Turbo Jammers 7/20-7/26



  • cpafford79
    cpafford79 Posts: 88
    Hi everybody!

    First let me start by welcoming all the new members! :flowerforyou:

    Here is what I have done so far this week. I did my usual 1.8 mile walk and FB on Sunday, and then walked 1 mile yesterday. I am committed to walking 2 miles today at work and then I have a double-header softball game tonight, so I don't think I will get anything "extra" in after that.

    I have had a really busy schedule this week as I am getting ready to take my church youth group to a talent competition in North Carolina. I am really looking forward to going with "my kids" as I like to call them! :love: A couple of them are teenage girls who love to workout at the gym so I am hoping to get a few workouts in while I am gone. I challenged them to outdo me in the gym so I know they will be after me to get in there and workout! We'll see how that goes?!:laugh:

    Keep up the great work everyone! :drinker:
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Checking in today with Lean 2 and I’ve Got Abs….

    Cpafford, I love FB! It really gets my heart rate up in a short amount of time. I haven’t done that one in a while, I think I’ll have to go with that later today! Good Luck with your softball games and youth group competition! :flowerforyou:

    Spiralgirl, great job! I love the Finesse routine on CP3. :drinker:

    Erika, Congrats on the 5K! :drinker: My daughter and I are planning on doing one in the spring, and I’m really excited about it. It’ll be the first time I’ve ever run in an organized event…I have a feeling I’ll be as addicted as you guys after it. DH is starting to train again for the next Pgh marathon. He’s run several in the past, but hasn’t for a few years…I can’t even imagine running a marathon, but who knows!

    Angel, keep up the great work, it’s so inspirational to see how committed you are to a healthy diet! :flowerforyou:

    Casey, Yesterday I ran and did ab work. I LOVED the Push Circuit! It made me feel so strong. :laugh: It’s a little bit shorter than the other two which was nice because I could get it out of the way early and get going with other things. I think the Lean circuit has been the most challenging though because each exercise works the whole body instead of one muscle group, so each of the upper body exercises are paired with lunges, etc. which gives you an amazing core workout at the same time. I’ve had to go a lot lighter on the weights in this circuit to keep correct form, but it’s WAY challenging! I can’t wait to start the program again and see how much heavier I can go next time. Yesterday I tried a couple of Burn exercises just to see if I’ve improved, and I actually doubled the weight I used in a few of them…I was so excited! :tongue:

    Have a great day everyone!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! Thanks for all the great tips, I will keep trying:happy: I'm on my lunch break, so just logged everything from the AM and Lunch, so far so good! It's a treadmill night for me..does anybody know how accurate the calorie marker on the treadmill is? I usually end up at like 450 burned..or so it says.:huh:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    It was 20-minute Jam with Element Ballet Conditioning today. I'm not sure if "low impact" is the right term for that set :laugh:. But it's going well!
    It's a treadmill night for me..does anybody know how accurate the calorie marker on the treadmill is? I usually end up at like 450 burned..or so it says.:huh:

    You might want to check to see what MFP estimates and go for something in between ... the most accurate way, of course, would be a personal heart rate monitor. You can find some really cheap on buy.com, amazon, or eBay ... the ones with a chest strap that makes you enter in your age, height, and weight.
  • If you are going to use a treadmill and no heart rate monitor..be sure to put in your weight when it asks. As you are smaller..it will calculate it higher as it assumes the weight of an average person..and thus the cals would be higher.
    Hi everyone...will talk more later or in the am!:bigsmile:
  • ecrb77
    ecrb77 Posts: 78
    Hi Everyone!

    Sound like you are all doing well! That's for the constant inspiration and support. Yesterday I had a very long day at work- and I sort of feel off the wagon. I wasn't able to work out and I had a very late dinner. I wore a pedometer during the day that for some reason a German Shepherd got a hold of it. I was able to track my food yesterday- after my 15 hour shift (which was supposed to be 10) I honestly didn't remember what I ate! Learning from it- next time I'll back my lunch and keep track on the calories a bit better. Hoping the rest of the week will be a little bit more tolerable and "normal." I think I'm too hard on myself for not adjusting to the schedule faster!

    Today I did TJ 20 min and TJ Ab Jam and did a great job of tracking all of my food! Do you have any recommendations for leg sculpting?

