3 minor confessions



  • barbergirl28
    barbergirl28 Posts: 54 Member
    1. I am completely utterly obsessed with exercise. There are days when I sometimes do 4 workouts. I love it... and even when I am done, I want to pop in another video - yet I am still fat! :( Even after all the weight I lost I can still look in the mirror and not see it!

    2. I am the black sheep of my family.

    3. I like my personal bubble... so don't get to close. It weirds me out.
  • 1. I wish my husband still has his six packs like when I met him years ago.
    2. I wish I have my own bedroom so i can watch late night shows.
    3. I don't want to have children but I will give my husband 1 child because I love him.
  • msslimann
    msslimann Posts: 122
    #1. I want another motorcycle

    #2. Would like to find a man

    #3. I procrastinate a lot.
  • Clarimusic00
    Clarimusic00 Posts: 96 Member
    1. I've struggled with self-esteem issues my whole life... I thought it would be easier by now

    2. I have a hard time making friends. I guess I'm the type everyone thinks is nice but not enough to 'hang out' with. I love having my boyfriend around but every once in awhile it would be nice to have girl time.

    3. I think about getting married to my boyfriend and having kids at least once a day. I have to keep it to myself most of the time because my boyfriend is in a different place than I am. He's much younger so he wants to have a couple years of fun before we get married. I guess he just doesn't understand how much the clock is ticking for me. I just remind myself to be happy to be in a wonderful relationship after so many years of being single.
  • Anomalia
    Anomalia Posts: 506 Member
    I'm materialistic. I try to convince myself my main goal is health but its really just vanity. I'm lonely.

    Well if it makes you feel better, you've succeeded because you look hot!

    Thank you! It did make me feel a little better.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    1. I think I'm the only person in the world that can't stand Adele.
    2. I'm getting very impatient to be stronger and am trying not to obsess about it.
    3. I worship the sun, but have to be coated head to toe in sunscreen. I love being outdoors every chance I get.

    I CAN.NOT.STAND. Adele.

  • theresak331
    theresak331 Posts: 21 Member
    1. I made a mini pizza for dinner. I logged the appropriate serving size...but I really indulged on the cheese and sauce!
    2. I have a friend at work who is pregnant and constantly wants to tell me about it - but I don't care! I'm a long way from having kids of my own, and hearing her complain about everything from morning sickness to sore feet makes me want to wait even longer.
    3. My bf catches me checking out other girls all the time - not in a sexual way, but because I am constantly comparing my body to theirs!
  • moriaht
    moriaht Posts: 251 Member
    1. I don't log often or work out anymore so I'm not sure why I still go on this site. Probably because I feel guilty and I know I need to.

    2. Most of my clothes have stopped fitting over the past 3 months... So I have been buying new ones.

    3. I have an amazing life. My friends, family and boyfriend are just perfect and I have a great job and working towards an awesome career but I'm still not happy. I feel like I don't have alone time.
  • 1. I'm scared about losing weight because I won't be able to blame it on my "fatness" on why I won't meet people or do certain activities.
    2. I think I'm starting to irritate my friends with my obsession of weight loss/better health.
    3. I ate an entire box of cereal in less than 12 hours last week. (Too much fiber!!) :grumble:
    DAMNCHARLIE Posts: 569
    1. I still hate my sister
    2. I have a girl crush
    3. I had a 1 reeses pieces cup in class tonight
  • AnitaAntone
    AnitaAntone Posts: 177 Member
    over a year on MFP and still afraid im going to fall back on my old lifestyle habits that got me obese
    sometimes when my hubby tells me i deserve better,i secretly agree
    i'm really not as nice as most of my clients think i am at work
  • I will always feel regret about not going to see my stepfather when I found out he only had 48 hours left to live. He was the only father I ever knew and taught me all that is important in life... unfortanetly he also taught me to "keep a stiff upper lip"... Love you dad!

