Memorial Day Weight Loss CHALLENGE!!!!!



  • momandwife
    momandwife Posts: 151 Member
    Okay, I'm in. This site is really motivating me, and I must admit THAT is not easy to do, considering I have been yo-yo dieting for 20 years. This is IT though! No more messin' around. I'm gettin' serious!

    Current weight: 217
    Goal weight: 150
    Goal for Memorial Day: 195
    Weight loss: 1 1/2 pounds per week (very doable!)

    I'm also going to look into the blah to babe section. I love these kind of things! I bought a heart rate monitor and my husband and I have started wogging (walk/jog). It beeps at me to tell me when to speed up and slow down. My own personal trainer! We've wogged 3 days in a row now and I'm so motivated!!

    I have 2 quick questions. Would somebody please answer them for me:
    1) If I'm exercising, am I supposed to eat all of my calories, plus the exercise ones? I get 1,250 calories but whenever I put in my exercise amounts, it raises my calorie needs. How do I lose weight then??
    2) I'm new to all of this posting stuff. How can I view replies to just my posts??

    Thanks for all the great support. You are all wonderful!!

    There is lots of information on your calorie question .... when you go to the Community tab there is a SEARCH bar - just type in a couple words and all kinds of matches will come up - things are discussed on here all the time. I have found out a lot of information by using the Search feature.

    As far as viewing your posts ..... again under the Community tab - there is My Topics ..... just click on that and it will show you all of the topics that you have posted a reply to.

    Welcome aboard ..... I have been a member since February and am ADDICTED!! Being able to log my calories and my exercise is a GREAT tool!!!! I really think about every little morsal that goes into my mouth ..... before I eat it I always think ...... now, how am I going to log this??? 9 times out of 10 I don't eat whatever I was tempted to eat.

    Good luck to you!!
  • sr2000
    sr2000 Posts: 230 Member
    Todays weight 178.5
    Last weigh in 184
    Challenge start weight 182 (Jan 1st weight 186)
    Goal weight by Memorial 172 (Goal weight by my birthday in October 150!)

    Pounds lost this week: 5 ( Mostly water weight and bad food from long vacation)
    Pounds down since starting challenge: 3
  • alymarest
    alymarest Posts: 115
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: 8 WEEKS TO GO!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Starting weight: 153.5
    Current weight: 150.5
    Goal weight: 132
    Goal weight loss a week: 1.5 lbs
    Pounds lost this week:0
    pounds lost total: 4:indifferent: (I gained the first week:wink: )

    So I've had a set back, my daughters birthday party was on the 22 and easter was the 23... my family was in town till the 24 and ten it took me a week to recover from eating everything in sight. but at least i didn't gain :ohwell:

    I also just started a PE class so hopefully that will help!!
  • Current weight: 171.5
    Goal weight: 157
    Goal weight loss a week: 1.5 lbs
    Pounds lost this week: 0.5
    Pounds lost total: 0.5

    Not doing too great, but I've been out of town eating out all week. I think I did good to even maintain. :ohwell:
  • Count me in too!

    Current weight: 137
    Goal weight: 124
    Goal weight loss per week: 1.5 lbs.
    Pounds lost this week: 4
    Pounds lost total: 4

    I am soooo excited. I just joined this site 2 weeks ago, but I love it. I love knowing I am not alone and can share all my ups and downs with you guys. I also love a good challenge and this is perfect because I want to have a great beach body this year too. Thanks:smile:
  • momandwife
    momandwife Posts: 151 Member
    Tuesday's weigh in ...... 04/01/08

    Starting weight on 2/19/08: 145.5
    Current weight on 4/01/08: 141.5
    Goal weight (Memorial Day): 135.0
    Goal weight loss for this challenge: 10.5
    Weight loss this week: Actually a gain of 0.5 pounds .... UGH :grumble:
    Total weight loss since beginning of challenge: 4.0 pounds

    I will do better with exercise this week.
    I will do better with exercise this week.
    I will do better with exercise this week.
    I will do better with exercise this week.
    I will do better with exercise this week.
    :smile: :smile: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :tongue: :tongue: :wink: :wink:
  • Kirsty
    Kirsty Posts: 40 Member
    I'm in i weigh on fridays so i'll be posting mine then. gosh how exciting.
    Current weight:185
    Goal weight:170
    Goal weight loss a week:2lb
    Pounds lost this week:0
    Pounds lost total:o
    GOOD LUCK ALL!!!!!:drinker:
  • ToTheLove
    ToTheLove Posts: 357
    Starting weight: 192.8
    Last weeks weight: 185.0
    Current weight: 184.0
    Loss this week: 1.0 lbs
    Total loss: 8.8 lbs

    ARRRRGGGGHHHHH I just don't know what I'm doing wrong. I know everyone is going to say "One lb a week is great!" but I feel like I should be doing more. ALL I want is to get under 180. That's all and it's coming SOOOOO excrutiatingly slowly. But oh well. I'll just keep on truckin.
  • nicbeast
    nicbeast Posts: 21 Member

    Starting weight: 196
    Last weeks weight: 196
    Current weight: 196.5
    Loss this week: 0
    Total loss: 0
    Gain: .5

    Now, this is disappointing, but when I stop and think about it, I'm about to start my cycle any day, and 2 weeks ago I had a surgical procedure done to my girl parts which is probably aggravating things, so really I should wait and see until after my cycle, right? :brokenheart:

    From here on out, I'm gonna use my home scale, that was the scale at my dr's office and since I won't be in there regularly...


