lets ban light house cleaning from mfp



  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I would like to start a movement to eliminate the laziness of some of our fellow mfp pals. Lets help them help themselves!!!

    I guess my concern is now that you have cut someone down that actually thought they were doing well by this type of exercise and is feeling a little discouraged, you haven't exactly "helped them".....How would you feel if people snapped back at you and started talking about you, like your weight etc. Not exactly supportive now is it? Just food for thought.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Wow, I bet it's fun to be YOUR friend. WTF do you care what someone else considers exercise? Frankly I NEVER clean my own house, I pay someone to do it. So those rare times when I do a deep clean I have worn my HRM and I do break a sweat. Of course I'm a fat@ss so what's strenuous and burns calories for me probably wouldn't do a thing for someone as fit and awesome as yourself.

    It's actually quite fun being his friend :D
    I see his point and I see yours also. The bigger problem is the fact you got so worked up over a silly post
    Also light housecleaning does not do anything calories burned wise bc if it had I would be in great shape because I clean a mean house DAILY!

    So if I run 5 miles a day a shouldn't count that as exercise? Great logic.

    Seriously what does running 5 miles a day have anything to do with cleaning? Two VERY different things
    As far as logging it goes there's no way should look at that and feel accomplished at the end of my day I like to look back and know I've pushing past boundaries. Ppl taking the easy way [which aren't always people that are so big they can't work out] are the main ones complaining that they haven't lost weight. Push yourself people

    I was going on the arguement that if it's something you do daily, it doesn't count as a burn.
  • leogirl724
    When I first started here, I was over 400 lbs, and "light house cleaning" left me in a sweat with back pain so severe I could cry. It's not about whether or not it's work for YOU, it's about whether or not it's work for the person doing it. I know you think you were being funny, but really, you were belittling and ridiculing the efforts of others. I don't enter "light house cleaning" anymore unless I've gone on an hour-long sweeping, mopping, and vacuuming binge that leaves me sweating. Otherwise, that's not exercise for ME anymore. But it is for someone, and I'm not about to giggle at them and tell them that their efforts aren't worthy of consideration.

    You should try that.
  • EmilyMarieMo
    EmilyMarieMo Posts: 67 Member
    Wow, I bet it's fun to be YOUR friend. WTF do you care what someone else considers exercise? Frankly I NEVER clean my own house, I pay someone to do it. So those rare times when I do a deep clean I have worn my HRM and I do break a sweat. Of course I'm a fat@ss so what's strenuous and burns calories for me probably wouldn't do a thing for someone as fit and awesome as yourself.

    Amen! and ditto!
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    I second that- I really do - I understand the concept that any movement helps, but my question is - was the house always a mess before the journey of weight loss started - how about the cooking and preparation of meals, really?

    Any movement does help but the every day chores are every day chores.

    I am going to the dark side for being judgmental... *sigh*

    Actually, my house always was a mess. Now, it's not. You also need to remember it's not just calories out that count. If you're eating 3000 cals a day, the 150 burned from housecleaning means nothing. If you're eating 1200 calories, and burning 150 from housecleaning, it means a hell of a lot.

    I can respect your honesty and I find myself educated on the matter. If you were not doing it before and you do it now, then yes I would say.... but those that used to do it anyhow all they really have done is lower their calories...

    To Each their Own - NTS: keep opinion to self
  • eblake111
    eblake111 Posts: 66 Member
    So let me get this straight....MOPPING my four bedroom home is LAZY? wow....I sure break a sweat and I am usually at it for two hours at a time. So moving my entire body, bending over and pushing isnt exercise now? SMH.

    How about encouraging others rather than judging and calling their efforst "lazy"??
  • NikkieLite
    NikkieLite Posts: 126 Member
    In seriousness, I do get a little concerned when I see people logging all their daily house cleaning and food preparation because I think MFP overestimates calories burned and sometimes it seems like they're doing it to earn calories to eat. So I worry about how that will effect their weight loss.

    That being said, cleaning can burn a lot of calories and it's definitely not my place to tell people what they can and cannot log. Banning it? Give me a break. You don't need to police someone else's journal like that. Mind your own health and fitness unless you are specifically asked for advice. But don't try to ban things like that because you don't think it's enough. Don't think it really counts? Good, don't log it yourself. Problem solved!
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    No no, "standing" shouldn't really be considered as exercise. /facepalm

    Why? It burns more calories than sitting or lying down. Why track every bite of food and then ignore chunks of calories burned. It may not seem to be "exercise" in the strictest definition but if you haven't stood up for a year than it would be.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    Plus we all know that some use light cleaning as a euphemism for another activity.

