Anyone want to start C25K with me?



  • orthoani
    orthoani Posts: 1
    I started with get running and went till week 4. could not run for a month and am planning to start again. Plz feel free to add me
  • christibam
    christibam Posts: 478 Member
    I started this week, but I think I need to take a day or two off because my shins are hurting, not super bad yet, but I dont want to screw them up and be out of commission for longer. Can I use the elliptical if I have (what I think are minor) shin splints?

    Oh crap. I just googled shin splints because I thought they were something else. Like... I thought it was a sharp pain in the ankle area. I don't know why. Question... is it like a dull ache or does it hurt if you rub/put pressure on that area? I started feeling that last night while I was sleeping and it sorta feels like someone kicked me in the left posterior tibia... but the muscle. Not the bone lol. But only if I rub it... walking or running seems to make it feel better. It just started last night though. So I don't know if that's a shin splint or just my muscle being stupid?

    Oh and from what I did find about that and the elliptical, it seems like it's recommended.

    "Active Rest is the first mode of treatment for all types of shin splints. "Active rest" does not mean you must stop running or exercising. Many people make the mistake of not exercising for many weeks and then attempting the same distances that got them into trouble the first time. Rather, rest should be active to relieve stress on painful areas, yet maintain your conditioning. Completely stopping activities may give temporary relief, but injuries are likely to resurface with resumed activity, especially if you are trying to make up for lost time.

    Active rest activities include low-impact exercises like the elliptical trainer, stationary cycling, and swimming. Try any activity that doesn't involve the same muscles as running, and that doesn't require repetitive impact on hard surfaces. “Water running” is another effective way to rehab these injuries: Use a flotation device and run in the deep end of a pool. You can move to the shallow end, running on the bottom, as your pain begins to improve. "
  • beaglenutty
    beaglenutty Posts: 160 Member
    I just started it this week. Anyone that wants to add me feel free. Ive never been a runner so this is all new to me.
  • sozzell
    sozzell Posts: 166
    I just started this a couple of days ago! Started on week 4 as I do a bit of running (intervals) at the gym anyway!

    Can't wait to progress!

    Good to luck to all of you :-)
  • marbit
    marbit Posts: 108
    I started this week, but I think I need to take a day or two off because my shins are hurting, not super bad yet, but I dont want to screw them up and be out of commission for longer. Can I use the elliptical if I have (what I think are minor) shin splints?

    Oh crap. I just googled shin splints because I thought they were something else. Like... I thought it was a sharp pain in the ankle area. I don't know why. Question... is it like a dull ache or does it hurt if you rub/put pressure on that area? I started feeling that last night while I was sleeping and it sorta feels like someone kicked me in the left posterior tibia... but the muscle. Not the bone lol. But only if I rub it... walking or running seems to make it feel better. It just started last night though. So I don't know if that's a shin splint or just my muscle being stupid?

    Oh and from what I did find about that and the elliptical, it seems like it's recommended.

    "Active Rest is the first mode of treatment for all types of shin splints. "Active rest" does not mean you must stop running or exercising. Many people make the mistake of not exercising for many weeks and then attempting the same distances that got them into trouble the first time. Rather, rest should be active to relieve stress on painful areas, yet maintain your conditioning. Completely stopping activities may give temporary relief, but injuries are likely to resurface with resumed activity, especially if you are trying to make up for lost time.

    Active rest activities include low-impact exercises like the elliptical trainer, stationary cycling, and swimming. Try any activity that doesn't involve the same muscles as running, and that doesn't require repetitive impact on hard surfaces. “Water running” is another effective way to rehab these injuries: Use a flotation device and run in the deep end of a pool. You can move to the shallow end, running on the bottom, as your pain begins to improve. "

    Its an ache thats at the front of my shins. If I rub it its kind of tender, but no sharp pains. I've been sitting at my desk doing the alphabet stretch, and then when I get up I've been doing the two heel/toe stretches. I didnt get on the elliptical this morning cause I was so uncomfortable. Its weird, i am not feeling "pain" per se, its more like an ache? Discomfort?
  • MusicalRunner

    What's the difference between C25K and C210K?

    Is the same as the 5K app, but designed to train you to run a 10k race. Is a 13 week programme and you run/walk for an hour, three times a week. Is great! Am gearing myself up to enter the Great Glasgow Run in September...
  • Pappabacon
    Pappabacon Posts: 104 Member
    I started last week!
  • Grlnxtdr0721
    Grlnxtdr0721 Posts: 597 Member
    I just started this week. I may need to take next week off, because of shin splints, but we'll see. Feel free to add me!

