Ignorant colleagues who have never had to lose weight



  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    to be honest they are right. You should listen to them more. Overweight people have quite the idea that "skinny" people get or stay that way by accident, but as you are finding out first hand its a continual balancing act. Foods such as biscuits, crisps, all that junk you basically can't eat at all, or very sparingly, (like one of these once a month) otherwise you won't remain slim.
    P:eople get tired of overweight people making excuses such as slow metabolisms (baloney) wheat allergies etc being the cause of the overweight.

    sorry if this offends but I struggle to see why you had any of the biscuits if you need to lose weight.

    Oh yea and food allergies are not "baloney." I'd like to see you say that to someone who has had a family member die from a food allergy. Honey, they are very real. And yes so are slow metabolisms. Some people have diseases called metabolic disorders. Do some research because these comments are pathetic. I have no tolerance for people like you.

    A bit harsh but I also read this judgemental comment and didn't want to read your rant about people judging you. I worked in a medical lab and allergies are very real. Wheat allergy is called Celiacs and it's no joke.
  • MommaKit79
    MommaKit79 Posts: 852
    OK, I didnt get a chance to read all of the comments but...I get that a lot too. BUT, SHOCKINGLY, from my Mother-In-Law who, mind you, smokes, is diabetic and still eats/drinks what she shouldnt, is about 100 lbs overweight, if not more, etc. AND, when we go there for dinner while we are watching our calorie intake, she is CONSTANTLY trying to get us to eat more.

    Understandably, most of the time, they THINK they are trying to be helpful but, instead, the arent. Instead of saying, "If you dont mind, what are you doing?" or, saying, "I have heard that if you do this..." Or something! But, instead, they think what you are doing isnt right, eventhough you have made progress and they wont see it.

    Take their comments with a grain of salt and just move on to prove them WRONG or whatever. NOT saying that what they are saying is wrong or right, BUT, you know what YOU are doing for YOU and what YOu have to do to feel good about YOURSELF.

    As for eating the biscuits and another person on here saying you shouldnt have them, It is YOUR decisions to have them and, HELLO, there ARE certain Biscuits that are low calorie or low fat or whatever that you could still eat. Dont let those people make you feel bad either!! Again, only YOU can decide how YOU feel and only YOU can make the decisions as to what you want to eat!!!

    HUGS and keep up the good work!! It is a constant battle, mentally and physically for us all!!!! :)
  • Limajuliet
    Limajuliet Posts: 54 Member
    I think, as with most posts, people start to lose focus as to what is really going on.

    You said they didn't know about your diet. And why should they? If you are losing weight for them, or anyone else, to approve of you there is a bigger issue.

    From their perspective, the were probably trying to help. Men, and I am one, have a tendency to try and fix everything. Some men try to fix things they don't know how to fix, (That is why I have a job) that they weren't asked to fix, or are not wished to fix.

    Part of the journey of claiming ourselves and having control of our life is to grow a bit thicker skin. The words coming out of other people's mouths can only hurt us if we give them the power to hurt us. If we hold them in higher esteem than ourselves or seek their approval.

    You are the only one that matters, and forget what anyone else says; yes even what I say if it doesn't help.

