Biggest Pet Peeve



  • cardiokitten
    cardiokitten Posts: 401 Member
    When people are like "What? You're loosing weight?! But you're no much skinnier than me, you're crazy."

    Just because I weigh less than you does not mean I don't want to lose weight myself, lol.
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    1. "Don't eat back your exercise calories"..... If your tank is empty, and you try to go thirty more miles, you're just not gonna!

    2. "You can't eat ________________ on a diet!" yes you can as long as it's moderation and you account for it!

    3. "I just can't lose weight." ..... Yes you can. You haven't tried hard enough! Everyone can lose weight with a little will power!

    I agree with these!
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    People who ask me what I did to lose weight, and then they seem disappointed I did it by moving my @ss and eating healthier. They are like 'Oh.....'.

    Seriously? Did they expect me to say I have been slowly having the fat sucked off? I WISH!!
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Oh, and skinny women who always say things like 'I feel so fat' all the time.....when they are probably at the low end of their BMI range, if not below.
  • Corrie_Lynn
    Corrie_Lynn Posts: 53 Member
    People acting surprised and telling me I look just fine in response to me saying I want to lose weight. Don't lie to try and make me feel better. I'm not an idiot, I'm obese, you can't honestly tell me that I you don't think I need to lose weight. Be encouraging not patronizing!
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    Biggest? Probably people who have identified THE POISON we're all consuming. GLUTEN! SPLENDA! ASPARTAME! Give me a break. I'm not giving up Diet Coke because you've decided soda is the devil. I've lost 75 lbs and never gave it up, so I think I'm okay. You don't want to consume it, that's fine. But shut UP.

    I also can't stand people who act like they know everything. I offer advice, too. But I don't state it as fact unless I can prove that it is. One of my fav. phrases is "in my experience..." beacuse I don't have a degree in medicine, nutrition, or exercise science. I've just been at this a long time and read a lot. I indicate up-front when my suggestions are just based on my experience. Why do people have such a hard time with that?
  • esteelewis
    esteelewis Posts: 96 Member
    Along the lines of "i just can't lose weight" is the "I have a ______ issue that makes it impossible for me to lose."

    I have bad genetics. I know it. I have thyroid issues. I have a "slower" metabolism. but does that mean its impossible to lose weight? NO. It means I work a bit harder, and I lose a bit slower. But it is possible.

    It means I have to stick to 1600 calories if I want to lose 1-2 lbs a week because my BMR is only around 2000 instead of 2500+ as it should be for my weight. But does that mean its "impossible."? No it just means it is hard. It annoys me when people equate hard with impossible. It is frustrating sure...but set all excuses aside, it can be done.
  • moonsforeyes
    Probably goal weights in general are a pet peeve of mine.
  • missmelissav
    This morning I told my mom that I had finally reached my 50lbs lost mark. I was so freaking happy I could cry. Then she asked what my 'goal weight' was and I told her that according to my height, my weight should be anywhere between 130-150lbs and I'd like to TRY for 150.

    Now, I still have 120lbs to go before I even get there, but she says to me, "That's too skinny! You should try for 200lbs and maintain there. It's really hard to get that skinny and stay that way."

    So then I told my grandmother our conversation later on and she AGREED with my Mom. "150lbs you'd be too skinny! You'd be nothing but bones!"

    Now my Grandma is 150lbs at 5'3 and she is NOT skin and bones. WHY IN THE HECK would she think I would be skin and bones when I'm only two inches taller than her?!


    Girly dont listen to that. When I started I was 292. I would tell people my goal of 165 and they would tell me I should just try to go to 200 because I would look sick. Well I am only a few lbs from 165 and I dont look sick. Look at my profile pictures and you be the judge. One thing I have learned on my journey is to stop listening to people and listen to what you want. You CAN do it!! :)
  • tarasalazar416
    This morning I told my mom that I had finally reached my 50lbs lost mark. I was so freaking happy I could cry. Then she asked what my 'goal weight' was and I told her that according to my height, my weight should be anywhere between 130-150lbs and I'd like to TRY for 150.

    Now, I still have 120lbs to go before I even get there, but she says to me, "That's too skinny! You should try for 200lbs and maintain there. It's really hard to get that skinny and stay that way."

    So then I told my grandmother our conversation later on and she AGREED with my Mom. "150lbs you'd be too skinny! You'd be nothing but bones!"

    Now my Grandma is 150lbs at 5'3 and she is NOT skin and bones. WHY IN THE HECK would she think I would be skin and bones when I'm only two inches taller than her?!

    Oh Im so sorry they are so negative. Dont listen to them, and stay positive. You have the right to be any size you want. I am considered obese and it is hard to get where you want to get when you are a big person. We have to work harder to get there. But remember to stay positive and dont let them bring you down and to bring you to give up. Congrats on your 50lb loss mark. :)
  • fieldsy4life
    My biggest pet peeve with dieting is when people eat their exercise calories back with horrible foods.

    Actually scratch that, my biggest pet peeve with dieting is the entire Weight Watcher's program. Everyone in my office is doing it, and just replacing meals with whatever is low in points - regardless of it's nutritional value.

