Is anyone scared to lose weight?



  • Shinemaria
    Shinemaria Posts: 107 Member
    I self sabotage on most things in my life, simply by giving up as soon as there's a micro-improvement and saying that's enough. I think with diet and healthy lifestyle choices, I am afraid, not really of losing the weight, but....what if I actually DO try and it's not enough? What if I give it all I have for as long as I can and I don't lose any more than if I barely tried? What if I'm destined to have extra CRAP hanging off my tummy? I'm not afraid of success, but I'm afraid of shooting for success and realizing I honestly don't have it in me. At least this way, I can say "oh, that's because I have a motivation issue - believe me, if I put my mind to it I could look AMAZING." I'm a 90's baby, even in our elementary school choirs we sang about being able to be anything we wanted. What if it's not true? What if I'm not actually strong enough to lose weight, or smart enough to pass my classes if I try? It's so much easier not to try, and I have to dig myself out of that cycling tornado of self-doubt. It's hard.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Yeah I'm scared of losing weight. Everytime I get to the point I am now (in the mid 190's) I self sabotage myself. I reached 194 last mother's day. I started to sabatoge myself little by little after than. I would gain 10 lbs & lose 10 lbs but I wouldn't allow myself to see 190...189. The last time I was that size I was in high school....the late 80's!! Its a fear of the unknown and if I can maintain it once I reach it.

    Well I came back the 1st of March at a whopping 208.4 lbs. I can't continue to be fearful. I have to just do it. Its easier said though.
  • jmehere
    jmehere Posts: 108 Member
    I am scared to lose the weight. I've stalled out at around 22ish pounds for the last 6 months or so. I'm just under 200 pounds. I want to lose weight in theory. I want to be healthier. I want to look nice in clothes. But there are deep emotional issues that come with being smaller... I lived in an abusive environment when I was a kid and there is some comfort in being bigger, even as big as alot of men. In addition to food being a source of comfort, a compulsion at times. I'm dealing with those issues through therapy and a 12 step recovery group.
    Thanks for bringing this up. It is something that has been an issue. I keep stalling on my weight loss. Ironically, I have consistently exercised for quite a while. I feel stronger. Maybe that's something I can hold on to. The gains in strength balancing out the emotional ramifications of being smaller.
  • TorridSkies4
    I'm not scared of losing the weight, I'm scared of falling into the pits of my eating disorder again. I'm afraid that I'll get down to my goal, but then that won't be enough. I'm afraid of having that mindset again. I have to be very careful with myself while doing this, because it is so easy to let what the scale reads control me.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I haven't thought it about it a lot. But I kind of wonder if it will change how people perceive me. I wouldn't say that my size is a part of my identity, I think I have always had so many other "quirky" traits, that that is probably way down on the list of things that shaped my identity.

    I have always been bigger since childhood. Of course I spent a long time getting comments like "you carry it well, you'll never be small...."

    One day my aunt was looking at my wrists and was absolutely SHOCKED she said, you have such tiny wrists I am surprised you are bigger! So I don't know if I believe I actually have a large frame. I do think I have a bit more muscle than average, as my arms and legs are bigger, but also fairly "solid."

    My reputation is usually the smiley, bubbly, cute girl. So what happens if I am not longer chubby? Do people remove the "cute descriptor, which is sometimes a code word for -- you are OK but not really my type? What happens then?

    I have always been a little uncomfortable displaying my body: too many unwanted comments, sketchy behavior (and one reason clubs are so hit or miss for me. I love dancing. Don't like the unknown guys that feel like dancing is their invitation to put their hands all over you.)
    So I understand the idea of using weight as a way to "hide." I don't like to show much cleavage or wear things that are too short, but I know being smaller will mean more people will notice "me," my physical attributes .....and I am not sure how I feel about this yet.

    But the benefits are of course, there will be new opportunities, and more dating opportunities if I am smaller. I will be fitter, it will be easier to find clothing. So I'll just have to take the good with the bad and deal with it as it comes. I've always been one to adapt to new things quickly.
  • jenrod1118
    jenrod1118 Posts: 150 Member
    I wouldn’t say I’m scared to lose weight but I had been scared about the loose skin. My mom had lost almost 200lbs at one time after a gastric bypass and I remember she just had a lot of saggy skin. So far along my journey I’ve been using some skin tightening wraps that have been giving me the confidence to continue. I just need to take it to another level and really push to lose and not maintain.
  • CarBro1
    CarBro1 Posts: 7 Member
    I am scared. What if the weight comes off finally after the last 13 years of being overweight? What does that mean I was doing wrong for 13 years?! I am the loud awkward big girl, and if I'm not big, am I just obnoxious? Also I feel like the people around you want to pigeon hole you as the big, loud, funny one. When you change that I think people around you are threatened. Probably not conciously, but I think that's where sabotage comes from. Like the classic "if you're dieting, should you be eating that?!" Oh cause it's your business for sure. It's super duper scary for sure. It's just your appearance, but your appearance is what you put out in the world.
  • taylorblues
    taylorblues Posts: 49 Member
    I'm scared too - been steadily putting on weight since I got married - 2 children - 31 happy years later - want to get fit now but can't remember what it's like to be thin.
  • TorridSkies4
    Where did my reply go?
  • TorridSkies4
    Oops, nvm.
  • burg1801
    burg1801 Posts: 124
    I've often put my weight out there as the reason I haven't done something or something that's held me back. In that regard, I'm afraid. I hope that throughout this journey, I can finally get it through my head that my weight has never defined me as a person and the only thing that kept me from doing certain things was me.
  • wanderingpilgrim
    wanderingpilgrim Posts: 109 Member
    Great post!
    I've read through all of your replies and identify with many. Thanks for starting this thread!:smile:
  • jody664
    jody664 Posts: 397 Member
    A friend of mine who has lost a lot of weight posted on her blog the other day that the fat "protected" her emotionally, and that walking around without it now feels like walking around naked. I know others who have been sexually abused who got fat as a defence; if they weren't attractive, they wouldn't be attacked. It makes me sad.

