5"7 ladies?



  • quietHiker
    quietHiker Posts: 1,442 Member
    I'm 5'6.5" and my ideal weight is 130lbs. I was down to 125lbs. in college, but I was almost skeletal skinny then and I think 130 would be great for me :)
  • rouleaux
    rouleaux Posts: 31
    I'm 5'7.5" and currently stuck at 138... I am focused more on getting my BF% down to 20% (currently at 24.5%), which would put me at 130-135lbs and a size 6... I've been told that this is not attainable at my age (I'm only 29!) by some family members... but we'll see. I've just started NWROL and am planning on alternating weight lifting with body rocking... I really would love to lose the fat pockets on my thighs and even my figure out a bit more (pear shape - think t-rex!)
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    I always see the height-related posts and had just been WAITING for one I could post to! ha!

    I've always seen the "medical recommendation" for our height as 128-160... I would be ECSTATIC at this point just to reach 160. (I was probably in 8th grade the last time that happened..) I'm shooting for the highest in the healthy range right now, and I'll see how I feel. I'm pretty solidly built and have never desired to be "skinny" (Christina Hendricks is my girl crush, though I'll never match her bust in a million years), so I may or may not feel the need to go lower at that point.

    I've been working on this weight loss thing for over 5 years now (minus the last 2 lazy years "off") and at the moment I'm just focusing on fitting back into the 10s I was wearing 2 years ago, but 160 is currently my ultimate goal.
  • Ok, so this posting is a LITTLE CRAZY. For all the women saying...oh, I was so-and-so in high school and you want to be that weight now...when you get back in "shape"....... COME ON!!! we are not teenagers anymore. Teenage bodies are not and will never be the same as a grown WOMAN's body. Back in high school you probably didnt work out or have lots of muscle. Now, as a grown woman, your body is not supposed to look like a teenage body. When you are trying to lose weight, and working out all the time, youre going to be building muscle too! I think its unrealistic for women to be 5'7 and 125. With out muscle, you would look anorexic or sick...with muscle, maybe just as scary. I mean, if you are trying to win money or championships as a fitness model then so be it...but for all the other popoulation of GROWN women who dont have that goal....please, be more realistic. This isn't HS. A sexy tone 5'7 woman with great muscle tone should not be 120. Gimme a break! P.s.- this wasnt directed at anyone in particular..just to anyone reading this.
  • terryakii
    terryakii Posts: 16 Member
    Hi!! I'm 5"7 and my goal weight is 55kg/121, i'll add you for support :x
  • ell_jay
    ell_jay Posts: 68
    Hey, 5ft 7" too (: I'm currently 167lbs atm, trying to get down to about 130-135; not so much about weight, as I'd like to gain a bit of muscle through toning, but mainly aiming to get my body fat % down to 19-20% (: I just wanna be healthy and look good, regardless of what the scale says!

    I'm currently doing P90X/Insanity workouts, but I suck at cardio, loving weight training, but still going as I need to shed this weight! :D

    Anyone feel free to add! (:
  • I'm still in the late teen/early 20's so that weight wouldn't look bad on me. I've weighed 125 before & I seriously looked perfect for my bone structure and height. So thank you for that, but if I got any lower than 120, then i would be too sickly thin.
  • your ideal weight for 5ft 7 is actually about 10 and half stone which is 147lb so why are youn trying to loose weight? i am 5ft7 and im loosing weight at the moment. im only trying to get down to 11 stone. ive been on a diet for 11 days amd lost 9lb
  • Naybelline
    Naybelline Posts: 407 Member
    I'm 5ft 7 and I have a goal of getting to 200lbs at the moment then who knows after that. I am 253lbs at the moment and finding it very hard to lose weight.
  • doonesbury
    doonesbury Posts: 281 Member
    I am 5'7" and striving for a solid, fit 150 lbs.

    I think much less than that looks sick.

