Does anyone get a little offended?



  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    I don't get offended but I ignore the annoyance from others that think that way. Yes I know why weightlifters grunt and drop weights. It doesn't bother me! I realize sometimes if a lift doesn't feel right that it is sometimes necessary to drop a weight. I think a person's well-being is more important than what others around them may think. Don't worry not everyone is judgmental of heavy lifters - I'm not!! If anything I'm a tad jealous, if you see someone staring at you in awe, it just may be me :bigsmile:
  • InnerPinup79
    The only thing that i don't like is old naked men hanging out in the locker room. Put on some clothes, this isnt your personal bathroom. The best story so far - this was 2 weeks ago some old guy was using the hand dryer to dry himself off...and not his hands either. I was like what would posses you to think that is OK...really.... No one wants to see old man drying his balls off with the hand dryer I am never using again. Thank you old man, that will be something that is stuck in my head and i can pass this story on to my kids one day.

  • emstaley4
    emstaley4 Posts: 76 Member
    :happy: I don't think that I have ever paid attention. Where I work-out is a small private gym and I make noise and sometimes the other women will ask if I'm ok. LOL It cracks me up. I push myself as far as I can and then push harder so I'm going to make a little noise. At a mixed class one guy (a friend) made the crack about being involved in a porno because I was making noise......I told him to take a cold shower and shut the f*** up. If I don't let it out I feel like I'm going to hurt myself. Most times though I'm not listening to what noises other people make and sometimes it's motivating for me to hear the person next to me and then I try to be encouraging also.
  • papa3x
    papa3x Posts: 286
    I don't mind "ooomph".... I hate the guys who are so loud that I can hear them louder that the music coming through my headphones.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    Does anyone get a little offended when people complain about others at the gym they mention the Grunters and Weight droppers.

    I'm sure they are talking about those jerks who do it too much, but do they know that we can't move super heavy weight without a little bit of "umph?"

    Do they know that there is no quiet way to put down a 300+ pound dead-lift? We don't drop it from the top but its not a pillow either.

    Do they know that sometimes we don't perform our Olympic lifts perfectly so we HAVE to drop the weight so we don't hurt ourselves?

    Call me crazy, but I think pretty much any woman who has given birth can kind of understand this.
  • msartishia
    msartishia Posts: 123 Member
    That sounds like a Planet Fitness type of rule....and they are so serious about

    I make my noises but I try not to drop the weights....they need to remember it is a gym.
  • SueD66
    SueD66 Posts: 405 Member
    it never bothered me when i went to the gym. It's your work our and as long as you are not dropping the "f " bomb while im standing next to you it would not offend me in the least. grunt away
  • BradyMommy
    BradyMommy Posts: 82 Member
    Does anyone get a little offended when people complain about others at the gym they mention the Grunters and Weight droppers.

    I'm sure they are talking about those jerks who do it too much, but do they know that we can't move super heavy weight without a little bit of "umph?"

    Do they know that there is no quiet way to put down a 300+ pound dead-lift? We don't drop it from the top but its not a pillow either.

    Do they know that sometimes we don't perform our Olympic lifts perfectly so we HAVE to drop the weight so we don't hurt ourselves?

    Call me crazy, but I think pretty much any woman who has given birth can kind of understand this.

    LOL!!! I was JUST going to post the same thing!!!
  • msjamartin
    msjamartin Posts: 148
    I actually have more of a problem with our spin class instructor and the zumba ladies than with the lifters. The volume for the spin class music is louder than the zumba music and then instructor is above that and yelling. The hour for that class, if I'm on a treadmill, is almost impossible to focus on my run. It is majorly distracting during my cardio and I can't get my headphones loud enough to drown it out.

    And zumba participants..really do you have to whoop in a high pitch every 30 seconds for no reason. This is just for noise and I guess motivation but it is soooooo annoying. I'd rather hear the true grunts and moans of a hard lifting workout any day. Fortunatly Zumba is starting most nights just as I'm leaving.