    Yep, this is it for me. ^^^^

    It happened between ages 12 and 16, so prime "puberty years." Really messed me up. Any type of attention my physical form makes me ultra uncomfortable. So I'm not sure how I will feel once I've lost the weight.
  • Mirabilis
    Mirabilis Posts: 312 Member
    I'm more afraid of putting the weight back on, which is an emotional issue that makes me want to eat. If I put it back on, I'm weak and a failure (not true, but definitely in the minds of people who have no idea what it's like to weigh too much).

    Fat people are (with some exceptions of course) practically invisible, and only fat people really understand what that means. (If any of you are Dr. Who fans, it's called a "perception filter"). This is safe emotionally. It's convenient if you can't see yourself as the leading lady (or man) in your own movie and more particularly if you don't want to take responsibility for being that person.

    Are you that hot body or are you something more? When you lose the weight, sometimes it's hard to tell what attracts that other person. If you gain it back, do you lose that man or woman who was attracted to you? We all want to be loved for who we are and not what we look like.

    I'm about two years into this journey and I'm still having problems seeing myself as "normal". The exercise clothes I just bought from Costco in XL I had to take back later to exchange for a M and the people at the exchange desk laughed at me. This is a huge learning process, and I don't ever want to have to learn it in reverse.

    So, yes... I was scared to lose it, and now I'm scared to gain it back.

    Keep the faith everybody.. nobody ever said it'd be easy.

  • midwestdawn
    midwestdawn Posts: 60 Member
    I'm scared of being visible. I've been obese and I've been a healthy weight, and people notice me a lot more when I'm at a healthy weight. I'm not sure I'm up to the attention. I know it will be a big change for me, but I need to do it anyway.
  • purplep41n
    purplep41n Posts: 40 Member
    Wow so many replies - thank you.

    A few of your comments actually hit home so I know I will re-read these comments over and over again to keep reminding myself that not only am I not alone but that I may be scared for these reasons and to always keep them in mind. To face my fears rather than conveniently not acknowledge them.
  • nessaflies
    purplep41n wrote: »
    I don't think this is a silly a question because I honestly think that I subconsciously fear being thinner.

    There a few z-list celebrities who are constantly in the news for gaining and losing weight. One of them has a programme about it, Claire from Steps and she was posed any interesting question/thought by someone she brought in to kick her into shape - I think he was essentially asking her that if she wasn't in the papers all the time for being a yoyo dieter - what else would she have? Was she addicted to the press it provided. Did it suit her currently to be a celebrity for these reasons.

    When I was younger and single I always got a lot of attention from men when I lost weight, I never got slimmer than a size 16 and I am a gothy geek but obviously the carefree attitude that blossomed from being slimmer made me more attractive and it was always a problem with at least one female friend at each time I have gone through these episodes. I am now getting married so this is not a potential issue anymore if I lose weight and I just don't surround myself with those kind of people anymore.

    So what am I scared of now? I must be scared to be slimmer otherwise I wouldn't go out of my way to keep ruining an successful effort I make to lose weight.

    Do any of you believe that this may a question you may need to ask yourselves?

  • leighdiane91
    leighdiane91 Posts: 225 Member
    A little bit, definitely. I lost about 50 lbs a year ago, but I gained 35 back. I got to 159 and I hated the way I looked. I like the way my body looks when I'm 180, but my blood pressure doesn't stay consistently in the normal range unless I'm 165 or less. So this time around I'm going to lose the weight and keep it off and not gain it back. Because my health is more important than vanity.
  • 2snakeswoman
    2snakeswoman Posts: 655 Member
    I'm scared my husband will stop leaving me alone. I don't like to be touched all that much; I really don't. I'm also afraid of saggy skin.
  • palwithme
    palwithme Posts: 860 Member
    I'm a very shy person. I'm a little afraid that I will attract a lot of attention when I lose weight. It is easy to fade in the background when you are big.

    Not that this will stop me from losing weight. I will just have to deal with when it happens.

    Yup! @serendipity22‌ me too.