    With exercise, my biggest pet peeve is people who use a machine for like 30 minutes straight at the gym.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    People who insist that powders are the only way to lose weight. What do you do after you've lost your weight? Keep drinking powdered mixes? It's all about lifestyle and learning how to eat correctly, not replacing real food with powdered 'stuff', pills, magic potions, energy bars, etc. Oprah is a good example with her Slim Fast diet she was on.
    I don't mean people who eat extra protein after heavy workouts. I understand that 1. It's the whole idea of replacing a meal/meals with a powder that I don't get.
  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member
    People that are too focused on calorie counting. There is a limit... You do not need one of those damn scales..
  • joshanti81
    joshanti81 Posts: 19 Member
    everyone asks me what did I do to lose the weight and the answer is simple, change my diet and incorporate exercise, when I give them that answer its like they wish I said I had a magic pill!
  • smoten
    smoten Posts: 53 Member
    Well today my pet peeve is work out buddies that ditch. I was supposed to try a Piloxing class tonight with one of the only people i know who care about fitness, and she forgot to bring her workout stuff. this will make the second time this has happened. We were gonna be brave and take this class after our zumba workout, which i was a little nervous about anyway. i still may give it a try, i will need to see how I feel after Zumba.
  • smoten
    smoten Posts: 53 Member
    everyone asks me what did I do to lose the weight and the answer is simple, change my diet and incorporate exercise, when I give them that answer its like they wish I said I had a magic pill!
    I know those people, and that is exactly what they are wishing for.
  • esteelewis
    esteelewis Posts: 96 Member
    My biggest pet peeve with dieting is when people eat their exercise calories back with horrible foods.

    Actually scratch that, my biggest pet peeve with dieting is the entire Weight Watcher's program. Everyone in my office is doing it, and just replacing meals with whatever is low in points - regardless of it's nutritional value.

    With exercise, my biggest pet peeve is people who use a machine for like 30 minutes straight at the gym.

    Can I just say AMEN!!!!!
  • CottonCandyKisses
    CottonCandyKisses Posts: 246 Member
    Those stupid "toning" shoes. You can't eat crap, wear the stupid freaking shoes and think your going to lose 20 pounds-- They are just SHOES!!!

    Also I'm short and fairly petite, so people who say things like "your so tiny, you don't need to lose weight" or "you only weight 90-100 pounds" When actually I can lose a few pounds and still be healthy, and I do weigh more than a hundred pounds!
  • marie_2454
    marie_2454 Posts: 881 Member
    What are your biggest pet peeves when it comes to diet/exercise?

    Mine is "don't worry, muscle weighs more than fat."

    Generally this will go as follows:
    Friend 1: Help! I have gained 3 lbs this week. I don't understand.

    Friend 2: (trying to make you feel better) "Don't worry. Muscle weighs more than fat. Its probably all muscle.".

    No. Nope. Nu-uh. Sorry. ..well maybe..yeah..No. It is not muscle...and even if it were muscle the scale wouldn't reflect it.

    1) A pound of muscle weighs the same as a pound of fat. A pound is a pound. However, muscle is leaner than fat. So if you really did, miraculously and against all logic, exchange 3 lbs of fat for 3 lbs of muscle you would look leaner. But it would not reflect on the scale.

    2) It is basically impossible to gain 3 lbs of muscle in a week! You can maybe, maybe gain 15-20 lbs of muscle a year. "According to the Colgan Institute of Nutritional Sciences (located in San Diego, CA) run by Dr Michael Colgan PHD, a leading sport nutritionist explains that in his extensive experience, the most muscle gain he or any of his colleagues have recorded over a year was 18 1/4 lbs." (excerpt from an article on - but other sources would concur with this.) So basically if you lift hard, work hard and are very dedicated, you could possibly gain 1-1.5 lbs of muscle a month. But that is probably not the case.

    So that 3, 4 or 5 lb gain you are seeing on the scale this week is not all muscle. Sorry. This really just drives me crazy. It takes all the self-control in the world to not retort with this response every time I read "muscle weighs more than fat, don't worry." but I really don't want to be one of "those" people. So I will just vent here instead :)

    So yeah, what are your pet peeves?

    THIS ^ I hate when someone asks why they've gained X amount of pounds in X amount of weeks and everyone's always like oh, you're lifting 5 pound weights, so you must have put on 7 pounds of muscle in 3 weeks...I want to slap foreheads every time...argh!
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member

    3. "I just can't lose weight." ..... Yes you can. You haven't tried hard enough! Everyone can lose weight with a little will power!

    BTW.... I haven't lost any lately cause I'm Pregnant, and I'm not currently trying to lose weight. BUT when my baby gets here, I AM going to lose all the weight that I gain!

    Technically I can't lose weight because of a severe hormonal imbalance, not because of a lack of willpower, but thanks for rubbing it in:drinker: One of my pet peeves "willpower is all you need!" you also need a body that is functioning properly

    Things that are my pet peeves:

    1. People thinking I only exercise to lose weight, I do it because I feel awesome afterwords.
    2. Those who underestimate us fatties in races. I've tailed a few people who've tried to keep up with me.
    3. The assumption that the same diet or exercise is what's best for everyone... do what works for you!