    Grammar edit

    Thank you, that’s true actually. I work in a team of engineers, so they were probably just trying to fix things. Mixed with an element of wanting to tease me (as the only woman!). Thanks for the advice, I usually do have quite a thick skin, I guess I was just feeling a bit delicate this morning. I need to man up!!
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Reminds me of my boyfriend, I love him to death....but death is about what I want to do to him with this diet. My doctor told me to cut out gluetin/wheat for about two weeks to see how I feel because my blood tests came back with a sensitivity and I was having some other health issues....so I've been doing great so far. Never knew what it was like to have feel bloated or have your stomach in knots all the time. So I've been craving non fat frozen yogurt.....ummmm what in that statement is bad?? Well he keeps saying no you're on a diet, like WTF its non fat.....frozen......yogurt!!!! Its like no calories...not like i'm asking for a hot fudge sunday!!!! Some people just don't understand if they have never been in your shoes. And most diets, or life changes, fail if you don't have just something you crave once inwhile. Needless to say I will be getting my non fat frozen yogurt tomorrow and I don't care what anyone has to say about it!!! Good job for all the hard work you have put in, I know it's hard to give up wheat when it's in everything we eat.
  • YvetteRoy
    YvetteRoy Posts: 13
    I know exactly where you are comming from. Unfortunely for me my abuse comes from my very own family...... My grandmother had and undiagnosed overactive thyroid until after giving birth to her 8th child. So naturally she has never been overweight a day of her life (including while she was pregnant with all 10 of her children!!) She is constantly making comments about my flucuating weight and size thru out my life and I try to be understanding of the fact that she doesn't know what it feels like to have to worry about your wieght but it still hurts sometimes. My husband on the other hand, is quite over weight and doesn't try very hard to remedy it -- and is constantly on my back about how much I worry about what kind of shape I am in. I have learned to just keep to myself and do what I need to do for me and not worry about what others are saying about it. If I see that someone isn't supportive of what I am doing then I just don't share the details with them. That is why I am here -- to have people that share my goals to get in shape and won't judge for it. My advice to you would be to not worry about those people in your life that aren't supporting you and try to lean on the people that are.
  • 1953Judith
    1953Judith Posts: 325 Member
    The Wall Street Journal had an article (yesterday, I think) "Colleagues Who Can Make You Fat". Sorry I'm not computer saavey enough to post the link. The article and comments about it do highlight some of the differing thoughts on workplace and obesity.

    My work has a fitness coordinator which has really changed the tone of food in the office for me personally. I have become much stronger, but tactiful in how I handle my food preferences/team building moments in the office. As everybody's workplace is different and each person approaches food and fitness differently, I'm not sure it is worth giving my specific approach. I do feel comfortable recommending that it worth examining how you want to handle the food issues that come up in the normal course of your work world.

    Anyway the article's interesting.
  • RonnieBigGunz
    I rarely talk about diet or training to anyone other than my wife or a close friend, because so many people think they are experts, yet they have nothing to show for it. But don't assume that since others are thin that they've always been that way. Others have made comments about me that I don't have to worry about my weight, not knowing that I used to be fat. As far as people noticing, I lost 45lbs a couple of years ago, and no one in my office even noticed, and they've forgotten that the fat me ever existed. That's okay with me.
  • persian_star
    persian_star Posts: 197 Member
    To generalise completely (and yes, I know these aren't always, or even mostly, the truth, but they're generalisations for a reason, they're at least based in truth ;o) men do tend to see a problem and try and fix it. Women like to talk about things (see, total generalisation, but bear with me).

    These guys, not having a clue about how hard you've worked, your research and your understanding, heard you were trying to lose weight and immediately started reeling off 'fixes'. Whether out of a genuine desire to help or a need to show off their 'knowledge', they parroted everything they think they know, some of which sounds quite sensible. However, without knowing the context of your not eating wheat and without giving credence to the idea that your knowledge might surpass theirs, they probably didn't realise that what they were saying was going to insult or upset you.

    That's my theory, anyway :o)

    I would agree - only tell those who your trust completely for their support that you're trying to lose. Other's reactions are impossible to predict or control, and you never know whether they might say something that would derail or upset you.

