What was your WORST binge ever?



  • psychopiglet
    psychopiglet Posts: 130 Member
    Oh, I've done the Chinese Buffet thing too, but only on special occasions. My sister and usually go to a Chinese Buffet for our birthdays and make sure we get our money's worth!
  • hollythehutt
    Before I started losing weight, I once ate about half a box of Cadbury Mini Rolls in one sitting.
    Since starting losing weight, my worst binge, not counting the unknown amount of cake I ate yesterday while trying not to insult someone's baking, was when I went to a party that I didn't plan on going to and ate four slices of banoffee pie. I don't even like banoffee pie.
  • Fay84Vegan
    Fay84Vegan Posts: 225 Member
    I am a compulsive overeater. When my dad died (13 years ago now, I was 24) I was in a very bad place. I was just living in a fog. I honestly don't remember a lot of that first year--which is scary when I think about it--but I do remember eating a whole bag of Starburst jelly beans just about every day. A whole bag. Every day. And that was along with eating meals, not in place of. And ice cream Ug. I think I kept Ben and Jerry's in operation that year. I'd eat 1-2 containers at one sitting multiple times a week. It honestly makes me so sad when I think of myself that first year, I was so lost. Luckily I climbed out of that horrible hell-hole I put myself in. I was single and working the evening shift so it was easy for me to do this to myself. I haven't binged like that since.

    Sorry to hear you went through such a horrible tough time. Hopefully you're back on track now :)
  • GlamourBelle7
    Not much of a binger, but I have been able to eat 20 buffalo wings and an order of fries with a medium grape soda. When my grandmother was dying and I was stressed out at work, I would go to a Popeyes and get a 3 pc dark (all thighs) with a side and a large Mountain Dew. For breakfast, I would eat pancakes and sausage or sausage and hash browns with cheese from the cafeteria at work and wash it down with Mountain Dew. Those days are behind me now though.
  • kimberlyat05
    My worst binge ever was with my best friend when we first started hanging out. We skipped class, bought like 20 pounds of food from KFC, so much food that we had to spread it out over my car. We gained so much weight during the first 2 years of our friendship. Oh yeah and in high school I ate an entire medium pizza and ½ a box of Buffalo wings with soda too! Now my diet is 1/3 if not 1/5 of what I use to eat. I can’t believe I ate so much food! But now I’m happy that I’m on the right path to getting healthy. I glad to see I’m not the only one that has done that.
  • hopingforhealthy
    I don't by any means wish to exploit this thread.

    I suffered from binge eating disorder all through my childhood, and it is because of it I eventually developed anorexia.

    I am writing an essay on BED, and I was wondering if anyone would be willing to talk to me about it? I think it would be very powerful to have some first-hand experiences of it. Please PM if you're interested.

    Thanks kindly.
  • allysabee
    allysabee Posts: 123
    I just remembered when my best friend & I got in a huge fight about 3 years ago. In order to make it up to her, I said I'd buy us snacks and movies. We went to 7-eleven and we got chips, cookies, hot dogs, taquitos, donuts, pop, gummy candies... I don't even know what else. I think I spent around $60 or $70 which is CRAZY for 7-eleven. We ended up eating all of it and laughing about how disgusting it was.... omg baaaad memories LOL
  • brittyc1988
    Oh mannn do I love this one! lol My best friend and I tend to binge together which is just terrible because we would just make it okay with each other and encourage each other to eat whatever is bad but one summer day we were just 2 greedy gretchets and went to in and out 3 times in one day and made sure to go to different ones each time cause the one closest to our house knew us by name ( sad lol ) and that was with eating other things all day long and you better believe we had fries, double doubles and theyre special 100 grams of sugar pink lemonade lol
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    Had a day off work so...

    6 fried chicken wings and fries in the car on the way to my favorite pizza place, then 3/4ths of a double decker italian beef, italian sausage, and cheese pizza as soon as I got home.

    4 hours later, a piece of Eli's cheesecake and pancakes w/ butter and syrup for dinner. This is why I need to go to work every day.
  • Smilejoelle1
    Smilejoelle1 Posts: 41 Member
    Well. I'd been craving fried cat fish, and I wsomehow went to a rib shop that sold it. But I couldn't just leave with the cat fish. I got 3 wings with bbq sauce AND a small rib tip. This all came with fries.

    It was the best tasting thing ever going down, and then the next morning I died!

    The end.