    Have you registered for a specific 5K yet?

    Get a foam roller and work on those shins. Ice them every night. Just keep moving and they will eventually get better. It's just your body's way of telling you "Ok, this is new".
  • niclodn
    niclodn Posts: 17 Member
    Count me in! Did week 3 day 2 last night and felt every bit of it! I've never been a runner, but need some motivation to get moving. Am doing the Expedition Everest Challenge at Disney in May. Should have just enough time to finish the C25K before the event. Up next, if I can keep with it, is the Tower of Terror 10-miler in September!
  • christibam
    christibam Posts: 478 Member

    Its an ache thats at the front of my shins. If I rub it its kind of tender, but no sharp pains. I've been sitting at my desk doing the alphabet stretch, and then when I get up I've been doing the two heel/toe stretches. I didnt get on the elliptical this morning cause I was so uncomfortable. Its weird, i am not feeling "pain" per se, its more like an ache? Discomfort?

    Hmm... sounds like maybe the same thing I have going on. It only hurts when I rub it or put pressure on that spot with my hand. No sharp pains what so ever... but an achy feeling... almost as if someone straight up kicked me in the font/side of my shin and like it should have one hell of a bruise... but nothing is there.

    I'm getting compression leggings/socks tonight anyway though because it seems like that may help.

    I really don't know why I always thought shin splints were like a super sharp stinging/stabbing pain around the ankles...
  • christibam
    christibam Posts: 478 Member

    What's the difference between C25K and C210K?

    Is the same as the 5K app, but designed to train you to run a 10k race. Is a 13 week programme and you run/walk for an hour, three times a week. Is great! Am gearing myself up to enter the Great Glasgow Run in September...

    Oh okay. I have been going longer than the C25K program says but because I'm training for a marathon lol. I found something today for marathon training and it seems pretty much the same but with shorter fast intervals and adds in one day a week with a long run. It starts with like 2 and goes to 3, then 8, then 2, then 5, then 11, and so on. It also has me run a mile at a comfortable yet faster than normal pace and see how long it takes and then work on upping that speed ever couple weeks.

    That's for just the half marathon but I figure it's roughly the same to start...
  • MusicalRunner
    Am so impressed at you training for a marathon! Will this be your first one?
  • christibam
    christibam Posts: 478 Member
    Am so impressed at you training for a marathon! Will this be your first one?

    Yessssssssssssss. Disney World full marathon in January. :D Soooooo stoked. Should be a little 'easier' than other marathons considering all the stupid amounts of motivation going on all over the Disney parks.

    p.s. I gots mah compression socks! It's freaking amazing the immediate difference they made. I don't make a funny face if I touch my shin anymore! rofl
  • trysha1231
    trysha1231 Posts: 163 Member
    Ack!!! Warning!!!
    I just tried to do Week 5, Day 3 and it wanted me to run for 20 minutes straight! This is a jump up from 8 minutes the previous day.
    Ummmm, I know I am improving, but not that much! LOL
    Instead I upped it to 10 minute intervals, and I am going to increase my time every other day by 2-3 minutes. I also have been adding and extra running interval...
    Good luck everyone!
  • marbit
    marbit Posts: 108
    Just wanted to check in with everyone who started the C25K. I just started W2D1 after taking a few days off. It was great, no pain in my knees, shins or back. Hopefully I can keep with it. How's everyone else doing?
  • christibam
    christibam Posts: 478 Member
    Taking a couple more days off till the bruising on my shin goes away. I sorta ran in the pool yesterday for an hour and a half though lol
  • MusicalRunner
    Just off out on wk5 r1 on C210K. An hour and 10min run today... a bit strenuous but feeling good so hoping it goes ok. Run on Saturday was a killer - had no energy and think I overdid exercise last week. Have had 2 days of rest so hopefully my run will be better today. Will update later!
  • MusicalRunner
    Back in. Went brilliantly and really enjoyed it! A few tiny niggles in my legs but they disappeared by the second half. Funny how I always find the return journey easier than the outward...

    Running much further now so took a detour which I discovered went right up the hillside - needless to say I didn't manage to run up! Will need to find an easier route.

    Off to work now!
  • christibam
    christibam Posts: 478 Member
    I'll be getting back into it today too. :) Well, either today or tonight... I haven't looked at the weather yet to see when it's going to start getting hot out yet.
  • MusicalRunner
    Did you say your chest was a bit iffy? If you aren't feeling 100% maybe you should take it a bit easier Christi. Don't want you making yourself really ill!