Anyone else annoyed by other dieters?



  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Ok so I had a baby 5 months ago and at first I just wanted to get to my pre-pregnancy weight but then I decided to get fit also. So I run, and lift small weights, and other various workouts. I am on a 1000-1200 calorie diet. I mainly use it as a guideline I go over but not by much. I have changed all my eating habits and eat healthy most of the time(I'm not perfect) but I feel like I do good. I have lost about 13 lbs since the new year and 2inches off my waist and 2inchez off my hips. Other inches lost in legs but not much. BUT I'm so annoyed by ppl who barely eat and do alot of exercise or just don't eat period, and see tons of results. Also annoyed by ppl with ridiculous goals. I'm 5'2 and wanna be 118-120lbs and that's a good weight but ppl who are 5'7 and wanna be 118lbs also it just blows my mind cuz that can't be healthy. Basically I just wondering if anyone else is annoyed my this. Rant over!
    "Tons of results" you mean muscle loss. Those people are fools. I suggest you don't believe like them. Real weight loss is slow. Only idiots and the really obese are losing 3 pounds a week.
  • beckylawrence70
    beckylawrence70 Posts: 752 Member
    I'm just under 5'6 and my goal is 120, 1 lb away, I've never weighed more than 137 so this is a normal weight for me, always been small......
  • logicandlove
    logicandlove Posts: 191 Member
    I eat more than you do and I am 5'8" 118 lbs. 118lbs is a very healthy weight for my body. Why do you can so much what weight other people are? Maybe focus on yourself and what is healthy for you and don't waste your time being annoyed with other people.

    Since anything under 122 is considered "underweight" for 5'8" women, would you really still say it's a "very healthy weight"? I can't judge because I obviously don't know your specific body or metabolism, but generally, I'd hardly call that a healthy weight for someone of your height.

    Also, just chiming in to agree with everyone talking about calorie surplus and muscle gain; you won't build muscle on a huge deficit, sorry guys. It just doesn't work that way.
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    i'm annoyed by people who act like 1200 calories is easy, and who ask for ways to GET to 1200 calories. seriously go eat a freaking almond or peanut butter.

    i hate seeing people who lose 1000 calories during a run, and eat only 1200.

    This ^^^^^^^

    and I get annoyed at people who think their way is the only way and argue with the method to other peoples successes.

    We are ALL different. We all need to loose weight in a healthy way and that way is usually slow and steady.


    Yes!!!! I really hate it when people moan they can't eat up the 1200 calories - that was such a challenge for me!!!! I earned 900+ exercise cals yesterday and I enjoyed eating every last one! ; )
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Ok so I had a baby 5 months ago and at first I just wanted to get to my pre-pregnancy weight but then I decided to get fit also. So I run, and lift small weights, and other various workouts. I am on a 1000-1200 calorie diet. I mainly use it as a guideline I go over but not by much. I have changed all my eating habits and eat healthy most of the time(I'm not perfect) but I feel like I do good. I have lost about 13 lbs since the new year and 2inches off my waist and 2inchez off my hips. Other inches lost in legs but not much. BUT I'm so annoyed by ppl who barely eat and do alot of exercise or just don't eat period, and see tons of results. Also annoyed by ppl with ridiculous goals. I'm 5'2 and wanna be 118-120lbs and that's a good weight but ppl who are 5'7 and wanna be 118lbs also it just blows my mind cuz that can't be healthy. Basically I just wondering if anyone else is annoyed my this. Rant over!

    How many calories do you do on your cheat day every Sunday - you mentioned it in another thread?
  • crystal479
    crystal479 Posts: 59 Member
    on this sight they say i should have 1200 calories which i find very hard to do,i would like to have 1300 which would make it a bit easier but i am afraid i will put on more weight what should i do
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    People in general annoy me...when I let them. The trick is not to! I think you might be happier with my philosophy: It ain't hurtin me, so what do I care?

