5"7 ladies?



  • cinciti
    cinciti Posts: 45 Member
    I'm 5'7 and want to be 150lb... How do all of you weigh so little! I'm mixed so I have thick legs and I big butt (not complaining about that) but I can't seem to get out of the 180's! When I tell people I want to lose 20-30lbs they think I'm crazy! I'm still stuck on the fact that most of the 7'7 ladies are WAY under my goal weight and want to weigh less... What am I doing wrong?
  • ammeg21
    ammeg21 Posts: 2
    I'm 5'7.5" and aiming for 147, though I'll probably settle for about 150-154. At my thinnest I was 140 and everyone kept telling me I looked ill.
  • AEC50
    AEC50 Posts: 124 Member
    I originally had my goal weight at 125lbs, but I think around 135 would be alright. I guess the number doesn't really matter for me as long as I look good and stay healthy.

    I agree with this :) until I'm really satisfied with how i look, I'll be okay if it's not 120 or 125. :)

    Me too. I started out at 168 and am now 145. I was 120 in high school, but it was definitely a skinnyfat situation. Now, I list that as my goal because it's a nice round number. If I can get in the 130s and be toned, I'll be one happy camper.
  • I am 5'7 and was always between 120-125. Then I started eating out too much and got up to 148. Now I'm down to 134 and want to get back down to 125...slowly getting there. I am older than you are, but I feel as young as you! LOL
  • StephC74
    StephC74 Posts: 64 Member
    I am 5' 7.5" and my goal weight is currently set at 158. I would like to probably eventually land between 150 and 155. I am larger framed and when I got married I was at 138 which was very thin for me although I was still a size 10 in pants. I am now almost 38 and have had 4 kids so I don't have any plans to even try for that weight again. I carry my weight fairly evenly and am more curvy shaped so most people usually think I weigh less than I do. I am happy with how I look in the 150's now I just need to get back there.
  • I'm a little taller than 5'7'', but not quite 5'8'' lol. I was 140 out of high school, got up to 160 after a bad breakup and was never able to get back down :/ Just had a baby and am, sadly, at 190. I would LOVE to get down to 150 for my renewal of vows before my husband deploys again. And after that, I would like to get back to 135 if I can keep with it. That was my soccer weight.
  • crdav13
    crdav13 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm 5'7 and currently at 140. I would like to get down to 125-130 but I seem to be stuck between 137-141! :( For those who are around the same weight/goal - what do you have your calorie goal set to and how often do you workout?
  • jowings
    jowings Posts: 157 Member
    Hello There! I am 5' 7", medium sized frame, 30yo and I started at about 150/155 and got down to 125. At that weight, a lot of people said it looked way too thin and I agreed after staying that weight for a month or so. I got back up to 130 and now I am just toning. :). See what works for you and where you feel healthiest. I find that my body is really happy at 130-135 and it is easy to maintain, so listen to your body and don't worry too much about the number on the scale.
  • crdav13
    crdav13 Posts: 53 Member
    Hello There! I am 5' 7", medium sized frame, 30yo and I started at about 150/155 and got down to 125. At that weight, a lot of people said it looked way too thin and I agreed after staying that weight for a month or so. I got back up to 130 and now I am just toning. :). See what works for you and where you feel healthiest. I find that my body is really happy at 130-135 and it is easy to maintain, so listen to your body and don't worry too much about the number on the scale.

    ^^^^I started a little less then you at 147ish....what did you do to accomplish your goals, I feel like nothing is working and I have been stalled at the same weight forever!
  • jowings
    jowings Posts: 157 Member
    ^^^^I started a little less then you at 147ish....what did you do to accomplish your goals, I feel like nothing is working and I have been stalled at the same weight forever!

    Well, I am very lucky and have what you might describe as a "mesomorph" type body.

    (For those of you unfamiliar with that classification: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somatotype_and_constitutional_psychology)

    So I can lose weight pretty quickly by watching calories alone. To lose, I ate about 1400-1500 calories (tried 1200 and didn't see any results) and made sure that I was working out 3 times a week. Not a lot -I do about 30 minutes of cardio then do 30 minutes of weight machines. I also walk everywhere! I walk to the store, to the gym on my lunch breaks etc. It isn't a lot (on average about a mile or so) but it helps keep me active. I made sure to eat back most of my exercise calories, especially on the days that I worked out.

    Now that I am maintaining, I stick to a 1400-1500 calorie diet during the week and I don't log at all on the weekends (keeps me from getting too obsessive). I eat mostly vegetarian (S.O. is a vegetarian) and try to stay away from fast food but I pretty much eat whatever I like on the weekends within reason. I have been trying to eat cleaner and more organic recently, but I don't think its necessary to lose weight :).

