Do you notice what everyone is eating?



  • trassier
    trassier Posts: 1
    I think that if you are truly aware of the nutritional value of food you can not help but to notice. It is hard to fight the urge to try to educate every one. The think is that unwanted advice is never welcome. It really is not that hard once you know what you’re doing. I once thought I was doing myself a favor by eating fruit like bananas and oranges for breakfast. I might as well have been eating ½ cup of table sugar.

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  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I notice because I still compare my eating habits to others'. I watch what thin people eat and what overweight people eat, and I particularly notice what really fit people eat. You can learn a lot from observing the behavior and decision-making of others.
  • CookieCrumble
    CookieCrumble Posts: 221 Member
    The thing is, whilst our eating habits may have improved... there were problem many, many occasions that we made other people feel ill with our own poor eating, no? It's all too easy to get evangelical about healthful eating but then again, there are people who have never made the bad health choices that we have.

    As long as the judging stays in your head and you can keep a poker face...
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I dont enjoy those junk foods and fast foods that used to taste so good to me have lost their appeal, except for pizza, I will never desert pizza. **drooling smiley if they had one** :wink:

    Omg pizza. I love this too but cook my own healthy version to satisfy my craving.
  • ampa916
    ampa916 Posts: 189 Member
    I think it's natural when you become more aware of something, to spot it in not only yourself, but others as well.

    For example, when you get a new car, don't you notice how many other people now drive the same car as you do? When I got my CRV, I immediately noticed how popular before. Before then, I could have cared less, it just wasn't even on my radar.

    Funny that you mentioned this... we just got a CRV about a month ago. I swear to god I have never seen them on the road before. Now - I swear everybody has one!

    This happened when we bought our grand am, I swear I never saw before I bought it, then three houses on our street had the same color style and everything that we had lol
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    The thing is, whilst our eating habits may have improved... there were problem many, many occasions that we made other people feel ill with our own poor eating, no? It's all too easy to get evangelical about healthful eating but then again, there are people who have never made the bad health choices that we have.

    As long as the judging stays in your head and you can keep a poker face...

    I don't think anyone here has judged anyone. In fact, most of us said we. don't judge because we've been there ourselves. I just wanted to see if anyone was more aware of the foods around them. I just used the example of what other people eat because that's when I am most aware of the variety of things that people eat.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I've never been evangelical about food or exercise because one thing I learned very quickly was that you cannot motivate someone else to eat better or to work out more. If they don't already have a burning desire to do it, nothing you say will make any difference at all. So I keep my thoughts to myself unless someone specifically asks me a question about the way I eat or what kind of workouts I do.

    But I think when you pay a ton of attention to your own diet, it's natural to notice what other people eat.
  • laurengaugler
    laurengaugler Posts: 45 Member
    Everyone keeps talking about over eating, but do you notice people that under eat?

    I feel like I have a pretty good idea of healthy lifestyle and nutrition, so it boggles my mind when people on "diets" eat meals of less than 250 calories. My mom did this the other day. She had a cup of broccoli and 3 oz of chicken for dinner ... and that was it! I asked her if she knew how few calories she was consuming and she said, "good! I'm on a diet!" About an hour later she was complaining about how hungry she was and completely confused how she could be so hungry after dinner. I was like, "of course you're hungry! You ate less than 200 calories for dinner!" That kind of lifestyle could never be maintained and is not healthy. It's upsetting how so many people are not at all knowledgeable about how many calories food contains, even when they are "dieting."
  • prose58
    prose58 Posts: 52
    I do at the office for sure.

    My boss does great and is an inspiration. However I have one co-worker that makes all the mistakes I used to make.

    I am not going to tell her as she is an emotional gal as it is.

    She does quite well often but Friday's out comes the Burgers, fries etc.

    Not my place to tell her. Trying to be an example.
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    Yeah, I'm more aware of it.

    I do, however, resist the urge to judge a persons entire diet based on one snapshot. For example, that pint of ice cream I ate last night could have easily given someone the wrong impression.


    In my case, if you see me at a restaurant, you'll also get the wrong impression.. but what you don't see is what I eat the rest of the week...
  • jmathews
    jmathews Posts: 196
    I notice and it makes me cringe, but I say a prayer that they'll have their "eye opener" moment like I did and change their habits.
  • confuzzledwife
    confuzzledwife Posts: 142 Member
    Yes! Since I started cutting calories and watching everything I eat, I definitely notice what EVERYONE is eating around me lol... I don't judge anyone though, I mean, that used to be me too!
  • cmayfield3
    cmayfield3 Posts: 176 Member
    I never actually thought about this before, but I really do pay attention to what is in people's carts at the grocery store, particularly when it is is all processed rubbish.

    You know, I hate this. I don't buy any produce at all from the grocery store because the quality is lousy and it's crazy expensive. I go to the produce market for produce. We actually eat a lot of fresh vegetables and fruit, but if you were behind me in line at the grocery store you'd think I ate nothing but crackers and ice cream.

    Like someone said upthread, you can't judge people based on a snapshot.
  • hexrei
    hexrei Posts: 163
    I have totally noticed! My extended family (3 sisters, 2 brothers and step dad) have the worst diets! They eat mostly all beef, everyday, and when they cook vegetables, they cook half the amount I would cook for my immediate family!! (just me and my two kids ages seven and two most of the time....hubby works away). So they all sit down to these giant fried carnivore meals and wonder why they're ALL starting to have health problems and get thicker!?! Really? You have NO IDEA why you're gaining weight and have health issues?? REALLY? Sooo frustrating!

    Beef doesn't make you fat. Calories make you fat. A good trimmed steak or drained, low-fat ground beef, or jerky etc is a great way to get protein without a ton of calories actually... In my experience its all the carbs people dress their meats up with. Buns/rolls/breads, pasta, rice, potatoes. Not to mention all the carb-loaded snacks our society consumes. Vegetables are of course important too and great in terms of calorie:nutrition ratio.
  • hexrei
    hexrei Posts: 163
    Oh, and beer. Let's not forget beer. And keep in mind alcoholism is a huge problem, especially in the US.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    I notice more now, especially with my kids. My son leans towards being on the bigger side, so I really watch what he eats. I noticed lately now fast he eats, so Hubby and I are trying to teach him to take a bite, put his fork down, chew, swallow, and THEN take another bite. He tends to just shovel it all in!

    Luckily my husband is a protein and veggie freak, and not much of a snacker, so we rarely keep junk in our house.
  • JBsCrazyGirl
    i dont really pay attention to the other people around me because i understand everyone is different. I do however notice what my parents are eating. they never understood why they were in such bad shape, and neither did i but now that i know about carbs, sugar and sodium it completely makes sense. I have to work this into their lives slowly though. they are accepting of my new lifestyle, but my mom thinks that im not eating anything at all because I dont eat what I use to, at all. they want my help, I just dont know if they know where to start.
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    Oh, and beer. Let's not forget beer. And keep in mind alcoholism is a huge problem, especially in the US.

    on the other hand... Beer is awesome.
  • tammyskinner
    I think that when you do something like MFP it makes you more aware of portion sizes and calorie content. You cant help but notice. I had to take a break from MFP for awhile because I got so obe\sessed with sizes and calories. It really wasnt healthy. Had to adjust some thinking before I came back around. But yes you just automatically notice.

    Sorry... but I'm new to this community... what does MFP mean?
  • msbellzee
    msbellzee Posts: 69
    I generally only notice if they eating something I can't have:sad: