


  • BUT how do you girls cope with the extra appetite and extreme cravings? I think mine is due and today I just feel starving. I eat a little and then i'm REALLY hungry again an hour later.

    Try to find snacks with "zero calories" such as celery. Then add a bit of peanut butter or almond butter to make you feel full for awhile. It is very low and calories and can curb your hunger.
  • judy20in2011
    judy20in2011 Posts: 143 Member
    I have been having them for about 27 years now. For some reason, I know what to expect every 28 days or so and don't get surprised anymore. Unless you are experiencing some very strange symptoms, it is normal, if you are having strange symptoms, there are doctors that actually specialize in the female reproductive system. Please, stop posting about it.

    Why did you click on a post that says "Period" if these posts annoy you? If they annoy you, don't open them. You knew what it was about before you opened it. Instead of telling people what they should and shouldn't post, just skip right over it if you don't like it. It's really simple. You purposely opened it and read it just to complain about it.

    I was thinking along the same lines. If someone doesn't like a topic why not just move along??

    Also, I have been very aware of symptoms for that time but not until I started here and really weighing myself did I realize I actually gained 3-5 lbs every month!! I knew I bloated like a water balloon, so yes it makes sense. Unfortunately, as someone else pointed out, these issues are brought up in many ways in society and most of them are more along the lines of these being a bad thing or that your a wimp if you complain about them! So I am glad we have a community here that you can bring your concerns to.
  • ImSoOTired
    ImSoOTired Posts: 186 Member
    I drink a lot of water and I save a bit of room for chocolate milk :smile: ! I still try not to go over my calories but just a few over probably won't hurt much. I don't gain around my period but I don't lose either. I tend to step it up the week after to make up for it and lose more because of it!
  • raisydaisy
    raisydaisy Posts: 12 Member
    MFP is for all questions, I don't see why some people are so mean . It not helpful, or productive or funny. These are serious issues and legitamate questions. If you can't say anything nice then.... P155 0ff x

    I can't believe I'm coming back to this, but here you go...

    People are being snarky because most women have been dealing with their lady-time since they were teenagers. Along with that usually comes bloating, water retention, etc. All of which will cause a small weight gain. Freaking out about something that you *should* know will go away after you start menstruating is, well, silly, thus, inviting the snark. :flowerforyou:

    (You asked.)

    I can't believe I'm coming back to this either, but here I go.

    Claiming that you "don't notice" these things is not a viable excuse. Every commercial for feminine products refers to the "bloating" feeling that accompanies your menstruation. All pop culture references to menstruation talk about cravings and bloating as well. It basically should be common knowledge for anyone that participates in modern society.

    Lol! How touchy we all can be!

    I think some of us should take a deep breath and resolve not to be a toe rag anymore. Who care whether a woman should 'know' this stuff or not. Somebody asked for advice, it doesn't cost us anything!

    I have had a period for 22 years, it has always been the same, I never had any problems with weight gain, bloating, cravings, any of it. Now I do. So why should I know about bloating because a commercial talks about it? I don't tend to get my knowledge from television, but perhaps that is just me.

    My last three periods I have gained 10lb almost literally overnight. One week later it is gone. I haven't changed my food or my exercise.

    So, I looked for a thread like this to see if this was 'normal'. Why should I know about this? It has never happened before! Lol!

    From what I am reading though - my case is a bit extreme, but not anything I need to worry about. So, thank you to all those who gave advice freely and with understanding. To the rest of you OMG! Seriously learn how to get along with others without judging them!
  • kaybrose730
    kaybrose730 Posts: 143 Member
    MFP is for all questions, I don't see why some people are so mean . It not helpful, or productive or funny. These are serious issues and legitamate questions. If you can't say anything nice then.... P155 0ff x

    Agreed, if you're annoyed by a question..move on to something else.
  • kaybrose730
    kaybrose730 Posts: 143 Member

