Those who started at 300+ pounds!



  • eatherhey
    eatherhey Posts: 147 Member
    Started 2 weeks ago at 334. :) I'm doing No Scale March but I've definitely made progress in exercise stamina.
  • Started at 307 in December, down to 244 as of 3/4/2012. :) YOU CAN DO IT GIRL!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • tfiror
    tfiror Posts: 1
    On Jan. 17 2011, I was 303 lbs.I decided to do what I had to in order to be active and healthy. Today I am 183 lbs and on the downhill side of my weight loss journey. I continue with my diet, and keeping records in MFP. I have added cardio kickboxing, zumba and yoga to my lifestyle. Life is so much better today...the best peice of advice I received was, when giving up foods you love remember you are not giving them up forever, just for now. Funny thing is, I know that I have easily given some of those foods up forever and replaced them with healthier foods that I now love. When I eat and play healthy, improved health happens every day.
  • melmccabe
    melmccabe Posts: 21 Member
    I started MFP at 371 lbs back in June of 2011. My current weight is 260 lbs. I am halfway to my goal weight and the weight is coming off more slowly than it did in earlier months. Be patient and you will succeed.
  • Anathama
    Anathama Posts: 82 Member
    I started January 5th at 363 when a bout of food poisoning kicked my *kitten*. Aftter a week, I had lost about 15 lbs, and had not smoked, had any soda, had sugar, alcohol or caffine in a week. I realized that I could use this negative as a positive and keep going or revert back to the way I was living before. I'm sticking with it, doing a primal diet, and I've lost 35 lbs total so far.

    My goal is to get down to 225 by June 2013.
  • Hang in there! We can do this! I had hit 297 (2nd time in my life to be that heavy) and decided to join a gym. My trainer put me onto this site and it helps so much. When I'm tempted to not enter my "bad" days, I do it anyway. It helps me see my triggers and trends. Don't be 47 (like me) and facing knee replacements before you get the weight off. Do it when you're young, like you are! You can do it!
  • Congratulations on getting a handle on this battle! That's an impressive weight loss, one that I'm sure didn't come easily. Any tips? I have 100+ to go.
  • fearlessbetz
    fearlessbetz Posts: 97 Member
    I started at 405 lbs. back in April and am now at 318 lbs. I still have a long way to go, but I'm always feeling better and able to do things I couldn't do then. Keep it up and feel free to add me as a friend!
  • powership00
    powership00 Posts: 20 Member
    Well, I started 2.5 months ago at 362 and have dropped 44 lbs. 40 of that was without excercising, just planning my food out. I am currently eating 1550 to 1600 calories a day. I played with pal previously but just got seroius in January. The key is planning and preperation for the week. Good Luck, and get ready to start living a better life!
  • Count me in! I need all the support I can get, too. We need to live healthy for us!
  • gussie1026
    gussie1026 Posts: 20 Member
    When I hit 300 for the 2nd time in my life (Jan 2011) I knew I had to do something more permenant and not just lose, regain, lose regain. It too me awhile, I started walking, but not really monitoring food, and lost of few lbs, but in June started for real. I've lost ALMOST 60 lbs (heheheheeeehehehee - "almost" makes me feel better). Should have done better, but some days/weeks are just better than others. In the past I'd lose 50 and 'take a break' but would never get started again and before long was creeping back up again. This time, I'm going to keep on going. Having my family involved helps, son, daughter, son-in-law, daughter-in-law. We're all watching calories & FAT (never done fat before & its a real eye opener) and excersing an hour 5 times a week (never done that before either!). It's coming off! YEA!!
  • kriggs1976
    kriggs1976 Posts: 117
    I started in Jan 2012 at 362. Now I am down 37 pounds! You can do it, if you want to add me I would be happy to do it. I share lots of new foods I have tried. I am slowly converting my house to organic :)
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    Started at 396, down to 326, getting close to half way (I think)
  • skydiamonds67
    skydiamonds67 Posts: 49 Member
    I started at 360 in January, and now I'm down to 328. I have a long way to go, but I believe I will finally reach my goals. Some days are harder than others. However, MFP is such a great support system and all of my friends keep me motivated. We can do it!
  • ZipperJJ
    ZipperJJ Posts: 209 Member
    I started Jan 1 2012 at 330 lbs and am ALMOST down to 299. It's so close!

    I love reading the posts in Success Stories and I read them almost every day.