    Please feel free to hit me up if you have any questions!

    Just wanted to add- While I linked to that particular theory for body types, I don't necessarily believe that those are tried and true scientific classifications. I just picked the term because it seemed to be the easiest way to relay information about my particular body type and my own experiences.
  • Vegetablearian
    Vegetablearian Posts: 148 Member
    Im 5ft7 and a half! My goal is 150lb which is actually slim on me and my ribs become visible any slimmer than that due to being big framed (and no thats not an excuse for being fat I used to have to wear clothes 1 or 2 sizes big to fit my shoulders and arm length when I was less than 150lb so theres no point as I am too broad for anything to fit right)

    I was 150lb and a US size 6 UK 10

    currently 187 lb

    I wish you lot worked in kg its much easier!
    DU4MICHELLE Posts: 2 Member
    I'm alot older than you but I am 5"7. My advice is that height doesn't determine your body frame - I've never been "willowy" and in high school my weight ranged from 130-140. In my 30s I was in the 145-155 range which I would say is my ideal given my frame, muscular legs etc - My doctor suggested shooting for a weight that is where you have been easily - without starving yourself to maintain - and for the longest period of time. I'm up to 170, primarily due to stress eating. My goal is 160. Then I'll reevaluate and shoot for the 145-155 range.
  • yosuphomie
    yosuphomie Posts: 3 Member
    I am 30, and just weighed in at my all time highest of 200 :(
    I was about 145 when i was 20, but thinking that i will never get back there, so 160 would be good for me. I am currently about a size 15. When i was 145 lbs i was a size 9 or 11. Guess i must be big boned, as people at that weight say they are like a size 8.
  • I really think it would depend on your bone structure. I'm 5'7 and back "when" at 125 I was considered "heavy" (looking at me you'd think I was too skinny) and then I was a size 12. I'm big boned, so that weight doesn't work for me. I'm not even close to the weight I would like to be. I figure "smaller" goals are the best way to go. So I started at 284 (almost 285) and I'm currently at 266.

    I don't ever think I'll be back in the 130's -- right now my goal is 200's. After that I'll look at it again, but I don't think anything under 150. The point of all this is not weight - but healthy. I want to get off blood pressure meds, I don't want to end up like my mother and be diabetic. I want to be able to run and play with my 3 young kids. At 40+ it's hard enough to do, but add extra weight -- even worse.

    I personally wouldn't worry about what you look like around anyone else. As long as you're healthy and feel good -- that's all that matters.
  • I am 43 and 5'7" -- In each decade of my life I have been aiming somewhere else. In HS/college I was 115, in my 20's I was 125, when I got married (30 yearsold) I was 130.... I was 130 until pregnancy1 and now 5 years after pregnancy 3 I am at 158.

    Your "ideal" will change as you do - you have to look at yourself and your situation to decide what works for you.

    With that said the 135 range does seem popular for the 5'7" group... having been up and down here and there over the years I think that is a realistic and attainable goal.

    I am at 158 right now and looking to be at 145. I find that as a slim down my weoght winds up not moving much but my body becomes leaner with muscles definition and strength...something else to consider - the number isnt the ultimate goal.

    Feel free to friend me if you'd like - Im new here and would like some friends in similar situations.
  • sara1923
    sara1923 Posts: 53
    check out www.mybodygallery.com it allows you to search by height and body type and will post pictures of different weight ranges that people have submitted.. That helped me to figure out where I most likely wanted to end up.
  • andreanicole686
    andreanicole686 Posts: 406 Member
    I'm 5'7 and my goal weight is between 125-130. I am very small up top (pear shape) so if I went down lower than that I would look way too skinny. I think it really depends on your body shape and how much muscle you have. If I'm 130 and have abs and muscle (which I'm hoping for) then I'll be happy at 130. I don't want to look too skinny.
  • ablykins
    ablykins Posts: 200 Member
    I'm 32 and 5'7"- I currently weight about 125 with 12% body fat. My goal is building muscle and getting lean so my goal is to remain about the same weight but lose fat and gain muscle. Best of luck to you in your weight loss journey!
  • Mommareed4
    Mommareed4 Posts: 144
    RIght now I am 162 my GW is 135-140.
  • Rosered3333
    Rosered3333 Posts: 171 Member
    I'm 5'7" and 164 lbs. My doctor said I should be about 150-155 so I'm aiming for 155. Otherwise, I'm pretty muscular and curvy and a bit broad shouldered and if I went below 150, I would look too thin.