    According to Woman's Day Magazine:
    Kissing: 68 calories per hour
    Undressing: 8+ calories total
    Massaging: 80+ calories per hour
    Having sex: 144+ calories per half-hour

    There are some more "activity specific" estimates as well @ http://www.womansday.com/sex-relationships/sex-tips/8-sexy-ways-to-burn-calories-110923

    This.. not taking away from the fact I think Dave is being judgmental as heck and should be logging his own business..
  • MILFdoesabodyGd
    MILFdoesabodyGd Posts: 347 Member
    why is it always a man on here trying to say cleaning isn't work/worth logging?? hmmmm
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I've even seen "taking a shower" as calories burned! Really?

    You can burn calories in the shower................................

    It's one of my favorite places to, um, burn . . . yeah
  • twoscimitars
    twoscimitars Posts: 272 Member
    In seriousness, I do get a little concerned when I see people logging all their daily house cleaning and food preparation because I think MFP overestimates calories burned and sometimes it seems like they're doing it to earn calories to eat. So I worry about how that will effect their weight loss.

    That being said, cleaning can burn a lot of calories and it's definitely not my place to tell people what they can and cannot log. Banning it? Give me a break. You don't need to police someone else's journal like that. Mind your own health and fitness unless you are specifically asked for advice. But don't try to ban things like that because you don't think it's enough. Don't think it really counts? Good, don't log it yourself. Problem solved!

    Although I do log house cleaning, I go by my heart rate, not by MFP's estimates, as they are usually higher.
  • mountaingirl222
    I totally log my cleaning! I do it all day with two kids. Im constantly picking things up mopping things, sweeping and vacuming crumbs. There is no way in H**l I wont log those
  • kellicrandall
  • superstarcassie
    superstarcassie Posts: 296 Member
    Lets all worry about what WE personally do instead of judging others. If you want to log cleaning- that is okay with me!! I try not and stress about others which allows me to be successful in my own journey. I'm sick of the judging, MFP is for support and if that is a workout to someone, then that is their choice. I thankfully have fully supportive peers on this fabulous website who have never judged me because I have logged cleaning a few times. :flowerforyou:
  • bzmommy34
    bzmommy34 Posts: 229 Member
    Have you ever tried to climb the steps of a lighthouse? Not even thinking about mopping each step as you go and scrubbing the walls! Anyone who has committed to lighthouse cleaning has undertaken a serious task and you should be ashamed for making...er...light of their work!

  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I realize that while you may believe that light house cleaning is not exercise for you, it IS for some people. 1,000 lb people use hand weights to exercise while they are confined to bed! It's none of your business what they log for exercise. It does not apply to you and if you don't like it, don't look at it! They are here for themselves and if any of my friends log cleaning as exercise, I shall cheer them on if they weigh 1,000lbs or 110! Perhaps a little encouragement will get them to push themselves instead of being put down by people like you. Be nice! That is all.
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    Wow, I bet it's fun to be YOUR friend. WTF do you care what someone else considers exercise? Frankly I NEVER clean my own house, I pay someone to do it. So those rare times when I do a deep clean I have worn my HRM and I do break a sweat. Of course I'm a fat@ss so what's strenuous and burns calories for me probably wouldn't do a thing for someone as fit and awesome as yourself.

    It's actually quite fun being his friend :D
    I see his point and I see yours also. The bigger problem is the fact you got so worked up over a silly post
    Also light housecleaning does not do anything calories burned wise bc if it had I would be in great shape because I clean a mean house DAILY!

    So if I run 5 miles a day a shouldn't count that as exercise? Great logic.

    Seriously what does running 5 miles a day have anything to do with cleaning? Two VERY different things
    As far as logging it goes there's no way someone should look at that and feel accomplished at the end of my day I like to look back and know I've pushing past boundaries. Ppl taking the easy way [which aren't always people that are so big they can't work out] are the main ones complaining that they haven't lost weight. Push yourself people

    I do push myself, every week. I don't log cleaning as exercise, though I HAVE racked up some serious calorie burns gardening and other such nonsense. My POINT was that when people post such condescending, judgmental topics it could be very disheartening to someone who felt a sense of accomplishment for doing something outside their comfort zone.

    If the OP has a particular person he has an issue with, take it up with them privately. Posting in public like this isn't the way considering the vast spectrum of diverse people that might be reading this.

    It isn't the topic per se that set me off, it's the principle behind it, the tone and the venue that was chosen.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    here OP...take this pill...

    it's part of the "get over yourself" diet.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Three cheers for reviewing the original post, then giggling and clicking on the last page of replies to see how ridiculous the conversation has gotten. :drinker: :heart:
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