have a body fat percentage goal that I'm aiming and I could be wrong, but I think it will land me at a size 10. If the size is a 12, I'll be happy with that number. It the number is a size 8. I'll be happy with that number, but I don't want to go lower than that.

    I will be happy with my high scale weight number. I will forever be classified as being overweight/obese on the bmi chart, which I don't care. I'm concern with what matters most to me and that's my body fat percentage. I'm aiming to lose pounds of fat and not scale weight. There's a difference between scale weight loss and fat loss. They aren't the same thing. I'm on the slow road and I love it. It's going to take me a year or so to reach my goal and I'm okay with that.

    Whats your body fat % goal?

    Please don't take this the wrong way, but I'm not sharing that number, until I get there and show a before and after picture on here.
  • curious376
    curious376 Posts: 16 Member
    I want to be a size 8!!!!!
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    I am really confused with sizes. Wouldn't a US size 2, equivalent to a UK size 4 be bordering on anorexic?
    I would love to be a UK size 10 waist down (think I am already there upwards) but I am very hippy so don't think that will ever happen.

    Size has nothing to do with an eating disorder. A person can be anorexic and not a size 00, 0, or 2. They can be bigger, in fact. There are bodies of all shapes and sizes, and if someone can get to that size in a healthy manner and maintain it, it means they're healthy, not suffering from an ED. :)

    Yup, and size 2 doesn't looks the same on everyone, just like size 10 doesn't (or whatever else). At size X means visible ribcages. For other people, it might make them have love handles. For others their upper body could be very slim and there hips round. Someone else might have wide shoulders and very slim legs.

    I've definitely seen size 2s that look too skinny and others that look healthy and fit.
  • Mandy86Lee
    Mandy86Lee Posts: 33 Member
    you can totally go for this girl....youre crazy to think you cant !
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    Iam a size 3-4 now, but I can fit in some 2s. I am happy with this size as I have been anywhere from a 00 all the way up to a 16. I feel very comfortable where I am now.
  • Erinslove
    Erinslove Posts: 139
    I look the best when I am a 4/6. I would never want to be smaller. I would also be comfortable as an 8. But 4/6 is my ideal.
  • fabulous1955
    fabulous1955 Posts: 2 Member
    I am currently a size 22-24. I would love to go back in time and be a size 10-12. That's the smallest I have ever been in my life. I have a long way to go,but I know that I will get there. This journal is keeping me honest of what this journey is about. Good health and changing into a better lifestyle of making good food choices for myself. I want this so badly, and I'm praying everyday to have success. It's not easy. To plan your foods a week in advance and exercise everyday.!!!! But it is critical to have the success I want. So please keep up the motivation and support for each other.:happy:
  • size 8 but would be happy at a sz 10

    same here!
  • drkuhl2017
    drkuhl2017 Posts: 181 Member
    Honestly, I don't have a specific size that I want to be. Mostly, I just want to be healthy. Plus, I've never been small, so I have nothing to compare it to. In my adult life, I have never been below an 18. I'm getting close now, down to a 20.
  • Cntewell
    Cntewell Posts: 35
    A Healthy size 8 -10 range would be great. Most of all though, I just want to be comfortable in my own skin.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I heard from a fashion guy on tv the other day that a size 6 today is what 15 years ago would be a size 2 now. That US clothing industry has lowered the sizes to make us feel better. Made a bunch of since to me since I am the physical size as when I got married and the same weight - but I'm now a size 0 and I was size 6 then. I used to model petite clothing as a size 4 when I was in my 20's, I"m short, "big boned" and muscular. I would rather clothing size be more reflective of actual fit, as I'm tired of buying clothes in the teenage girls section.

    Someone asked measurements for a size 0 - I buy size 26 jeans if buying on waist size, these still tend to be a little big.