WHY oh WHY do guys yell at girls? - rant



  • DQMD
    DQMD Posts: 193
    That has happened to me when biking. Had some yell at me, had my butt slapped. The funniest was when they got caught at a red light and I came up next to them. I gave them a dirty look and told them that wasn't nice. I got their liscense plate and planned on turning into the sheriff's office (I really didn't but it scared them). They apologized and went on way. The butt slapped..ugh..that was in North Carolina...I was a little ticked.

    Most men aren't like that. It doesn't bother me if they check me out. I have zero issues with that. I work on a military base and admit that my tongue falls out of my head on car wash day. mmm..marines...washing my truck with soap and water.
  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    Because they are guys...no explanantion needed. lol

    Side note: I got yelled at by a kid yesterday when I went on my jog. He yelled that I was hott.. kid must have been in 5 or 6th grade..? lol Hilarioius.
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    It is a primal thing that when guys are in a pack they have to "be the one" that says / does something to get a reaction from the other party. Not all of us are like this but unfortunately I can say that most are in groups / packs.
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    Please do not put all us guys in the same boat as those little idiots. Some guys are just morns and do not know how to treat woman. Thats why they are little boys and not men! Just keep doing what your doing and kick *kitten*
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    People who run or bike on the roads know how startling it is to be honked/yelled at. People who don't, don't.

    Even when folks are yelling encouragement, it's distracting. I always think they are yelling a warning.
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    I was just out for a bike ride, and me outside exercising is NOT a pretty sight. Usually I'm sweating, covered in spiders' webs (I couldn't avoid it! YUCK!) and grimacing from exertion.

    While I was puffing and panting up this hill, a 4wd filled with guys drove past, and they honked and hooted and yelled at me, and watched me as they drove past.
    Their stupid little faces peering out of the window, while driving a machine capable of killing everyone on that road.
    This happened 3 times!!

    SERIOUSLY?? And no, it's not a compliment! A compliment is saying "hey, you look great" not "OI! SHOW US YA BOOBS! HAHABJDBAJHSBAUISJH!!!!!"

    So WHY do guys do this? Act like they've never seen a girl before, and therefore act like buffoons? Don't they realise that no one likes them?

    BTW this is from a girl's POV. I don't know if girls do this to guys, but if they do, WHY??

    its a pure numbers game.
    Sure, if I yell "show me your boobs" at one girl.. its dumb.
    But if I yell it at 100 girls.... eventually atleast one of them is going to show me their boobs. :tongue:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    I was just out for a bike ride, and me outside exercising is NOT a pretty sight. Usually I'm sweating, covered in spiders' webs (I couldn't avoid it! YUCK!) and grimacing from exertion.

    While I was puffing and panting up this hill, a 4wd filled with guys drove past, and they honked and hooted and yelled at me, and watched me as they drove past.
    Their stupid little faces peering out of the window, while driving a machine capable of killing everyone on that road.
    This happened 3 times!!

    SERIOUSLY?? And no, it's not a compliment! A compliment is saying "hey, you look great" not "OI! SHOW US YA BOOBS! HAHABJDBAJHSBAUISJH!!!!!"

    So WHY do guys do this? Act like they've never seen a girl before, and therefore act like buffoons? Don't they realise that no one likes them?

    BTW this is from a girl's POV. I don't know if girls do this to guys, but if they do, WHY??
    Because they've been taught it, high fived for it, or see it as a way to be cool. People who are respectful don't do it. That's with both guys and girls.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • DarthCeltic
    DarthCeltic Posts: 1,274 Member
    I was just out for a bike ride, and me outside exercising is NOT a pretty sight. Usually I'm sweating, covered in spiders' webs (I couldn't avoid it! YUCK!) and grimacing from exertion.

    While I was puffing and panting up this hill, a 4wd filled with guys drove past, and they honked and hooted and yelled at me, and watched me as they drove past.
    Their stupid little faces peering out of the window, while driving a machine capable of killing everyone on that road.
    This happened 3 times!!