    Thanks for keeping me accountable and have a terrific evening!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Do you have any recommendations for leg sculpting?

    Thanks for keeping me accountable and have a terrific evening!

    Turbo Sculpt does a lot of legs. There is also the Lower Body Jam in the elite set .... but my main weapons of choice are not TJ related: Element Ballet Conditioning and Plyometrics (jump training).
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey everyone! I've finally logged everything in for today-seems I am still off in the fats department..I've hit my proteins and about 20 under on carbs..any suggestions? I should probably just forget about it tonight and try for tomorrow, though I am going to AbJam in a minute:smile: Also, I am consistently going over in sugars because of all the fruits-should I be worrying about this?
    Thanks Casey! I got the top at a Nike Outlet in PA. It is super comfortable too! I like how it hits like mid-riff area..super cute!:tongue:
    If anyone is up to answer my silly questions great, I'll be checking back after AbJam! If not, check in with everyone tomorrow!! Thanks in advance!:glasses:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Hey everyone! I've finally logged everything in for today-seems I am still off in the fats department..I've hit my proteins and about 20 under on carbs..any suggestions? I should probably just forget about it tonight and try for tomorrow, though I am going to AbJam in a minute:smile: Also, I am consistently going over in sugars because of all the fruits-should I be worrying about this?
    Thanks Casey! I got the top at a Nike Outlet in PA. It is super comfortable too! I like how it hits like mid-riff area..super cute!:tongue:
    If anyone is up to answer my silly questions great, I'll be checking back after AbJam! If not, check in with everyone tomorrow!! Thanks in advance!:glasses:

    Set your food diary to public or friends so we can see .... food-->> settings -->> diary sharing (it shares your exercise and food stuff)
  • ecrb77
    ecrb77 Posts: 78
    Hey Lil Angel-

    Do you eat any nuts or peanut butter (the natural kind)? I find it helps keep me full and hit my fat numbers.

    Good luck!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Hey Lil Angel-

    Do you eat any nuts or peanut butter (the natural kind)? I find it helps keep me full and hit my fat numbers.

    Good luck!

    Whole eggs have 5g of fat each ... and you can always cook those in some butter or olive oil.
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Alrighty! Ghanie you should be able to see my diary haha. I always knew that peanut butter was a "healthy fat" but still just something about looking at its nutritional guide made me cringe- I am a peanut butter freak (like Reese's are my favvvv, but those I know are bad:tongue: ) So knowing now that I can eat peanut butter (in small amounts of course), I am thrilled:happy: I don't really care for other nuts (ex. almonds, pecans, etc.) But pine nuts, soy nuts-those kinds I like. Any suggestions I am so up for though!

    I can't get enough of this site I love the support! It's really pumping me up! Please share any favorite snack/meal ideas, I've been just trying to put things together from what I have in the house. I'll take all the help I can get! Thanks everyone!!!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Also, I am looking into heart rate monitors. Any suggestions? I really like the style/size of the MioMotiva (also the petite one), but it was mentioned to get one with a chest strap? I have never used one before-what is the difference? I also like the Polar F4, would that be better? I know those are probably more expensive but I the kind to invest in a good product rather than skimp..haha
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Yeah, you definitely need more fat ... pine nuts and soy nuts are fine; you can top your fruit or salads with them. As for peanut butter, look for the natural ones like Smart Balance.

    You can definitely add some eggs to breakfast. Starting your day with a boost of protein is VERY good for your metabolism. When it comes to protein, it's better to go over than under, especially with all the exercise you're doing.

    Don't worry about the sugar for now (the current amount isn't earth shattering) ... lets work on stuff to add until we get the calorie count passed your basic allowance. I really want to see you stay above 1400 by the end of the week. :flowerforyou:
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Good Morning!! My Tuesday went well. Logged all of my food and exercise (which is my goal for the next month). I also got in all of my water. I did Cardio Party and Turbo Sculpt last night. I am working on getting a heart rate monitor so that I can be more exact with my calories burned. Need work on eating all of my exercise calories but have found some great advice in this thread.

