5"7 ladies?



  • andrearaquel48
    andrearaquel48 Posts: 102 Member
    I'm 5'7" and currently 150. I fit comfortably in my size 8 clothes and some size 6s. If I weighed 125 I would look emaciated - I'm just not built that way. I would love to lose about 7 lbs and tone up, mostly to get back into my pre-pregnancy clothes (I have a 4 year old and a 2 year old) and be able to not feel like I have a flabby tummy.
  • carholl
    carholl Posts: 44 Member
    Once upon a time when I was much younger (20's) and much skinnier (125) a friend told me that she weighed 150 pounds. I am embarrassed at how I reacted to that, because today I would give anything to weigh 150. I am 56, 176 pounds with a target of 150 pounds. If (no, when) I achieve that weight, I may re-evaluate, but for right now I would be oh so happy if I could say I weighed 150!
  • lunalulu2
    lunalulu2 Posts: 63 Member
    I am 5'7" and started my journey in September 2010 at 210 lbs and wearing a size 16. In November 2011 I met my ultimate goal of 130 lbs. It was a long road but I actually enjoyed it once I got started.

    I lost the first half by just changing my eating habits, cutting down on junk, only eating meat once per week and exercising.

    I joined this site in March of 2011. I began eating 1200 net calories but always ate back all of my exercise calories so I was typically consuming around 2000 calories per day. I never felt deprived. We continued to only meat once per week on average and focused on eating whole foods. I cut out 95% of the processed foods in my diet. I still ate things like light ice cream every night but cut down on portion sizes. I also had a weekly treat meal throughout my weight loss but I exercised more to make up for it. I also was very diligent about sticking to my calorie goal and probably only went over once or twice during the weight loss phase. I was losing 1.5-2lbs most weeks although there were some weeks where I lost less and some where I lost more. I was lucky to never plateau and I think a lot of that was due to being so consistent with my calories and varying up my exercise routine.

    I run, cycle, and do lots of exercise videos primarily kickboxing. I really think cycling was a large part of why I was so successful. Over a year I worked up to riding 80-100 miles per week. Cycling long distances is an awesome calorie burn this helped allow me to still eat things I love like steak and giant baked potatoes. I also think strength training is a key component to meeting weight loss goals. I do full body circuit training with heavy weights 3 days per week. The strength training has made a huge difference in my measurements. I think it is the primary reason I can wear such a small size.

    I have been maintaining between 128-130 since mid November using this site. I am still working out my calorie goal but I have managed to maintain this range even through the holidays. I am currently consuming around 2300 calories most days but continue to exercise 7 days per week. Exercise has become such a major part of my life that I feel yucky if I miss a day.

    You can see before and after pics on my profile if you are interested. I still consider my body and fitness a work in progress. I do not wish to lose any more weight but I would love to build more muscle.

    Best of luck in your journey!
  • I'm 5'7.25" ;) and aiming for 140lbs with 18 percent body fat (or lower!)
  • MILICA1986
    MILICA1986 Posts: 168 Member
    Helooo! :-)
    I'm 5'7 and aiming for 130lbs :-)
  • 5.7 and i Need to lose weight, love food and always find an excuse to avoid exercise! Need to get motivated and now the summers coming i get whack the cycle shorts out and tone my currently HUGE bum! :-)

    Ive heard a combo of cutting out white carbs and exercising regularly is one of the quicker ways to shed the pounds!
    Add me if you have any other tips!
  • I am 5'7" and started at 252. currently I am 170, with my goal at 152. when i get there i will re-assess. I may not ever get into the 30's because I do work out and have hefty leg muscles from biking. we'll see.

    Can you be my hero? :) I'm 5'7" and started at 257. My goal is 150 and will re-assess when/if I get there. I have the drive but I have such doubt that I will get there. I'm trying to focus on getting to 200 at this point. I've lost 14lbs so far.
  • nau05242
    nau05242 Posts: 21 Member
    I am 5'7.7" and want to be 129-133lb. I am currently 144.6 and my heaviest was185.
  • jessw20
    jessw20 Posts: 1 Member
    Right now I'm at 154 (started at 160) and my goal is around 130-135. I have a very muscular build and am still a varsity athlete so I don't think getting below that would look or feel good at all.
  • myohana4
    myohana4 Posts: 205 Member

    Well I'm a bit younger than most of you & that's where I'm kinda at.. I don't want to be in the 150's when all my friends are 5"7-5"8 and 120-130. I feel huge compared to them.
    Ahh..well perhaps you shoud restrict your comments to people in your own age bracket?

    Well I was curious to see where everyone was at :) I didn't want to restrict to just my age.

    No need to restrict by age! It is a great question. I am 5'6" (just an inch shy) and my goal is 135. If I could weigh 125 I would be thrilled!! :)
  • I'm about 5'6.5" and my ideal weight is between 120-125 as well! I currently weigh 128ish so I am mostly using MyFitnessPal to help me watch what I'm eating. I'm not very muscular though and would like to be! So my weight might end up higher with muscle factored in.
  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    I'm 5'6.5" and I weigh 133. I want to weight 125 with lean muscle.
  • momof3boys090808
    momof3boys090808 Posts: 69 Member
    I am 5"7 and am currently 145.6 and feel as I still have atleast 10-15 to lose but mostly just in my stomach. But considering I have had 3 kids, think I may have to work little harder on my stomach. Ha! Feel free to add if you'd like. I'm down total 44 lbs but lost almost 8 thought MFP :)
  • lmsharris
    lmsharris Posts: 13
    I'm 5"7 and can't get below 128 at the moment....but hear me out. I have always had a very small frame and fitted into 6 and 8 clothes (being able to eat whatever I like).

    Now that I have gotten older I am finding I can't fit into some of my favourite clothes. This is most likely because I now have a desk job and work late so put off exercising.

    So my plan is more to get my figure back through toning, trying to keep my calories down and hopefully in the process that will mean I lose weight, or at least swap fat weight with muscle weight.
  • Faintgreeneyes
    Faintgreeneyes Posts: 729 Member
    I am 5'7 and am currently 136 lbs. When I started on here I was 156 lbs with a goal of 140. I got to 140 and decided to lose another 5 lbs. I will be stopping at 135 as I think I would start to look too thin under that weight. I also have a medium bone structure.

    I am currently wearing a size 8 in pants and a 6 in dresses.

    But do what you feel looks and feels best on you!
  • I'm 5"6 and am aiming for 125-129, to be under 130 :) I'm only a few pounds away but out of clothes am def. too flabby, trying to tone too!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    im 5ft 7. 246lbs lol.. love to be your weight. im drinking more water, eating clean, everything from scratch and love exercise when im well enough especially zumba. got me 55lbs down so far x
  • arl29
    arl29 Posts: 55 Member
    I'm 5"7' and currently 170 lbs. I want to lose 20 more. I think I look good at 150 but who knows, maybe I will want to drop a few more after that. :happy:
  • JeNn45nFiT
    JeNn45nFiT Posts: 125 Member
    I am at 156 right now, I want to get to 140-145...Right now I would be happy if I could get to 150! Been so hard to get this weight off since I turned 40!!!
  • RunAmock
    RunAmock Posts: 95 Member
    I think it depends greatly on your muscle mass. You can be in the 130s and skinny fat and someone 150s with more muscle will look much better, IMO.