    180 seems so far away but 299 seemed far away once and now it's almost here. There are lots of fun ways to calculate goals and see how big your success is. Never look back!
  • pinkmoon
    pinkmoon Posts: 1
    it is possible took me three years but it is doable this site helps as well!
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    The thing you have to exercise most is PATIENCE. Healthy eating, exercise, water water water. It won't happen overnight but it WILL happen & hundreds on here have done it. You're in the right place.
    Today is the first day of the rest of your life
  • lostemt76
    lostemt76 Posts: 136 Member
    I started MFP in end of March last year starting weight was 330 and then topped out at 335 in July 11. Then by Aug 11 started dropping the weight. By the end of Feb "12" I had finally got under 300 was at 299 before my 36 b'day. To date I have dropped 38 lbs and able to go run a slow but run a mile in 20 mins. Never thought I was able to do it but its possible. Feel free to at me if you would like. Do post during the week of my great exercises.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    470-480 when I started Dec. 2009 to 315 at the moment. I lift, slog (really slow jog), Zumba, swim, walk. 4-5x a week, eat mostly clean and healthy 90% of the time. I avoid proccessed stuff as much as possible, don't drink any soda pop and stick with whole wheat whole grains when it comes to bread.
  • dalgal26
    dalgal26 Posts: 781 Member
    OH YEA! You can do it! I started last week of July 2011. :happy:

    But, I do believe that it takes committment and determination. Also, you will find plenty of motivation and inspiration on MFP. :heart:

    Wishing you the best of success in your journey to a healthier you. Just remember, enjoy the ride. :flowerforyou:
  • madagal
    madagal Posts: 1
    Ok not quite the 300 lbs but 284 start. I started here on 1st March with a 7lb loss so far. I am counting everything and exercising when I can. I am hoping to reach a goal of 168 by August but we will see. Wishing everyone success and we can beat this.
  • mochomito
    mochomito Posts: 81 Member
    My highest weight was last year at 333lbs, I thought I was loosing my vision, and turns out that my ocular nerve - behind the eyes - were swollen, I had to get an MRI done - and the told me if I lost weight , I would feel better. Since last year I lost 20lb - not changing anything too much. Then when I started MFP about 3 weeks ago I was around 307lbs, and now I'm at 302lbs. I am no longer having vision problems - so it's going well... Keep going - keep working at it and you will get to your goal..
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    My hightest adult weight was 301. I'm down to 270 right now. I joined MFP just 20-ish days ago and am loving it so far ( for clarity, I lost the 30 pounds last year over the entire course of the year. I didn't join MFP and 20 days later am 30 pounds lights.)

    Wow I started at 301lbs too, I'm not 246lbs and keeping going despite many health hurdles recently, resulting in major surgery. I won't give up though. You can do it! Promise! X
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    I started working out last March. I don't know my starting weight (see my ticker). I just know I weighed at least 331lbs, and it took nearly 2 months of working out before my weight started registering on the scale again. I found MFP on December 29th and have lost about 22lbs more since then. Currently sitting at 266lbs with my next weigh-in on Monday morning.

    You can do it. Just stick with it, don't get discouraged if the weight doesn't come off instantly, if you gain some back sometimes, and if you don't see it in the mirror, and if others don't see it and compliment you on it. Don't give up, you'll get there - this is truly a lifestyle change.
  • TraciLee36
    TraciLee36 Posts: 32 Member
    At my heaviest weight I was at 390 I am glad to say I am now 287 this was over a year ago you can do it just stay focused. We are all here for the same thing. Weight loss and a healthier life
  • mccox84
    mccox84 Posts: 8 Member
    I started at 425-ish..yeah sad I let myself get there,I know.
    About 2 1/2 months in I've lost 41.5 pounds...My mini goal when I started was to get under 400.Next one is to lose 50,only 8.5 more to that goal!! You Can do it! Not easy by any means,but achievable.
  • sghcab051411
    sghcab051411 Posts: 21 Member
    I was 350 when I got married last may. I am now 314 but looking to be under 300 by May. Its hard and its frusterating and it takes a lot out of you. Trying to stick to it is the worst.. I just started using mfp but I am already in love with it. I find it inspirational to read other peoples success stories and see their pictures and know that I can do what they are doing if I put my mind to it. I have been big my whole life. found out 4 years ago I have PCOS and its knocked me on my *kitten*. I fell into a big whole that I wasnt sure I was ever going to get out of. But with wanting kids I know I have to lose some weight. Would love more friends :)
  • allielite11
    allielite11 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi everyone I started last April doing biggest loser challenges and I started out at 355. I started with MFP this past January and it has really helped me start losing at a more steady rate. I'm now at 313. It seems to be taking forever!! I would really like to find more friends on here that are in the same boat as me. I need all the support and encouragement I can get. Please feel free to add me. :smile:
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    4/27/11 - 337 lbs

    2/29/12 - 183 lbs

    You can do it!
  • lrd2010
    lrd2010 Posts: 161 Member
    When I started (for the last time!) I had hit 303lb on the scale. That was July 2010.

    As of this week I'm at 175.5lbs. Working my way down to 150lbs - though as long as I tone up and stop being flabby, I now don't really care what the scale says!

    Take it slowly, break the targets up into 5 lb goals at a time. That was the best way (for me) to keep myself motivated.

    You can do this :)