    I get the grunting with lifting. I get the hard drop down at certain times on the weights. I don't get the need to drop them so hard they break and that has been a problem at my gym in the past.
  • papa3x
    papa3x Posts: 286
    I grunt, I slam weights, I sweat all over the place, I don't give a damn! If someone has the stones to tell me something while I'm in the zone then they best be ready for warfare!

    At my last gym you would have had your membership revoked. And yeah, if you are acting like that, I would have told you. What would you do? Beat me up? Cool. You go to jail, and I sue you. Win win for me.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm pretty quiet at the gym, but I swear like a bus full of drunken nuns who just drove over a cliff when I'm exercising at home.
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    I get totally annoyed. A little grunting is alright, weights are heavy. But the way some guys do it (loud and with such gusto that everyone within earshot of the weight room can hear how much of musclebound He-Man they are) drives me freakin nuts!.

    Forgive the correlation but it sounds like:

    A. They are having an extremely difficult "movement" or

    B. Having an atrocious porn type orgasm.

    As far as dumping the weights on the ground, if you can't lift without dropping it don't! You are supposed to be building muscle not just another show of He-Manitis This isn't a weight lifting competition or the or a training camp for the Olympics where they have to lift ungodly amounts of weight for two seconds (Unless of course you ARE training for the oplympics then you get a pass). Nothing is more irritating than both of them together ARHHHHGGGG, UUURRGGGGHHHH, UMMMFF BOOOM!! We get it already Arnie or Lou or Mr Atlas or whoever you are trying to be.

    It's just more macho gone awry.

    Just my opinion
  • momotivation
    momotivation Posts: 72 Member
    I do weird noises sometimes... Pants ripped once while squatting!!! I grunt on my last rep of a set but since I workout at home its no real issue. I even sometimes shouted out one more f'n rep buddy GO! LOL

    I have a really hard time working out at a gym, I am my own personal cheerleader. At a gym there is no one telling you to do one more or that you are almost done, it is all on you! so give a grunt or a shout out. But I find it less embarrassing for myself to work out at home, so I can pant to my hearts content and belt out whatever song is on my ipod that is keeping me motivated. I can clap and do a happy dance when I am done and feel no shame, because that is what keeps me going and enables me to have the courage to come back and try it again.
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    I grunt, I slam weights, I sweat all over the place, I don't give a damn! If someone has the stones to tell me something while I'm in the zone then they best be ready for warfare!

    At my last gym you would have had your membership revoked. And yeah, if you are acting like that, I would have told you. What would you do? Beat me up? Cool. You go to jail, and I sue you. Win win for me.

  • papa3x
    papa3x Posts: 286
    I think the HUGE grunting is compensating fora "little" something else... KWIM?
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    Some people that grunt typically aren't doing it to forcibly push out air and make the lift. Seems like most are.
  • modernmom70
    modernmom70 Posts: 373 Member
    I grunt doing squats and crunches. My daughter says it grosses her out, so I do it louder. Bwaaahahaha...I love being evil mom. I also often do a bootie wiggle to add to the grossness of mom dancing to Footloose in the living room.

    Haha! Love this! I do similar to my daughter!
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    I grunt, I slam weights, I sweat all over the place, I don't give a damn! If someone has the stones to tell me something while I'm in the zone then they best be ready for warfare!

    At my last gym you would have had your membership revoked. And yeah, if you are acting like that, I would have told you. What would you do? Beat me up? Cool. You go to jail, and I sue you. Win win for me.

    LOL well you wouldn't see him at whatever joke gym that was.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    I grunt, I slam weights, I sweat all over the place, I don't give a damn! If someone has the stones to tell me something while I'm in the zone then they best be ready for warfare!

    At my last gym you would have had your membership revoked. And yeah, if you are acting like that, I would have told you. What would you do? Beat me up? Cool. You go to jail, and I sue you. Win win for me.

    Lemme guess. Lunk alarm bewooop.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Yes, I"m offended.

    I grunt and yeah, it may sound sexual but I don't care.

    I drop weights. When you can deadlift more than me, you can judge.

    I use my phone. I have a weight lifting app.

    I go slow on cardio machines because I do them AFTER a hard weight workout. I also usually get on MFP on my phone on the cardio machine.

    Why does everyone care what everyone else is doing?