

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Beautiful 60+day,but very windy.
    good luck with Vic`s surgery,prayers
    The 1st night after I had therapy was able to sleep without too much pain.Therapy is going slow,dr doesn`t want to end up with a flare up.Knee has some swelling.I know I have to be patient,but with this nice weather,I`m anxious to get out and walk.All in time.
    Got my blood tests back.The cholesterol went don from 167 to 135,Yeah!!Blood sugar is normal.The tsh is too low,so he`s adjusting the thyroid meds and retest in 2 months.

    Have a good night!
  • scompton54
    scompton54 Posts: 116
    No weight loss last week but that's the way it seems to go with me....one week no loss, the next week a couple of pounds. I'm okay with that. The inches are going down....my belly has shrunk four inches since the beginning of January and that is huge. I did a blood pressure stress test today and I am more than fine which is what I thought it would be and actually did really well on the test......all my working out is working out :)

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hello, Dear Ladies!

    Wow...yes, It is hard to keep up if you miss a day or 2! I just read all the posts and we are a busy, interesting group! I love that everyone brings such a different perspective to similar problems!

    SuzyQ: I really hope you have running water by now! What simple things we take for granted until we don't have them!

    Joyce: You amaze me fitting in your exercise with your work schedule. If you can do it...we all can!

    Barbie: Glad you are back and good for you for fitting in your exercise while traveling! It CAN be done!

    New Ladies: Welcome! You've found a great place for friendship and support!

    Sarah: WTG on the inches lost! That's the very best thing and I know your clothes must fit better!!!

    Jane: Your tests are great! I know that's a great feeling to get the good numbers! Hope your rehab continues well!

    I meant to reply to more of you, but didn't take notes and now...can't remember. But thinking of each of you and glad you are here:flowerforyou:

    DH and I drove down the mountain in a snow storm to run errands, have lunch and buy baby gifts for new Grand baby and her sister! Walked all over town, but didn't get any "formal" exercise, so I will be over my calories. Amazing how your body gets used to you doing a lot of exercise and then still wants the same amount of food!?! Hopefully, it will all even out. I feel tired today so I know I needed a day off of the long days skiing.

    Take care, All:heart: Kackie
  • beth40n2
    beth40n2 Posts: 233 Member
    I mess up eating chinese last night! Several entrees were very salty and the scale showed it today, but I did not record it as I know it was the salt. So I will be good for a few days and weigh again.

    Tonight the husband was gone to a meeting, so I turned on some music and danced until I was a sweatball, good calorie burn according to the heart monitor.

    NSV today! I went shopping for a dress for my son's wedding and got a 14, not bad concidering I uses to wear a 24w!!!!!!
  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    Hello lovely ladies,

    This is my first time posting on this thread, and I have to admit that it's the most unique thread on MFP, I think. Please give me a few days to read through the pages of previous posts and get to know you each a little better. I have to start cooking for the hubs here in a few minutes, but I didn't want this thread to get away.

    I'm 56, have had a hysterectomy, and a completely sedentary lifestyle. I honestly didn't believe I would be able to lose any weight, but I really wanted to. I've been an athletic and fit person until I had a sports injury and then, of course, the hysterectomy. MFP is working for me, and that surprised me a lot! I didn't lose much as far as the scale was concerned at first, but then got the advice to measure myself. Lo and behold, I was losing inches!

    Since then, the scale is slowly moving, also. I'm down one pant size, one and a half bra band sizes, and have added one huge smile. :-D

    I'm going to meet a cousin I never knew I had for the first time in April. She's had a stomach sleeve operation and as it turns out, she and I are so much more alike than either of us can believe. Like our weight loss journey, we've taken different paths to get to (essentially) the same place and we're already fast friends, just from our phone conversations.

    So glad to meet all of you!
  • brunsda
    brunsda Posts: 78
    I mess up eating chinese last night! Several entrees were very salty and the scale showed it today, but I did not record it as I know it was the salt. So I will be good for a few days and weigh again.

    Tonight the husband was gone to a meeting, so I turned on some music and danced until I was a sweatball, good calorie burn according to the heart monitor.

    NSV today! I went shopping for a dress for my son's wedding and got a 14, not bad concidering I uses to wear a 24w!!!!!!