  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    when my daughter was born she was very ill, spent a year in hospital with her waiting to see if she would live or die

    for breakfast i would have 4 rounds of toast and butter and a pint of whole milk, lunch would be maybe lasagne and chips with another pint of milk, dinner would be more pasta and chips with that pint of whole milk and at 10pm we would be given more toast and yes that pint of whole milk again ( breast feeding co ordinator ordered all that to keep my milk supply up even thou my child started on just 1ml of milk twice a day )

    most evenings us long timer parents would order from dominos. we would have a pizza and garlic bread each, chicken dippers and cheese cake and thru out the day i would sit grazing on biscuits and chocolate without realising what i was doing, i was a virtual zombie, constantly in a daze or crying

    by the end of that year i had gained 6 stone
  • emeraldowl
    emeraldowl Posts: 33 Member
    I have demolished a whole jar of Nutella in one sitting before. It's so good but you really shouldn't eat from the jar with a spoon.
  • kerrymh
    kerrymh Posts: 912 Member
    Oh I could put alot on here.

    MacDonalds Binge: Either a 20 package of nuggets and 2 large fries with honey sauce. or MCChicken and 10 pack nuggets 2 large fries.
    Or KFC Binge..I'd get a bucket of 10 basically a family meal eat all the white meat and the skin off the dark meet pieces and the fries and side salads.
    Chinese Binge: enough for a family of 4...chicken balls, 2 things of chicken fried rice, chop suey and garlic ribs.
    Junk food Binge: 2 big bags of chips, large bag of m&M's and 2 icecream sandwiches.
    Pizza as well..medium pizza with a side of chicken fingers and fries.

    It is no wonder I was 390lbs...it is a wonder I wasn't 500! Disgusting! Thank god for OA and my band
  • tilliesmom9
    I take ambien and it caused me to sleep eat a few times. One night I ate an entire large bag of cheetos, cold leftover chinese food, a BOX of chocolate covered granola bars, and there may be more. I don't remember eating any of it. Now, my husband makes sure I stay in bed after I have taken my ambien. And I ended up sleep facebooking and texting that night. Very embarrassing.
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    Oh I could put alot on here.

    MacDonalds Binge: Either a 20 package of nuggets and 2 large fries with honey sauce. or MCChicken and 10 pack nuggets 2 large fries.
    Or KFC Binge..I'd get a bucket of 10 basically a family meal eat all the white meat and the skin off the dark meet pieces and the fries and side salads.
    Chinese Binge: enough for a family of 4...chicken balls, 2 things of chicken fried rice, chop suey and garlic ribs.
    Junk food Binge: 2 big bags of chips, large bag of m&M's and 2 icecream sandwiches.
    Pizza as well..medium pizza with a side of chicken fingers and fries.

    It is no wonder I was 390lbs...it is a wonder I wasn't 500! Disgusting! Thank god for OA and my band
    mmmm i wanna fall of the wagon with you
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    An ENTIRE (large) pizza + beer!!!!
  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 767 Member
    Haha!! Maybe not my worst calorie wise but definitely my grossest!! A school fundraiser frozen pizza that only cooked 1/2 way and started to fall between the cracks of my oven rack..ya took it out and basically ate the whole undercooked gooey mess of a pizza. I love undercooked or raw dough...yes I know that it can make u sick.
  • anaboneana
    anaboneana Posts: 195 Member
    i don't know if it was my worst binge, calorie-wise, but there was a time when i went through 3 drive-thru's, felt guilty of eating so much, threw the food away, then went and dug in the garbage and continued to eat that junk. sooo humiliating.. but when i look back i laugh at some of the weird/crazy stuff i did. it's a reminder that things have gotten and will continue to get better.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    One of my favourite restaurant meals has 1500 calories... and that's just a cheesesteak sandwich with fries *shrug*.

    As a former binge eater, I think it has less to do with the actual food but the emotion/thought/loss-of-control that goes with it. I've eaten almost an entire loaf of bread with butter on each piece. So weird...
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    In one sitting...though probably over a few hours...a giant steak burrito and enchilada fries (think 2 large McDonalds fries covered in cheese & sauce), a gallon of ice cream, a bag of sour cream and onion chips, topped off the night with a BOX (yes a box, as in the whole case) of Reeses peanut butter cups. I think I totaled out at over 10,000 calories that day, I had gone back the next day and logged it all.

    You asked for the worst...when I hit a low point I can really do some damage.