    The only time I veer from it is if it's someone I do care about and it's hurting them.
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    on this sight they say i should have 1200 calories which i find very hard to do,i would like to have 1300 which would make it a bit easier but i am afraid i will put on more weight what should i do

    What have you got your weight loss set to? If it's 2lbs a week, maybe you should actually be losing 1lb a week, and should set your goal lower to get more calories.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    The people who annoy me most are the people who gossip and whine about other members.
    I am on a 1000-1200 calorie diet.
    BUT I'm so annoyed by ppl who barely eat and do alot of exercise

    I'd cut right back on the judgemental ranting if I were you. If you're eating 1000 to 1200 calories, you're precisely the sort of person who is likely to annoy people who know anything about nutrition...
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    Ok so I had a baby 5 months ago and at first I just wanted to get to my pre-pregnancy weight but then I decided to get fit also. So I run, and lift small weights, and other various workouts. I am on a 1000-1200 calorie diet. I mainly use it as a guideline I go over but not by much. I have changed all my eating habits and eat healthy most of the time(I'm not perfect) but I feel like I do good. I have lost about 13 lbs since the new year and 2inches off my waist and 2inchez off my hips. Other inches lost in legs but not much. BUT I'm so annoyed by ppl who barely eat and do alot of exercise or just don't eat period, and see tons of results. Also annoyed by ppl with ridiculous goals. I'm 5'2 and wanna be 118-120lbs and that's a good weight but ppl who are 5'7 and wanna be 118lbs also it just blows my mind cuz that can't be healthy. Basically I just wondering if anyone else is annoyed my this. Rant over!

    i am 5'7. 121 lbs. and eat around 1500-2000 calories a day. i avoid cardio like the plague.

    i dont think my goals are ridiculous at all.

    its quit crude of you to be so judgmental...

    especially when your obviously utterly clueless.

    perhaps if you focused a bit more on yourself and less on others you'd reach your goals in a more timely manner, and find your a lot less annoyed with others who honestly dont give a damn about what your doing.
  • DiamondInTheDirt
    DiamondInTheDirt Posts: 117 Member
    I know that i have had a bit more experience than my friends with regards to eating healthy...because ive done some dumb things in life lol. for example, 3 yrs ago i was at 72kg, and lost 12 kg in 6 did i do it? eat 3 meals a day, dont count calories, and only do this 4 days a week, and binge the rest....why did i do it this way? because i was stupid. I still ate crap foods, and to be quiet honest god knows if i ate enough... Now last week i was at 82kg (Now at 80kg) and i was eating the right way and im opposed to the old plan, which resulted in me crying every day! People need to understand that not eating enough has detrimental effects of your health. My friend thought it was a good idea to loose weight as a vegetarian, and then once she looses it she wanted to go back to eating meat...which is so pointless. I respect the various ways people eat, and whether they are vegan or vegetarian. But changing the way you eat for a minute just makes me angry. I ofcourse gave up with this person because i felt like, no matter what i say theyre not going to listen to me. Also im 5ft0, and i would never go below 1200 cals...well im no where near that number, because i eat 1600. from your picture i can tell youre tiny, so i think slowing your weightloss down a bit, and eating a bit more calories, will help you so much. Plus you will feel less hungry, and probably be more happier. Also it provides better conditions, for muscle growth, and therefore inch loss.
  • DiamondInTheDirt
    DiamondInTheDirt Posts: 117 Member
    ALSO, can i mention that everyone has a different bone structure...i see a girl whos 5ft8, and weighs 52kg, and she looks fine, because she has a SMALL frame. I have a medium, so chances are at 52kg, i will probably look a bit bigger than her because of my bones, and im 5ft0. Some women do have fast metabolisms too.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I respect the various ways people eat, and whether they are vegan or vegetarian. But changing the way you eat for a minute just makes me angry.
    I absolutely agree with you, a minute is far too short a time, no wonder you are so angry, I would be furious is someone chose not to eat meat for one minute.

    Decisions about vegetarianism should be made for a minimum of one hour... :bigsmile:
  • AmberLovesey
    AmberLovesey Posts: 10 Member
    Slightly :P my boyfriend used to go around with this girl that was a size bigger than me (months before we got together!) :( now she's lost like a stone and 2 dress sizes and im slightly scared he'll like the look of her, than big ol me and run away :p
  • AmberLovesey
    AmberLovesey Posts: 10 Member
    yes! i have a girl on my facebook who posted today about how she lost 40lbs in 2 months...and 9 times out of ten she probably doesnt eat enough and does cardio like crazy...