    Starting weight:
    Last weeks weight:
    Current weight: 194.5
    Loss this week:
    Total loss:
    Body Fat % 45
  • I'll be glad to do this with everyone. My weigh-in day is on Saturdays so I'll post then.

    Started on 3/31/08
    Current Weight:149
    Goal Weight 125
    Goal weight loss a week 1.5
    Pounds lost this week:
    Pounds lost since starting:

    Good Luck to everyone!!!!!!:smile:
  • ToTheLove
    ToTheLove Posts: 357
    Starting weight: 192.8
    Last weeks weight: 185.0
    Current weight: 184.0
    Loss this week: 1.0 lbs
    Total loss: 8.8 lbs

    ARRRRGGGGHHHHH I just don't know what I'm doing wrong. I know everyone is going to say "One lb a week is great!" but I feel like I should be doing more. ALL I want is to get under 180. That's all and it's coming SOOOOO excrutiatingly slowly. But oh well. I'll just keep on truckin.

    I'm re-doing my weigh in! (it's my scales fault).

    Starting weight: 192.8
    Last weeks weight: 185.0
    Current weight: 181.5
    Loss this week: 3.5 lbs
    Total loss: 11.3 lbs
  • starting weight 281
    goal weight 260
    lbs per week 2

    maybe a challenge will get me going!!
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Starting weight on Sept 6, 2007- 270 lbs
    Weight last week: 199
    Weight this week: 195
    Lbs lost this week: 4
    Lbs lost for this challenge: 14
    Lbs lost total: 75
    Goal by Memorial Day: 179

    Yeayyy babyyy!!!
  • Kirsty
    Kirsty Posts: 40 Member
    Well its my first week and my first weigh in here it goes
    current weight was:185
    goal weight:170
    weight today:184
    pounds lost:1
    pounds total loss:1
    I guess it's better than nothing must work harder this week xxxxxx Well done everyone keep it up :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • moidyn
    moidyn Posts: 112
    Weight on 3/25/08: 193
    Current weight: 189.5
    Weight loss: 3.5 lbs
    Goal by Memorial Day: 179

    I'm getting there!!
  • fitladyfawkes
    fitladyfawkes Posts: 138 Member
    Slowly but surely...

    Starting weight: 227
    Weight when i started the MDMLC: 194
    Current weight: 187
    Goal weight: 172 (Memorial Day)
    Goal weight: 155 (for July)
    Weight loss a week: 2
    Weight loss total so far: 40
  • JJAE53
    JJAE53 Posts: 97 Member
    Well, first week, first weigh in.

    Starting weight: 183
    Weight by Memorial Day: 171
    Current weight: 181
    Pounds lost this week: 2
    Total pounds lost: 2

    Didn't make my exercise goals. I'll do better next week. Had 2 days this week, but I'll have 4 days next week.

    This is so good for me. Everyone keep up the good work!
  • shellyws
    shellyws Posts: 33 Member
    Starting weight:191
    Current weight: 180
    Goal weight: 145
    Goal weight by memorial day: 163
    Goal weight loss a week: 2 lbs
    Pounds lost this week: 0
    pounds lost total: 11!!

    I wavered on that 1lb lost this week. The scale showed it to me a couple times. But sadly when I weighed in this morning it was not there.:sad: So I start again new. :ohwell:
  • Starting weight: 217
    Goal by Memorial Day: 195
    Goal per week: 2.7 pounds
    Lbs lost this week: 3.25
    Lbs lost total: 3.5

    Good first week. I had hoped for a little more of a loss for my first week, but I'll take what I can get. I haven't weighed less than 213 since before Christmas, so I'm sure I'll break that barrier next week....yippeeee!! Plus, my husband will be out of town on business for the next 2 weeks, so I really want to surprise him when he returns. I want the results to be VISIBLE!!

    Exercise has been going great. I actually look forward to wogging each day!! I've only done weights twice this week, that's a goal I'll work harder toward next week.

    Good luck everyone!! Keep up the great work!! :flowerforyou:
  • Cowboy
    Cowboy Posts: 369 Member
    Sorry, I've been away for a couple of weeks dealing with a death in our family. Here are my updated statistics
    Beginning weight: 202
    Goal Weight: 188
    Current Weight: 197
    Weight Lost: 5 Lbs.
    Hope all of you are doing well. Have a good weekend.
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