    Have a great day!
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    I need some advice on this as well. I was looking online yesterday. I kind of like the Polar 7 because of the difference in the chest strap. There is also a Polar FT40 that looks pretty cool. I want to make a decent investment but don't want to buy something with too many gadgets that I don't need if I can get one cheaper with exactly what I need. Hope that makes sense.
  • cpafford79
    cpafford79 Posts: 88
    Hey everyone! I've finally logged everything in for today-seems I am still off in the fats department..I've hit my proteins and about 20 under on carbs..any suggestions? I should probably just forget about it tonight and try for tomorrow, though I am going to AbJam in a minute:smile: Also, I am consistently going over in sugars because of all the fruits-should I be worrying about this?
    Thanks Casey! I got the top at a Nike Outlet in PA. It is super comfortable too! I like how it hits like mid-riff area..super cute!:tongue:
    If anyone is up to answer my silly questions great, I'll be checking back after AbJam! If not, check in with everyone tomorrow!! Thanks in advance!:glasses:

    I always seem to go way over on my sugars too because of fruit. :ohwell: I am a fruit fanatic!! I have heard on other posts that even fruit sugars are bad for you. But, I look at it this way....at least fruit is a healthier choice than having some candy!
  • cpafford79
    cpafford79 Posts: 88
    Yeah, you definitely need more fat ... pine nuts and soy nuts are fine; you can top your fruit or salads with them. As for peanut butter, look for the natural ones like Smart Balance.

    So, what is the difference between "natural" PB and "reduced fat" PB?
  • Good morning all!:bigsmile:
    I did my Burn Intervals this am..my ever favorite jumping lunges! Triceps didn't seem as bad this am..maybe mine are getting tougher:noway: Will do some core, walking, and stairs at lunch..and then working out with some girls at the Y later..gotta make them bring it!

    Erica: We all have bad days..but you LEARNED from it and that's what's most important. :happy: As far as leg sculpting..lunges and squats are always going to be the most effective (they may hurt..but they do the job!) and are very versatile...can do with weights, etc. I can give you a bunch of different variations if you want! If you don't like them..let me know..I got lots of other ideas too:) Turbo Sculpt does have a lot of both so is great for ideas!

    lilangel: MFP gives you suggestions..but depending on your workouts will depend if this mix is right. Like I am increasing my protein % more now because I am doing more toning, etc. I have high sugars too with fruit..but am cutting back a little as I get well over 2 servings a day..and need more protein anyway! Again, like I said..sometimes it's good to focus on one area at a time and then move on to another area..keep the first area steady. And you ?'s aren't silly..it's how you learn! One thing to look at too when working on fat and protein (which usually go together) be sure you are eating GOOD fats. A fav of mine: Salmon! I also like the PB2 stuff (powder peanut butter..Chaelene the head of turbo just discovered this too!). It's a lot lower on cals..but still has all the good stuff in it!
    Heart rate monitors: Polar is hands down the best on the market..it's what they are known for! If you really want to go high tech and are into running, etc..you can get a Garmin!

    Spiralgirl71: Great job on the workouts..those are good ones! I tell people you get what you pay for..all Polars are good..so get the one that has the gadgets on it you want. Honestly, you may find down the line you want more of the gadgets..so if unsure...get the better one! If it's in your budget of course:wink:

    Cpafford: Hey girl..glad to see you on here again!!! When it comes to PB..you really want to look at the nutrient ingredients and labels. The difference in a lot of these is the ingredients (some more natural than others) and fat content (and sometimes cals!).

    Ghanie: Keep rockin it out girl!

    Megan: I am excited for Push...the Lean phase scares me a bit (I am like lord how am I gonna keep form on THAT!)..but not to worry..I'll be ready for the challenge! I too agree I'd rather keep form and go a little lower on weights. I too am increasing weights..I felt like a BAD *kitten* last night:) I think my pipes are gettin pretty tough:)

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Checking in today with Push 2, final week. I'm ready for the Lean Phase...time to move on! I haven't decided if I will repeat the program again when done or not, I think I need to take a little break and then start up again in the fall. But, I will still incorporate the exercises into my strength training.

    Going for a run tonight, can't wait. I wanted to go last night, but it got too late. I needed to rest my foot anyway...I think I hurt a ligament from doing Yoga last week. Let's just say I don't balance well on one foot with the other out behind me...ouch!

    Hope you are all enjoying nice weather and having great workouts!
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