Which is worse? Reg soda or diet?

fatmama4 Posts: 39 Member
I have a serious Coca Cola addiction, and it was extremely hard for me to make the switch to diet soda. I know neither are good for me, but my question is, am I better off having a can of regular Coke over Diet Coke? I have managed to limit myself to one can in the morning (I'm not a coffee drinker), and am wondering if the sugar in the reg Coke is the lesser of the two evils. Thanks!


  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    Why drink something you don't like? There's nothing wrong with soda. It's too much soda that's the problem.
  • missreardon
    missreardon Posts: 1 Member
    Although they are both bad because the caramel coloring can increase a persons chance of cancer, the diet soda has had reports of making a persons chances of losing weight harder. I was able to eliminate soda all together by switching over to carbonated water that's flavored. It helped allot.
  • 967_1111
    967_1111 Posts: 221 Member
    One can of Coca-Cola per day is 10 pounds of weight a year. You decide.

  • radosti1
    radosti1 Posts: 198 Member
    So, for a person with normal blood sugar... of the choices given: Regular Coke Vs. Diet Coke. I'd probably go with regular coke and try to find the mexican real sugar coke or switch to Pepsi Throwback.

    For a person who is at a high risk for developing diabetes in the near future, like me... I would always pick the diet. However, I am not a fan of the diet aftertaste, so I go for Coke Zero, which has splenda.
  • Pizzagirl50
    Pizzagirl50 Posts: 112 Member
    If you're only drinking one can a day I'd go with regular Coke. The chemicals in diet are not worth it.
  • Diet soda has zero calories. I think people believe it's bad for you because you continue to crave sweets because diet soda contains sugar alcohols.

    I'd go for diet soda.
  • rlawrimore
    rlawrimore Posts: 72 Member
    Why drink something you don't like? There's nothing wrong with soda. It's too much soda that's the problem.

    Agree. If you are going to have one, do it every so often, not everyday.
  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member

    Hope I'm not double posting...the system seemed to eat my post! Here is the latest thing I read about diet soda...

    I'm a black coffee and water girl these days!
  • JanineHarrison
    JanineHarrison Posts: 164 Member
    Its all about moderation, right? I like soda but they can be addicting (gave up all soda for lent - yikes!). I think it is preference. If you are going to drink something that "isn't good for you" you might as well like it. Some people love diet, not me. I like regular and if I can make it fit in my calories I will. To me the taste of diet (and my distrust and dislike of fake sugar) aren't worth saving the 140-170 calories per 12oz can.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Neither are good for you, but if you are going to treat yourself might as well go big or go home. Allow yourself to have a regular coke once in awhile...as a treat! Nothing in excess... That is what I do. I am not a huge pop fan but I do enjoy a nice cold coca-cola with tons of ice on the occasion...and when I am craving it I give in... Most of the rest of the time I just focus on drinking water.
  • ashimon
    ashimon Posts: 23 Member
    I drink on average around 7 diet dr peppers a day. I've never had any problems with losing weight when I'm actually paying attention to my calorie intake. The key here is calorie intake. If you are under your intake great, but I can think of a lot better things to eat to boost your calories than a soda. That's why I drink the diet. In fact the caffeine in the diet dr. pepper helps to stimulate my metabolism. Usually I will drink one with a snack or meal and it helps make me feel that much more full. Works extremely well for me, but to each their own.
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    I don't know if this is something you are willing to do, but trying to kick the habit, as it were, is well worth it. I have been subbing a <a href="http://www.greenteahp.tv/">green tea</a> in for my soda. I drink two a day, one in the AM and one in the PM and I no longer crave Coke/Dew/Monster/etc. I still like to have a fizzy drink a couple of times a week, but I have been drinking the San Pelligrino mineral water for that. This has really helped me to stay on track and I feel a lot better since.
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    Try buying those little mini cans of coke, I think they're just 8oz, to help cut back further but as long as you're tracking it and it fits in your calorie goals you should be fine, I say should because as others have said if you're at risk for diabetes even a little can hurt!
    I avoid diet, aspartame in the regular diet gives me headaches and blurred vision and the Splenda in the newer diets make me bloated and get stomach cramps, so I have an occasional regular coke while out to dinner and stick with sparkling water when I want something carbonated
  • micls
    micls Posts: 234
    Personally I've moved to Coke Light or Coke Zero(whichever is in the shops). I like the taste and enjoy the fizziness but I'm not willing to give up 150calories for it.

    Depends on your priorities.
  • BGabbart
    BGabbart Posts: 173 Member
    One can of Coca-Cola per day is 10 pounds of weight a year. You decide.


    Well really it is 140 calories for can coke x 365 days in a year = 51,110 calories divided by 3500 (which is how many calories equal a pound) and it would be 14.6 a year. :sad: :drinker:
    I say if you count on having a coke and have the calories for it go for it. :wink: :smile:
  • exacerbe
    exacerbe Posts: 447 Member
    Both are equally bad.

    Regular = empty calories ... all sugar
    Diet = Chemically processed artificial sweetners that have been proven to slow metabolism and make people eat more.
  • smaugish
    smaugish Posts: 244 Member
    I'm trying to abstain from drinking fizzy drinks unless I'm in a restaurant, or a pub/bar. I was always taught by the nutritionist that came to our school that you might as well drink regular coke if you wanted one, though. One can of regular as opposed to one or two of Diet isn't realy going to change everything.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Diet = Chemically processed artificial sweetners that have been proven to slow metabolism and make people eat more.

    This is a flat out lie. There is no study that shows that people who drink diet soda weigh more. There are studies that show that people who weigh more drink diet soda. Correlation is not causation.

    Until there is a study that accounts for calories control while drinking diet soda then those studies prove nothing.
  • RNmomto4
    RNmomto4 Posts: 143
    I prefer diet coke because its zero calories and because the taste of regular coke makes me want to vomit. I can feel the carmel/sugar taste and to me, its nasty. Everyone is different.

    I dont drink it often though. Just if I feel in the mood for something bubbly. Or with the occasional mixed drink. I normally do water or tea during the day. I cut back after I read neither was really good for you. But according to one report, you would need to drink some ridiculous amount for it to damage your body...not sure though.

    You will get mixed opinions on this...its like many of the other foods in our diet. One day its good for you, the next day, its supposed to give you cancer.

    Everything in moderation.
  • RNmomto4
    RNmomto4 Posts: 143
    Diet = Chemically processed artificial sweetners that have been proven to slow metabolism and make people eat more.

    This is a flat out lie. There is no study that shows that people who drink diet soda weigh more. There are studies that show that people who weigh more drink diet soda. Correlation is not causation.

    Until there is a study that accounts for calories control while drinking diet soda then those studies prove nothing.

    I would probably agree with this. I dont even know the last time I drank a regular coke...I've always preferred diet. I have always lost weight. Only gaining during my pregnancies.