    Wow! what a great accomplishment to drop so many dress sizes! Way to Go.
  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    Thanks for your insight!!
  • jjstokes
    jjstokes Posts: 47 Member
    I just discovered this 50+ blog - (or thread? - I'm not sure what this is called). Read a little. I have so many things in common with lots of these folks! I've been coming to MFP for about 2 years. This is a wonderful thread and I didn't even know it was here. I will read a bunch of this and keep coming back. I love MFP!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :bigsmile: It is so great to be home and back to my normal life…..we go away again on Friday for the weekend and will be staying with friends…..I don’t know if they have a computer or a good place to walk so I’ll just show up and do what I find.

    :flowerforyou: At the suggestion of some friends on another thread, I contacted the leaders at MFP about my days that I couldn’t log in and was told that I could be reinstated with the 1129 days since I started on MFP, but after some soul searching I decided that I would stay with the actual number of days I’ve logged in “in a row” so today I have 3 days in a row. It doesn’t make any sense to me for all my friends to read “Barbiecat hasn’t logged in for three days” and then two days later read “Barbiecat has logged in for 1130 days in a row”

    :flowerforyou: Beth, I am sending best wishes to Vic on her surgery and to you as you wait by her side.

    :flowerforyou: Jane, take it one day at a time on the physical therapy…..congrats on the good numbers on your blood test

    :bigsmile: Nancy, I was involved in a work stoppage when I was teaching in public school and didn't have nearly the positive attitude that you do......thank you for all you've done to inspire my weight training....you are my hero :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: If you are new, we welcome you…….keep coming back and post what’s on your mind….don’t wait until you figure out who we all are or until you can respond to everyone……just jump in and join the family.

    :grumble: I am still swamped with work so this will be a short post.

    :flowerforyou: We had snow and 34 degrees when I walked the dogs this morning and sunshine 45 degrees, and dry roads this afternoon when I walked them again. We don’t seem to know what season it is.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • yclayton
    yclayton Posts: 44
    [/quote]Barb just so you know I don't care to exercise either. If I don't I will never lose this weight. I would rather clean horse stall or the chicken coop then get on a treadmill, Or walk everyday.Joyce

    amen to that!!!!!
  • LilacRose
    I logged in to your blog last year and then just gave up. I have decided that it is time to try again. I am 56, I have 2 dogs and a cat, 3 children and 4 grandchildren. I look forward to getting to know you all.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Welcome Madeln! Congrats on losing AND keeping the weight off! That's great! You've certainly come to the right place for motivation, that's for sure

    Suz - you talking about going outside to "take care of business" reminded me of an episode of "Private Practice" where Kate Walsh went outside to "take care of business" and got poison ivy!!!! You be careful, you hear?

    jb - that is so sad about your neighbor. You are a good person to take her dog in. Lots of people wouldn't, they'd just surrender it to the pound

    Welcome suezc and pd3450

    Cathy - congrats on the home. I know this'll take a load off your mind. Hope everything works out.

    Barb - when I exercise and then take a day or so off, I usually lose. But then again, my body is so used to exercise

    For all of you with an FT7 hear rate monitor - I'm having some problem getting the back of the transmitter battery compartment open. Vince says that he'll probably be able to get it open one more time and then it'll be so stripped that I'll need a new HRM. Is anyone else experiencing this?

    Took a Sudafed because I felt my sinuses were starting to act up, and, as usual, now I'm having a hard time sleeping. I'm thinking about going to the Y early since we have to leave around 9 for a Newcomer board meeting, then I'll probably practice bowl some and then have to come home to bake the shells that I'll be taking to Mexican Train tonight. So this is probably the only time I can get some exercise in. If I didn't get up, I would have just skipped it for today.

    Beth - good luck for your partner. Knowing what happened to her before, she's probably scared.