    Keep up the good work :flowerforyou:
  • MommaKit79
    MommaKit79 Posts: 852
    Yes, while I agree that some people, once they know, can use these situations and conditions as excuses, they are not BALONEY!! Again, like others have said, they are REAL and some people can go YEARS with problems and not know they have real issues! This can cause other problems or cause permanant damage to certain organs and such! I had a friend who tried for YEARS to lose weight and couldnt and, was not financially able to go to the doctors to comp[letely get tested for everything under the sun. She got a sore on her foot that wouldnt heal and finally got put in the hospital and, come to find out, she was diabetic, ended up losing most of her leg, and now she really has a problem with keeping her diabetes under control and exercising is harder because, HELLO, she has a prosthetic and it is harder to work out. She doesnt by FAR use it as an excuse but, HELLO, THINK before you speak. I, myself, have jsut realized that the reason I have been having problems losing weight is because of a thyroid issue! So, while I understand there are some people that DO use their problems as a crutch, not everyone does! They are REAL ISSUES and there are some people that seriously CANT lose some weight because of these issues or whatever.
  • markpmc
    markpmc Posts: 240 Member
    I have a few friends who live the gluten free lifestyle. It's not for me, but they have dropped some serious weight. As for the unsolicited advice from coworkers, just ignore it. Fact is that we're all different in terms of maintenance levels, diet preferences, etc.

    Just think XX+lbs in the future when your support from friends will evaporate. You'll look around and realize that you're in better shape than your coworkers. Then then the 'you look skinny' comments will start coming. It's amazing how much pressure hard non-dieting, out of shape people can bring to bear on someone who's being successful with weight loss.

    Hang in there and just ignore the fools.
  • purplep41n
    purplep41n Posts: 40 Member
    I'm being very careful at my work. I am not mentioning it at all as I know everyone will give their tuppence worth. Every time my boss goes on a diet she announces it to everyone and from then on, people comment about everything she does and doesn't do. I had the same last year.

    With friends as well. Just tires me out. They don't say anything towards me but they talk about their own food intake and it makes me angry when I hear just how they eat on a day to day business. Not angry with them obviously. My to-be Mother In Law made a comment about me slimming for the wedding when I went to eat something weekend just gone. I don't think I had even mentioned that I was doing this. That shocked me. My fiancée even makes comments and he's not slim. I don't think people can help it.

    This time, all I've said is that I'd like to be slimmer on my wedding day but I will plan for that not being the case. If anyone notices me losing weight I will say no until/if I can't hide it anymore.

    Everyones body is different. Too many of us have messed up our systems by trying to lose weight in all the wrong ways and now we can't just lose weight by eating less and exercising more because we're dealing with something much bigger. All our bodies are going to have different needs.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    All you need to do when you don't want to eat something, it say it doesn't agree with me. You don't need to get into why. Those ignorant colleagues thought they were trying to help. (they didn't) But what they saw was someone who was trying lose weight eating biscuits. You said it yourself, they didn't know about all the exercise and the other stuff you were accomplishing. The see all these fad diets out there and thought this was another one of those.

    Let it go. If you witnessed and accident, on your way home from work, then saw it on the news but they neglected to mention a few facts, would get all upset??? You might just walk away shaking your head saying "That's not what happened" Do that wiht this.
  • GwenaLW
    GwenaLW Posts: 13 Member
    People make lots of ignorant, judgmental comments about lots of things. We feel emotionally upset about it (at least I do) and then eat. I actually had someone lie about me and I got in trouble for it. I just remember someday they will pay for what they did wrong. We as human beings have a tendency to make judgments about things we have never been through ourselves. I went through an extremely difficult time in my life and people were constantly trying to give me advice without knowing all the facts. You need to do what's best for you, and personally I would say don't give those work colleagues any other leftovers! LOL (Seriously is it worth your getting all upset over? I'd say it's their loss). IMHO. Finally I had a lady criticize and judge me for YEARS because I chose to homeschool my children. Guess what? She ended up homeschooling hers. Sometimes those comments stem from a lack of knowledge, and we can potentially help people. God bless you.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    Just remember that you never need to explain, justify or defend yourself to anyone other than you. You're doing what you think is best for you, regardless of other people's opinions. After all, you're the one that has to live with the consequences of your actions, not anyone else. Everyone has an idea of what they think "healthy" should be, and I rarely find that any two people agree WHOLLY on a set of beliefs (though there may be a large degree of overlap).