    Gave up smoking over 7 years ago, and still wish smoking wasn't bad for you

    Wish I could be more of a "outgoing" type of person, but it's just not me.
  • kidakiwi04
    kidakiwi04 Posts: 238

    If you accept Jesus in your heart you're guaranteed nirvana and much more

    1. Comments like that make me ashamed of being Christian.
    2. I am in lust with my sisters best friend and part of the reason I want to lose weight is that he thinks I'm HOT!!!
    3. I just ate 8 garlic parmesan chicken wings from pizza hut.... And even though I went over calories it was so worth it.
  • blueeyedcristi
    blueeyedcristi Posts: 304 Member
    1. I hate that my husband snacks all night long. I'm not tempted by it but feel he should be making healthier decisions as he now has weight to lose as well.
    2. I stepped in dog crap Sunday afternoon and still haven't found the energy to clean my shoes.
    3. I wish my husband would acknowledge that another man finds me attractive. Our entire relationship anytime I have told him somebody was whistling or honked or flirted with me he has treated me like I am making it up.
    4. I wish my husband would get a tattoo. I find them really sexy.
    5. I wish my husband wasn't so against me getting a tattoo. I think that will be my reward when I reach GW.
  • blueeyedcristi
    blueeyedcristi Posts: 304 Member
    I'm an extremely effective couponer but not at all like the hoarders on 'that show.'
  • tssa
    tssa Posts: 93 Member
    I think I have more than 3 confessions....Sorry.

    1. I wish I had a better paying job.
    2. I often prefer to be alone then be "out and about".
    3. I don't think I want to be married.....or have kids. Sometimes, I feel the whole idea is overrated and antiquated.
    4. Daydream too much.
    5. Some of my coworkers annoy the hell out of me and I would'nt even think of befriending them outside of work.
    6. I dont think I've ever felt "comfortable in my own skin".
    7. Some of the main reasons I want to lose weight and get a banging body is to (1) get revenge on the people who overlooked me, (2) be the main chick all the guys are gawking at, lol, (3) have more confidence to date.
    8. Feel I would be more outgoing and approachable if I was skinny.
    9. I'm all about eating healthy, but this Saturday I'm expect to get sloppy drunk for St. Patty's Day, lol.
    10. Regret all the missed opportunities I've had in my life.

    BONUS: Think Matthew Fox (from Lost) is the sexiest man I've ever seen. lmao
  • Crying_In_Color
    Crying_In_Color Posts: 246 Member
    1. I've been dieting for so long that the way I am now eating has become a habit. I have no desire to binge.
    2. I have lost 51 pounds so far (size 20 start to a 14 right now in pants) and still cannot see a difference in the way I look.
    3. I refuse to treat my Bipolar disorder with medication because I did not gain weight until those drugs were put into my system.
  • LoggingForLife
    LoggingForLife Posts: 504 Member
    1. I blew off work on Monday and got a mani & pedi and took a nap.
    2. I brought my 10 month old to daycare with no socks on (it was warm today) because I was too tired to run upstairs for the 10th time to get socks.
    3.Can't think of a third.
  • colobon
    colobon Posts: 49 Member
    Once in a while I'll throw out a pan instead of washing it. Life's too short.

    People don't come to my door very often, but when they do I don't answer it half the time because I'm in sweats, haven't showered, am wearing my glasses and don't have a bra on.

    I hate telling people my age because I'm not exactly where I want to be in life. I feel certain I'd be happier if I could let myself take some risks.

    I always have to have music on (or tv) and I DO like Adele... A lot! And that's not a confession.
  • 0EmmeNicole0
    0EmmeNicole0 Posts: 180 Member
    1. I love adele and wish y'all did too. lol .
    2. I had chocolate ice cream today, it was okay. (under calories). I always crave sweets like a mad woman, then I eat them, and think they are just okay. Then I wish I had just eaten fruit...but i never crave fruit, or veggies.
    3. I volunteer at a hospital and i don't really like it. I really want to be a nurse one day and being in that environment keeps me motivated to getting closer to achieving that goal. But i really can't afford to work for free. My boyfriend and I could use that extra day of work, i contemplate quitting every week.
    4. I have a baby and I'm not married, and that is perfectly okay with me. I wish people wouldn't judge me for it or ask when my boyfriend and I are getting married. Um, when we're good and ready that's when!!