    I was able to get to the Y today and do an hour of HIIT, then we had a board meeting for the Newcomers. Then I bowled some practice games. Hope I do as well tomorrow! These sinuses are really acting up! I've taken another Sudafed. Boy, does it ever dry me out, here it is 4:30 and I've already had 184oz of water. We have Mexican train dominoes to go to tonight, so I'll probably have at least another 48 oz

    jane - yea on those numbers!

    beth - congrats to you too on the smaller dress size. That's awesome

    Went to Mexican train dominoes tonight. I took beef stuffed shells with me. You know, having this decongestant, I'm just not hungry at all. Had one shell, a tiny bit of a meatball (which I didn't really care for), a few small pieces of cheddar cheese and about three tortilla chips.

    Schelly - welcome! You, too, jjstokes

    LilacRose - what a pretty name! Welcome! Tell us more abaout yourself.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Michele; When you take Sudafed for sinuses, do you take the 12 hour or 24 hour ones? I had the same problem and have to take the 12 hour early in the morning, then I take a benadryl at night. That seems to work for me when my sinuses are really bothering me. Good luck...it is a tricky thing and you don't want to end up with a sinus infection!

    Beth: Thinking of you and Vic with her surgery. Keep us posted!

    Goodnight again!!! Kackie
  • deb_rn
    deb_rn Posts: 144 Member
    Hi ladies,
    My whine for the day is that I have a pulled muscle in my inguinal area. I was so uncomfortable last night that I didn't get much sleep. I am icing and taking Advil but am so bummed out that this happened. I think that a leg press machine at the gym was the culprit. Hopefully it will resolve quickly. I have finally gotten myself back in the mode of going to the gym and this has thrown a monkey wrench in my plans. Hope that everyone has a great Wednesday!
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Just a quick one ladies to say that I have logged my food for yesterday and I have made a start on logging food and exercise this morning.

    It has nearly made me late but I reckon if I do it every morning I will get quicker?? :noway:

    Now I have committed this to paper I will have to do it every morning :bigsmile: :bigsmile: well that's the plan.

    Hope everyone is okay haven't had time to check with you all yet.

    Have a good day :heart: :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member

    Happy Birthday, Virginia

    How great is it to look better at 50 than you did before :bigsmile:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies
    Just a quick note. About to head out the door. Beth is having cystoscope this morning to check her bladder and kidneys. She had a hysterectomy back in Nov. and has been having bladder problems ever since. She had this as a child and we are hoping that this is all that it is and not anything serious. Will get test done and get results today so no waiting. Will try to post. Bringing laptop but dont know if internet will be available. Had a munchy day yesterday. Did okay with choices of food but felt like I wanted to eat constantly. Today is new day so will do better. Have a great day. Will catch up later.
    vicki m
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Hopefully today will be the first day of the return of my FREEDOM! lol
    Since my daughter had her baby she has been restricted to no driving due to some medical complications after the baby. She has a doctor's appointment this morning (that I will drive her to) and I hope hope hope that she'll be given the okay on driving. No dizzy spells or anything for two weeks so I'm hopeful. You kind of forget how it is to be someone's chauffeur. lol She is anxious to be on her own too as she feels house bound. Although all of two weeks since having the baby I think she's only just begun to feel housebound. lol

    Mammogram this afternoon. Go get those ladies squished gals!
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Today's the day I try to make everything on my packing list FIT into my suitcases. So thankful my Mercury has a cavernous trunk! Road trip begins tomorrow :happy: Don't know how often I'll be able to post on the thread the rest of this month. Determined to make healthy choices on this trip.
  • yclayton
    yclayton Posts: 44
    good morning all!
    i am finding that logging everything is really helping me keep it going. plus knowing there are now ppl who can check up on me!
    got lots to do today to get ready for the little foozes (lily and luke) to come this weekend, so cutting my check in short...riding today with my trainer, some shopping and the inevitable tidy up before i leave in the morning to watch luke at gymnastics, lily at ballet and then whisk them away to nana's farm! both ot them love the animals....tho luke calls everything by the sound it makes...horses are naynays. chickens are bacbacs. cows are moomoos. should be an interesting saturday as it is lilys first lead line horse show, and we will have luke with us, he is very very active! friday afternoon will be spent tidying up thunderbolt the wonder colt! actually not a colt, he's 15 but he is definitely a wonder! i will try to post pics of lilys first show! can you tell nana is proud of her girl?
    happy happy hump day to everyone!!!!! and kudos to us all for making it to another day!