Jillian Michaels Body Revolution (Starting 2/27/12)



  • Well, 1 week down ... many more to go! I didn't follow completely ... come friday-Sun I really didn't do any exercise and ate poorly vs the beginning of the week when I was following her plan. Even though the last half of the week went haywire, I lost 1 lb and lost 1/2 to 1 inch on most of my body measurements. The plan does work, the exercise does work ... so I'm still glad I bought it. Every week, I will just try to do better than the week before until I get to the point of "enjoying" eating healthier and look forward to excercising. I will have to get creative with the food though ... just found out we will be moving in a couple of months so from this point forward ... it will be eating what is stored in our freezers and pantry till that's gone ...

    Welcome to all the newcomers ... look forward to reading your experiences!
  • gardenimp
    gardenimp Posts: 185 Member
    I'll be the first to admit I am terrible at getting up in the morning. I have to be up at 5:30, but with working out in the morning I have to get up before 5 am. I did it during the first week cause of the 2 workouts a day, and this week it was easier to get up. I keep telling myself.. "If you get it done this morning, you have the evening to do ______ (spend time with family, play around on computer...whatever will get my booty out of bed)" Plus I can get in extra cardio at night if I want to (really miss running) . Plus getting up in the morning, I have the house to myself, no distractions of kids, hubby, telephone, door bell..... You have to find what works for you.
  • adepew10
    adepew10 Posts: 5
    Thats the thing just getting my booty up out of bed....I'll set my alarm to get up early but always shut it off. I am so bad at staying up really late which makes me NOT want to get up in the morning! Like you said though, once I start doing it, it will get easier...its just getting started that is difficult.
  • adepew10
    adepew10 Posts: 5
    Starting week 1 day 1 tomorrow! Made up my breakfast and packed my lunch...going to do the 7 day kickstart!! I did the week 1 workout tonight to get an idea of what the morning might bring!! I know I'll be sore after these first few days! I am so out of shape.
  • Im really thinking about buying it and may do so soon. I just need to make sure I stivk with it! gna keep up with u all in ur progress hope to keep reading about how its going for everyone before I buy it!
  • adepew10
    adepew10 Posts: 5
    I had a great breakfast and have my lunch with me...unfortunately I didn't get up this morning to do the workout...I'll see how tonight goes on if I can handle both the workout and the cardio...just from doing the week 1 work out last night my legs are a little sore from all of the squats. I sure was sweating in that 30 minutes. She is definitely motivating and I can feel myself just wanting to yell at her! :D
  • coquetona
    coquetona Posts: 185 Member
    Welcome to all the newcomers! Sounds like you are all off to a great start!

    I finished day 9 today. I'm not nearly as sore this week as last week by any means. I've been trying to really push myself during the workouts and I'm trying to make as many of Jillian's meals from the meal plan that I'm able to. I can't wait to see next week's workouts! I am planning on doing C25K as much as possible (hopefully the recommended three days a week) in addition to the body revolution.
  • Nic620
    Nic620 Posts: 553 Member
  • ctlinj7
    ctlinj7 Posts: 151 Member
    Mine will be delivered tomorrow! I'm so excited to start on Monday :)) Any advice for starters? Did most everyone do the kickstart?
  • coquetona
    coquetona Posts: 185 Member
    Mine will be delivered tomorrow! I'm so excited to start on Monday :)) Any advice for starters? Did most everyone do the kickstart?

    The best advice I can give you is to have a plan. Read through all of the materials before you begin. Know when you are going to workout, when you are going to eat your meals, when you are going to prepare your meals and when you are going to do the grocery shopping. This is most important if you are doing the kick start.

    I did the kick start and had great results! I would highly recommend it. I was super sore the first week but this week has been a breeze (I'm on week 2). I feel like if you do two workouts each day for a week and then only have to do one, it makes it feel more like a luxury and it's easier to push through getting your workout in for the day. Also when the diet eases up things get much easier also.

    I love Body Rev so far. Best of luck!
  • onequirkygirl
    onequirkygirl Posts: 303 Member
    Anyone who's doing this, add me for support! It's killer and I'm just in the middle of Phase 1.

    I'm kinda doing the kick start now...I'm doing the scheduled workouts, with the appropriate Cardio DVD everyday. Want fat OFF of me!! But I feel amazing. And strong.
  • ctlinj7
    ctlinj7 Posts: 151 Member
    Mine will be delivered tomorrow! I'm so excited to start on Monday :)) Any advice for starters? Did most everyone do the kickstart?

