3 minor confessions



  • SaraBunny518
    1. Im dying my hair blonder at the moment :)
    2. Im recovering from an eating disorder
    3. Im studying culinary arts at CMCC and I LOVE it
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    1. I work for an airline, love to travel and fly for free - and though I know it's not harmful, turbulence terrifies me.
    2. I've always secretly believed that something wonderful can and will happen to me when I'm not expecting it.
    3. When I was little, I wanted to fly more than anything. My mother told me that would happen when I turned 13...not sure if that was a smart thing to do or what.
    4. As I get older, I get more fearful of things I was never scared of (like rollercoasters) and I HATE it!!!
  • Allie_71
    Allie_71 Posts: 1,063 Member
    1. To annoy my friends, I stab creamers with a fork, turn them upside down over my coffee and say, 'moo'. Sad but true
    2. I too dislike Adele. *whew* That felt better.
    3. I dance and sing in my kitchen with a spoon as a microphone. Luckily, I have functioning blinds.

    Actually, I don't dislike Adele. I just can't stand her music.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    2. Im recovering from an eating disorder
    3. Im studying culinary arts at CMCC and I LOVE it

    Don't take this the wrong way, but if you are studying to be a chef, I dare say your ED has been cured!! :happy:
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    1) If I watch MTV Battle of the Exes while I run on the treadmill, I run faster
    2) I hate running even after 2 years of racing/training
    3) I'm not a morning person and I don't plan on changing this...
  • Mollydolly10
    Mollydolly10 Posts: 431 Member
    1. I have some trouble "living in the now," I'm always waiting for the next big thing or event
    2. I thought I wanted a dog my whole life, but then I tried it and realized I can't do it on my own
    3. I have never hurt myself running (training for a marathon right now), but I always end up injuring myself doing the stupidest things. I am angry at myself for spraining my ankle (tripped down the stairs) with 4 weeks till my marathon - SO ANGRY
  • beatlesfan31
    beatlesfan31 Posts: 66 Member
    1. I LOATHE the movie Tintanic
    2. Cried when Peyton Manning was released from the Colts last week
    3. Even though Russell Crowe seems like a jerk, I think he's really sexy

    Yikes...boy do I have some issues!
  • binky610
    binky610 Posts: 17
    1. I've been a HUGH Howard Stern fan (excuse the pun) for over 25 years.
    2. I was unemployed for over 2 years, & when I got a job (the best job ever)....
    3. I managed to max out a credit card or two.
    (I know it's only 3, but I can't resist adding:)
    Bonus: I HATED the movie "Brdiesmaids." Really didn't get why it was so popular....
  • mrs_schultz2012
    mrs_schultz2012 Posts: 395 Member
    I CAN.NOT.STAND. Adele.

    *high five* ..just because I feel less weird now, lol. Everyone thinks I'm a freak for not liking her.

    i can't stand her either!
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    1. I think Im addicted to exercise I have a hard time not going for one day
    2.I eat peanut butter by the teaspoons. ( i just ate two)
    3.I hate my job and spend a good part of the day while working, on MFP or playing computer games.
  • MrsSamB
    MrsSamB Posts: 144 Member
    1. Jillian Michaels' voice gets underneath my skin.
    2. I get my dairy quota from Safeway's Salted Caramel Ice Cream.
    3. I don't like chocolate or peanut butter or peanuts (for that matter) but Peanut M&Ms have become my new obsession.
  • vivifsu
    vivifsu Posts: 16
    This is a great post. I have to come back later and read more of these confessions. This is good stuff!
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    3. I dance and sing in my kitchen naked with a spoon as a microphone. Luckily, I have functioning blinds.

    There. Fixed that for ya. Yer welcome.
  • WhiteCoc0
    WhiteCoc0 Posts: 192 Member
    #1. The only reason I actually started to care about my weight, is thats all my brother and parents talked about....and than I saw the family Christmas Pictures!
    #2. I have been with my bf for five + years,......and I havent met his parents yet.
    #3. I wish I could eat a container of ice cream with cupcakes....but I won't.
  • andreabball
    andreabball Posts: 90 Member
    1. Im dying my hair blonder at the moment :)
    2. Im recovering from an eating disorder
    3. Im studying culinary arts at CMCC and I LOVE it

    ^^ much luck to you. it's a slippery slope and I had to be in a good place of recovery for a long time before I could even begin to think about tracking my food and activity again. I definitely have a healthier attitude than I used to, but it's still a process to keep it in check.
  • scicco
    scicco Posts: 58 Member
    I hate that my boobs are shrinking
    I secretly like being in the best shape of all my friends
    I love dark chocolate and have some everyday
  • binky610
    binky610 Posts: 17
    1. Love be able to loss weight by just quitting sodas and junk food (lost 7 kg in one month)
    2. Started to love my body back (I'm a man, love women but let's say my low backside is reaaally nice. Eye candy in a square leg suit)
    3. Started to go Commando about 15 days. Feels good!

    What? No pictures of that eye candy backside?!?
  • Jewel1201
    Jewel1201 Posts: 68
    1: I think that someday I will be killed and eaten by a bear so I never go camping even though my family wants me to.
    2: I feel like a complete failure.
    3: I am scared of clowns, mascots , or anything dressed up in costume.
  • Nikkei24
    Nikkei24 Posts: 282 Member
    1. i play runescape and neopets
    2. even though i have lost 33lbs i still see the same fat girl i was 33lbs ago when i look in the mirror
    3. i miss bob

    Yea I feel the same way as your #2 on here.
  • Carita79
    Carita79 Posts: 64 Member
    1. after years as a manager... i am really enjoying only working 2 days a week now and collecting E.I. for a bit

    2 .i want to have ALOT more sex...not digging the just a quick bj occaisionaly cause he's tired bit

    3. i like drinking and having a toke in the evening but i feel guilty about it