    Just my humble opinion.
  • TLL09
    TLL09 Posts: 125 Member
    I am 5'7" and my goal is 140, lowest I would go is 135. It really depends on your body type, how much muscle you have, body fat, personal preference. I would focus less on the actual number and more on how you feel and look, that's my plan when I get closer to goal.
  • superstarcassie
    superstarcassie Posts: 296 Member
    I'm almost 5'7......sometimes they tell me i'm 5'6 and 1/2......other times its 5'6 3/4 so, I'm rounding up! HAHA
    The ultimate number on the scale is not important to me anymore. My body composition and how I feel is! :) My goal is a strong and solid 170 If I have to pick a number! :) I already have a lot of muscle and I've been strength training for over a year. Now I am starting heavy lifting and will gain muscle and hopefully ditch some of the fat along the way. Most of my fat right now is my excess skin/fat combo on my stomach and thighs. (Its not beautiful, but I wouldn't trade it for how I used to live 133 lbs ago). I would tell the OP to access your goal in body fat percentage verses the number on the scale. Our bodies are all so different- its really the fat percentage that equates to being healthy/unhealthy. The crazy thing is that someone my size with a lot of muscle could have a lower body fat percentage than another person a lot lighter on the scale. Best of luck on this journey, its a great one! :)
  • ShellyShuey
    ShellyShuey Posts: 162
    5'7 -- doctor wants me at 145 but I will be happy at size 8, whatever that weight is.
  • SarahxCheesecake
    SarahxCheesecake Posts: 169 Member
    132 lbs
  • 4jamiec
    4jamiec Posts: 7
    I'm 5'7", 233lb and 50 years old. In high school (so long ago :-)) I was about 115-120. I'm shooting for 160 but would be happy at 180.
  • BrandiD56
    BrandiD56 Posts: 103
    I'm 5' 7 1/2" and I'm aiming for 130. Feel free to add me.
  • mlang1955
    mlang1955 Posts: 55 Member
    I am 5' 71/2" tall and weight 145. This weight has put me back into a size 8. I hope to lose 5 more pounds. I use to weight 125 when I was in my 20s, however, I do not believe that is a realistic weight for me given my age and the fact that I have much more muscle than what I had back then. My diary is open so feel free to examine. I eat few processed foods and exercise a lot. This includes the gym, walking, and playing tennis usually 3-5 times a week. Good luck on your journey!
  • I'm about 5' 7 1/2, 18 years old, aiming for about 125 lbs. Currently I'm 135 lbs, but I've been eating really really healthy. Organic, whole grain, lots of fruits and vegetables. Stay away from processed foods. But keeping up on my protein. A lot of people think that eating protein will make them bulky but you need protein to build muscle and keep your metabolism up. I run 4 days a week following the Couch to 5k running plan because it has podcasts you can follow. You can get them here: http://www.c25k.com/podcasts.htm.
    I also do work out videos a few times a week, trying to keep up on my cardio and build muscle. Lots of times I use 30 Day Shred or if you download the Nike Training Club app (it's free) there's new workouts every day.
  • Hockeymom610
    Hockeymom610 Posts: 65 Member
    I'm 5'7" and currently weigh 183lbs. I started at 250lbs so I'm feeling pretty happy with myself right now. The last couple of months have been really slow loss wise so I know I need to change things up. The first 50lbs came off almost easy. I originally had a goal of 190lbs. Now I'm focused more on how I feel instead of a number on the scale. I'm afraid that if I give the scale too much importance I will start to backslide.
    So now I'm concentrating on introducing more exercise into my day, and using some of the other recommendations on the site I.e. increasing protein and total calories.
    Good luck everyone.
    Also, I'm pretty new to the site and haven't built a support network yet so if anyone is looking for a buddy feel free to add me.
  • mattie2290
    mattie2290 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 22 and 5’7 like most of us on here. When I played soccer I was a size 6 and about 150lbs (I had a tummy you could bounce quarters off of : p) . I jumped up to 182lbs after high school and loss a lot of muscle mass in the process. I've recently dropped down to 155 again and wear a size 10 (a big difference from a 6). After speaking with my physician he said 145lbs would put me at a perfect weight and of course muscle mass would determine how that weight looked on my body. I suggest finding a reasonable weight like 135 or whatever number fits you, and then focus on making that weight look good. I’ve found resistance training mixed in with running or swimming to be the most effective in changing my flab to muscle.