    SERIOUSLY?? And no, it's not a compliment! A compliment is saying "hey, you look great" not "OI! SHOW US YA BOOBS! HAHABJDBAJHSBAUISJH!!!!!"

    So WHY do guys do this? Act like they've never seen a girl before, and therefore act like buffoons? Don't they realise that no one likes them?

    BTW this is from a girl's POV. I don't know if girls do this to guys, but if they do, WHY??

    its a pure numbers game.
    Sure, if I yell "show me your boobs" at one girl.. its dumb.
    But if I yell it at 100 girls.... eventually atleast one of them is going to show me their boobs. :tongue:

    your math is flawless on this..
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    I usually laugh when that happens. Unless my son is with me. Happened once in a mall parking while walking with my son (he was five then) and I was NOT happy to say the least.
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    It is a primal thing that when guys are in a pack they have to "be the one" that says / does something to get a reaction from the other party. Not all of us are like this but unfortunately I can say that most are in groups / packs.

    yea, and then one trys to out alpha you, and you're all like "come at me bro" and hes all like "take a shot" and then they hold you back as you take your shirt off and stuff.... right?
  • _Christine_
    _Christine_ Posts: 1,388 Member
    I once paid a construction guy to whistle at me. He took my money... I got a wave. <sigh>
  • DarthCeltic
    DarthCeltic Posts: 1,274 Member
    I once paid a construction guy to whistle at me. He took my money... I got a wave. <sigh>

    ::: whistles at ChristineCMoo for free:::
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    its a pure numbers game.
    Sure, if I yell "show me your boobs" at one girl.. its dumb.
    But if I yell it at 100 girls.... eventually atleast one of them is going to show me their boobs. :tongue:

    but depending on where you live, statistically 12 might shoot at you. not the odds I want to play. :laugh: :laugh:
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    its a pure numbers game.
    Sure, if I yell "show me your boobs" at one girl.. its dumb.
    But if I yell it at 100 girls.... eventually atleast one of them is going to show me their boobs. :tongue:

    but depending on where you live, statistically 12 might shoot at you. not the odds I want to play. :laugh: :laugh:

    Its ok... I shoot back.
  • imstartingwithme
    imstartingwithme Posts: 81 Member
    Because society teaches men to treat women like nothing more than sex objects.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Because they are tossers! I used to HATE it when guys did that to me. Now I'm old and wrinkly so they don't, but what used to give me the rage even more than them doing it, was my male friends (and my husband) saying "Oh, you love it really."

    No. We don't.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Because society teaches men to treat women like nothing more than sex objects.

    Rubbish. It works both ways now.

    I've had just about every part of my body grabbed whilst out by women. Thats more than a whistle or a holla.

    But of course, this thread like many is designed to get a pack mentality that men are all pigs and women are innocent, so carry on. You're no worse than the men, all the generalising in this thread...
  • mwcraig34
    mwcraig34 Posts: 359 Member
    What where you wearing while you where riding your bike? If it was a sweat shirt and sweat paints than I got your back on this one! If you where in a sports bra and short skin tight biking shorts then what did you expect? Men are stimulated by sight? Some men are more than others! I'm not saying they were right, but you didn't help matters if you flaunt what you got for the world to see! You can't have it both ways ladies. You can show us your goods and still expect us to respect your body if you don't! This is going to get me in trouble!!!!!!! But you wanted the truth right???????
  • Erinslove
    Erinslove Posts: 139
    When I was running one day in training for the marathon I ran (I think I weighed 140 at the time) some guys yelled out of a truck at me "hey, your a fat *kitten*!"...that was fun.
  • mbourke8
    mbourke8 Posts: 27
    I wonder if this tactic has ever worked for them. I wonder if anyone got a wife because once upon a time, they yelled obscenities at her as she waited for a bus.

    LOL, doubtful! I don't think there are many girls that appreciate this!