    Do as you please and you can choose to nod, smile politely and acknowledge other people's "concerns" or tell them to bugger off. Either way, do what you think is best for you and keep moving on towards your goals.
  • rdsxgrl28
    rdsxgrl28 Posts: 165 Member
    Everyone is an expert, whethe rit is diet, exercise or politics. You will always get those who can say for certainty how to(insert subject here)

    Next time just tell them you will read there diet book when it comes out.
  • Nikki_42
    Nikki_42 Posts: 298 Member
    you say "thanks for the advice but im on top of what i should and shouldnt be eating and why, enjoy the biscuits"

    Agreed. They (maybe) didn't mean any harm and were trying to be helpful. Even if they weren't, keep it simple like the suggestion above, smile, and walk away.

    You're doing great!
  • boggsmeister
    boggsmeister Posts: 292 Member
    edit: Meant to respond to someone else and it just went on to the end of the post.
  • boggsmeister
    boggsmeister Posts: 292 Member
    to be honest they are right. You should listen to them more. Overweight people have quite the idea that "skinny" people get or stay that way by accident, but as you are finding out first hand its a continual balancing act. Foods such as biscuits, crisps, all that junk you basically can't eat at all, or very sparingly, (like one of these once a month) otherwise you won't remain slim.
    P:eople get tired of overweight people making excuses such as slow metabolisms (baloney) wheat allergies etc being the cause of the overweight.

    sorry if this offends but I struggle to see why you had any of the biscuits if you need to lose weight.

    What the hell is wrong with you?
  • Tebbspcad
    Tebbspcad Posts: 233
    I must admit I still eat cakes & biscuits (mainly because I enjoy baking & find it very therapeutic!) but try & usually succeed to sticking within my limit for the day. When people ask me about my 'diet' i do find it annoying when they give me dirty looks when I say i'm still eating cakes etc. the dirty look is usually followed by them giving me a knowing look as in...'ahhh so thats why your still fat' <raise the eyebrows>. and to be honest I don't care what they think, i've been on loads of restictive diets and as soon as i'm off the diet I eat like it's going out of fashion - I simply can't handle denying myself anything as i'll just eat twice as much more when I do allow myself to 'cheat'. I now cook with a low fat spray, I eat plenty of healthy, mostly vegetarian dishes - because they are tasty & not because i'm avoiding meat, i exercise 5 or 6 days a week & try to be as active as possible. So I know that over time i will lose weight in a healthy controlled way and i know i won't put the weight back on as bafore as i'm not denying myself anything. It's all good & i'm happier for it! :happy:
  • KadianRM
    KadianRM Posts: 4 Member
    I am thrilled to find this thread!!!

    I have found that initially when I was talking about getting in shape and building muscle, people LAUGHED at me!! they said muscles were ugly, why would I want that, that isn't beautiful, blah blah blah....

    Then after a few months, people noticed!!!! they were like WOW, great job, what are you eating, what are you doing, where do you work out, how much weight have you lost!!!

    But...I also got OMG are you even eating, I wouldn't do what you are doing bc I actually like food, and other jabs along those lines.
    I know this shouldn't both me, bc it's just jealous people trying to blow out my flame. One of the lowest blows was when I had people at work complimenting my progress and asking for workout tips/recipe ideas THEN one of my FRIENDS said, "oh she just never eats and runs all the time." Which is so untrue and hurtful bc I have worked hard and it felt like she really discredited all my hard work :(

    The truth, I LOVE LOVE LOVE tastes and flavors and healthy food. I have become much more responsible when it comes to portion control and I have learned how to balance my diet better to keep calories low. Oh and I MOVE!!! everyday might not be the best workout or anything intense, but I take the stairs to my 5th floor of work, I park further from stores, and any other little tweaks to move move move.

    THE other TRUTH... I love love love helping others get in shape. I will give you all my tips so far for diet, exercise, and positive self talk. I am under the impression that we all can be fit and healthy and happy...it doesn't make my progress any less valuable if everyone around me is healthy too.