    The best advice I can give you is to have a plan. Read through all of the materials before you begin. Know when you are going to workout, when you are going to eat your meals, when you are going to prepare your meals and when you are going to do the grocery shopping. This is most important if you are doing the kick start.

    I did the kick start and had great results! I would highly recommend it. I was super sore the first week but this week has been a breeze (I'm on week 2). I feel like if you do two workouts each day for a week and then only have to do one, it makes it feel more like a luxury and it's easier to push through getting your workout in for the day. Also when the diet eases up things get much easier also.

    I love Body Rev so far. Best of luck!

  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    I received my program on Monday (3/5) and will start 3/12/12. I spent some time looking through everything last night and plan to make my meal plan (I won't follow the kickstart to a "t"; I'll be mixing and matching with meals of hers that I like that are listed). I will be shopping this weekend for the items I do not already have (fortunately, I already have quinoa, steel-cut oats, flax-seed, etc.).

    I just finished another 90-day program a few weeks ago (Power 90) where I woke up before work and worked out every day for 30-40 minutes. I'm nervous about the kickstart week; not because of the total time, but how it will go doing these workouts back-to-back. When I first started Power 90, I was also taking circuit training classes at my yoga studio. For several weeks, I would wake up, do the Power 90 DVD and then go take a 5:30 a.m. circuit training class (class was 45 mins, start to finish, including stretching). It was TOUGH!

    What I will keep telling myself is that it's only a week...I can do anything for a week ;).

    Looking forward to getting started!
  • atrudel
    atrudel Posts: 1 Member
    Just ordered Body Revolution today and I wish they had a express shipping option. I can't wait to get started. I currently do Insanity but when I saw the infomercial for this I had to try it. Looks like a fun mix of workouts. I still have a ways to go on the weight loss and I can't wait to add this to my plan!!!!
  • Sweetpeagrl
    Sweetpeagrl Posts: 160 Member
    Got the email today that my package has been shipped. Looked up the tracking number and fedex said it was shipped on monday and i should have it next monday? why does it take soooooooooooo long! i am crossing my fingers that it comes sooner. i would like to start on monday!
  • Uhlissuh
    Uhlissuh Posts: 23 Member
    Hey Everybody!

    Nice to "meet" you all! :) I've been reading over all of your posts and am very motivated and super excited that those of you who have started have all been having awesome results! I ordered mine about three days ago and am still waiting for the confirmation that it's been shipped - I can see other people had to wait a little for theirs also. I wish I could start right now! Ahhhh!

    Please feel free to add me as a buddy on here, I would love to have some myfitnesspal friends that are also doing the Body Revolution so we can help push each other along the way! :D

  • washcapfan
    washcapfan Posts: 21 Member
    HI ALL!

    Wow is all I can say. My package finally came on Tuesday (I ordered on the 22nd) but anyway. Read through everything Tuesday night. My husband is helping me with the meals for the kickstart. I started this morning 5:30 with workout 1 and OMG! I could not find my 2 pound weight so I used the 5 pound my arms are still burning. I laid on the floor for 15 minute after I was done to recover. I knew I had let myself go I just failed to realize how far I had let myself go. It felt great to do the workout and I am very excited to start moving again. I was going to swap some of the meals around but decided instead to follow the plan to the letter. I am really excited to be doing this and could use some buddies who are also doing this program to push me along and I am more than willing to return the favor and push you too!

    Have a great day everyone!

  • coquetona
    coquetona Posts: 185 Member
    Welcome to all the new faces! Keep us posted on how everything is going!

    Day 11 done. :o) Keep it up everyone!
  • yayagirl2
    yayagirl2 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi All,

    Starting the entire program Tuesday. I received mine about a month ago and have been doing circuit one since then. It is so far a great workout, fast, certainly not boring and Jillian is very motivating and funny. The reason I hadn't started the whole program before was because I was traveling, now I am home and will be able to keep to a more consistent schedule. I am going to buy a heart rate monitor to determine calorie burning. I also plan on following Jillian's eating plan.

    Good luck to everyone, anxious to see progress!
  • jillianfan317
    jillianfan317 Posts: 89 Member
    :bigsmile: Today is a rest day for me b4 the start wrkout 3 & 4 this wk. Lookin forward to it. I did my weigh in this wk and I'm down 1 lb. I'm @ 166.8 lbs another lose which is gud hope it keeps goin in the same direction. Total in 2 wks I'm lost 5.6 lbs. Not bad if I do say so myself. Can't wait to see wat this upcomin wk brings me.