Red meat can kill!!!!



  • Kap10
    Kap10 Posts: 229 Member
    Red meat kills is a well known fact ... I went in a field and this great big lump of red meat with hooves chased me, if it had caught me then I would have been dead
  • hlandry6
    hlandry6 Posts: 230
    So does smoking.....but that's not stopping anyone
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Too much of anything can turn into a bad thing.
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,139
    So can cars, toilets, and scissors. Maybe we shouldn't use them? :noway:
  • meglynne1987
    meglynne1987 Posts: 382 Member
    Love stuff like this - I honestly believe that if you were to collect all the food scare stories together and follow them, you would actually not be able to eat anything at all.

    Well Said!
  • TeutonicKnight
    TeutonicKnight Posts: 367 Member
    This is why I stick to eating bald eagles and spotted owls.
  • chell53
    chell53 Posts: 356 Member
    Saw that advertised on TV tonight.

    I wouldn't be surprised if it were true, but as you said, with the number of foods which are one day great for us and suddenly toxic the next, it's best not to read too much in to it.

    Next it will be oxygen - it's bad for you, don't leave the house11!!111 ;)

    love your line "Next it will be oxygen-it's bad for you don't leave the house!".........this is just what I needed to laugh, thanks
  • callmeBAM
    callmeBAM Posts: 450 Member
    I bet this study had an agenda. I bet the researchers are vegans, lol.

    Red meat is PART of a balanced diet. It provides many minerals and nutrients we need. It also brings happiness :)
  • kardsharp
    kardsharp Posts: 618 Member
    I've been reading about the bad effects of overeating, drinking, dieting, smoking and sex. I decided to give up reading.

  • dtucker4403
    dtucker4403 Posts: 47 Member
    ******Breaking News******

    Scientists have discovered that the leading cause of death is being born. Based on the observation that 100% of persons born in the 19th century have since died it has been determined that there is a direct correlation between being born and dying.

    This is a good one. Very true :)
  • carriem73
    carriem73 Posts: 333 Member
    NEWS FLASH- Breathing oxygen is bad for your health!!!

    Seriously, this is just ridiculous- anything and everything can be bad for you, moderation is key!
  • vabchloser
    vabchloser Posts: 223 Member
    Watch a movie called Forks Over Knives on Netflix.

    I quit all meet except chicken some time ago. It took quite some time for the transformation to happen, but I eat mostly a plant based diet.

    I bought $65 in groceries the other day. $20 was chicken, $45 was all fresh fruit and vegis and that is all I had to eat for the week. It's fabulous once you get it rolling!!
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    I evolved from the carnivore branch of the family tree! LoL
  • cnodaddy
    cnodaddy Posts: 1
    "People are starving all over the world, what do you mean, 'red meat will kill you'? Don't eat no red meat? No, don't eat no GREEN MEAT. If you lucky enough to get your hands on a steak, bite the s**t out of it!"

    -Chris Rock
    Bring the Pain (HBO, 1996)
  • Hev_uk
    Hev_uk Posts: 82 Member
    There is actual real evidence to suggest that eating too much processed red meat, particularly smoked bacon and sausages, can increase the risk of bowel cancer. But if you just have your bacon sandwich with granary bread containing lots of fibre then you'll be fine.

    A good overview of diet and cancer

    It really is everything in moderation and making healthy choices. The most important thing to prevent deaths from bowel cancer is to see you doctor if you have a change in your bowel habit (particularly getting diarrhoea) or blood in your poo.

    The Daily Mail (a daily paper in the UK) is famous for finding things that cause cancer. Go to before you eat or do anything to work out your chances
  • HisMissus
    HisMissus Posts: 119 Member
    Red meat can can being run over by a bus :grumble:
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    An abstract from the article.

    here is a link to the table data regarding lifestyle. There seem to be a bunch of other correlating factors?
  • alj322003
    alj322003 Posts: 11 Member
    This study must have been done in california since everything is know to cause cancer in the state of california. Luck for me I don't live in california so I am ok to eat red meat.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    An abstract from the article.

    here is a link to the table data regarding lifestyle. There seem to be a bunch of other correlating factors?

    Did they run an ANOVA on all the variables? I would be interested to see the correlations.

    Honestly, it reads like they went in LOOKING for it to happen. As such, I am doubting they did much work on restricting other variables or spending time figuring the correlation of other variables on the mortality rates.
  • msslimann
    msslimann Posts: 122
    With what they feed the animals and the pesticides they use on crops also what is used in processing foods is enough to kill everyone. And I believe it is the cause of so many disceases today. When you have to have some types of lab work done they will tell you not to eat red meat for 3 days or a week before. I have thought about stop eating meats all together just eating nuts, fruits and veggies. But it is kinda hard so I eat mostly chicken and fish even tho at one time it was not supposed to be safe to eat that. So I would say go on and eat it if you want ,but in moderation.