    Yes!! I have so many girls that do that :p
  • Louizl
    Louizl Posts: 5

    IMO, and i've helped a lot of people see through the 1200 cal BS, you need to know 3 main numbers to lose weight or live a healthy life.

    3)Body Fat %

    Eat below TDEE to lose weight.
    Eat above BMR to maintain lean mass
    Eat 20% below TDEE or higher to just lose fat.

    To get your numbers right please visit
    Do the Military Body Fat Calc first, then the BMR tool.
    The BMR tool will give exact calories to eat on a daily basis.
    Add 20% to this number to get your TDEE.
    For Fat loss plans set up macros at 30% Protein/Fat each.

    I have just entered my details in the Military Body Fat Calculator and it says I have a lean body mass of -20.2 and apparently I have 126.2 pounds of fat on my body?!? I only weigh 106 pounds to start with, so how can this be right. It also says I have a body fat percentage of 119.1. Please advise, as recovering from an eating disorder, I am getting a bit panicked by this reading. Thank you.
  • Gemz2589
    Gemz2589 Posts: 5 Member
    i dont have a problem with other dieters. i personally have a problem with people who try and tell others how to diet and that they are being 'stupid' for eating too few calories or what ever. Nobody actually knows what is going on in anybody elses lives and cant know what is going through their minds.

    people may look at my diary and think im one of these stupid people who are just eating less to be skinny. i have actually done really well these past two weeks trying to eat more regularly throughout the day and not binge which then leads to a messy cycle starving, binging and purging etc.

    I may not be eating 'enough' calories, but i am working on it and i think its far more dangerous to be engaging in other behaviours than this one at the minute.

    i can understand its frustrating for others who are working hard to eat the right thing and exercise, but just focus on you. You are doing a great job, there is no need to get yourself wound up about other people.

    OP - you look amazing, especially after just having a baby! Good job!
  • LaylaSparkles
    LaylaSparkles Posts: 51 Member
    i dont have a problem with other dieters. i personally have a problem with people who try and tell others how to diet and that they are being 'stupid' for eating too few calories or what ever. Nobody actually knows what is going on in anybody elses lives and cant know what is going through their minds.

    people may look at my diary and think im one of these stupid people who are just eating less to be skinny. i have actually done really well these past two weeks trying to eat more regularly throughout the day and not binge which then leads to a messy cycle starving, binging and purging etc.

    I may not be eating 'enough' calories, but i am working on it and i think its far more dangerous to be engaging in other behaviours than this one at the minute.

    i can understand its frustrating for others who are working hard to eat the right thing and exercise, but just focus on you. You are doing a great job, there is no need to get yourself wound up about other people.

    OP - you look amazing, especially after just having a baby! Good job!

    This post is dead on. I think everyone is doing the best they can. I have to say, you look amazing and you sound like you want to do it the right way to have long lasting results. Keep up the good work and your friends will eventually feel the effects of fad dieting.
  • I am 5'11&1/2" tall I only got annoyed when this one x-friend who is diabetic & severely over weight eats pixies, candy...candy...candy... & pop & chips & saltines & fried fast foods with french fries and drinks barely 2 glasses of water jumped on my case about my carbs & my consuming all the water I like to drink. She is so negative I had to tell her I am having a hard time dealing with her negativity & she decided we are no longer friends. But that is fine with me cause I felt like I lost 234 pounds of her weight from my shoulders. I tried to not be bothered by her comments to me but after her slamming my posts on my Facebook page I spoke out to her & I am glad cause she is a bad influence to eating healthy. I don't believe her theory anyway that fast foods & candy are fine to eat everyday.
  • DiamondInTheDirt
    DiamondInTheDirt Posts: 117 Member
    I respect the various ways people eat, and whether they are vegan or vegetarian. But changing the way you eat for a minute just makes me angry.
    I absolutely agree with you, a minute is far too short a time, no wonder you are so angry, I would be furious is someone chose not to eat meat for one minute.

    Decisions about vegetarianism should be made for a minimum of one hour... :bigsmile:

    Lol! but you know what i mean. Weightloss is a lifestyle change, not a diet for a couple of weeks... :)