    Someone has too much time on their hands, get a life.
  • Mcmilligen
    Mcmilligen Posts: 332 Member
    Thank you for posting this! I've actually had my period for about 25 days now... Due to starting new birth control. I've been to the doctor, all they could tell me was to sit it out. HOWEVER. I am eating EVERYTHING come night time! I'm quite vigilant during the day, but as soon as I get home... it's carbs carbs carbs! Ugh. And chocolate, of course. I've gained about 3-4 lbs in this time frame alone. I look forward to reading tips any of you MFP folks my have to offer :)
  • KadianRM
    KadianRM Posts: 4 Member
    Just stay away from the scale, try not to give in to too many cravings, drink lots of water, stay away from too much sodium, and wait for the week to be over :)
  • KadianRM
    KadianRM Posts: 4 Member
    Oh no!! have you tried the NuvaRing? I love love love it. Used it for 4 years now...awesome, forgettable, easy, no worries
  • Thanks for bringing it up, Aunt Flow coming to town can be a real bummer. I am going with the first reply, "ignore it". Although it is unsettling, to be bloated. gain weight and in my case feel consistent horrible cramping, it is what it is. I suspect now that I am here and utilizing MFP I will become much more aware of when those changes start and end and will measure and weigh accordingly. I've decided to weigh my self every two weeks instead of every weeks and stick to measurements regularly. I already fluctuate like crazy. I am also judging my progress in terms of how I feel.
  • Mcmilligen
    Mcmilligen Posts: 332 Member
    Oh no!! have you tried the NuvaRing? I love love love it. Used it for 4 years now...awesome, forgettable, easy, no worries

    I should try it! The pills seem to be difficult for my body to handle. And the weight gain is a massive disappointment, blah. I'll let my body try to adjust, it's still early... But I must say, not having to remember the pill each morning would be lovely.
  • brendacs21
    brendacs21 Posts: 180 Member
    Same here, i had been doing excellent with working out and eating healthy and i get on the scale and it gives me the SAME number. When i weighed in i almost had a melt down and then just a couple hours later i started. So then since ive heard that up to a week before there is a water weight gain i felt better. Im weighing back in on saturday when i should be done w/aunt flow...lets see what happens!
    xASHYxSMASHYx Posts: 175 Member
    Thank you for posting this! I've actually had my period for about 25 days now... Due to starting new birth control. I've been to the doctor, all they could tell me was to sit it out. HOWEVER. I am eating EVERYTHING come night time! I'm quite vigilant during the day, but as soon as I get home... it's carbs carbs carbs! Ugh. And chocolate, of course. I've gained about 3-4 lbs in this time frame alone. I look forward to reading tips any of you MFP folks my have to offer :)

    First I would say if your doc doesn't seem concerned about something like this... then get a new doctor. One that takes you seriously, and will try different things until you find one that works. If you aren't already, it might help to try a low dose pill. I had severe problems when I was first put on birth control, and came to find out it was because I wasn't on a low dose pill. Also I have tried Nuva Ring as well and didn't have any noticeable side effects with that one. So you should definitely find something that you are comfortable with and don't settle for less, because it's not normal to have month long periods and you shouldn't have to suffer through it.
  • swisspea
    swisspea Posts: 327 Member
    Some months are worse than others I find. I don't pay much attention to what I weigh during that week, but I do still weight myself, out of curiosity. I find I drop the weight quite quickly after, and it's motivating to see the number after the week is finished. If I have a lot of cravings the day it begins, I chalk it up to my body telling me that it needs more calories today to get through the rest of the week, and I try to make sensible choices and do what my body is telling me for that day or two, then it's right back on the bandwagon afterwards.
  • swisspea
    swisspea Posts: 327 Member
    This has happened to me before- so brutal. Stick with it, and if it lasts more than a month, I'd get rid of that birth control and move on to another.
    Thank you for posting this! I've actually had my period for about 25 days now... Due to starting new birth control. I've been to the doctor, all they could tell me was to sit it out. HOWEVER. I am eating EVERYTHING come night time! I'm quite vigilant during the day, but as soon as I get home... it's carbs carbs carbs! Ugh. And chocolate, of course. I've gained about 3-4 lbs in this time frame alone. I look forward to reading tips any of you MFP folks my have to offer :)
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    I don't weigh myself that week, because it is useless to do so, and a waste of my time. Although I am addicted to my scale, when my cycle comes, I have more pressing things to do.

    I eat what ever the heck comes to mind. Usually I don't go off too sharpley. And I don't go over my calorie budget. So If I eat something that is 1700 calories, I am screwed for the rest of the day.

    You have to learn will power, and you have to live your life knowing that next month you will endure the same hell. So plan for it, expect it, and move on.

    My pressing things are working, sleeping and eating when I am on my cycle. After working 12 hours, I don't have the energy to do anything else.

    You will find your mojo. What works for me, will not work for you, and vice versa.
  • Snow__White
    Snow__White Posts: 1,650 Member
  • amyy902
    amyy902 Posts: 290 Member
    Don't weigh yourself.

    Have some chocolate.

    Don't post about it.


  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    BUT how do you girls cope with the extra appetite and extreme cravings? I think mine is due and today I just feel starving. I eat a little and then i'm REALLY hungry again an hour later.

    You exercise self discipline is what you do.
  • ThaRealNicki
    ThaRealNicki Posts: 322 Member
    MFP is for all questions, I don't see why some people are so mean . It not helpful, or productive or funny. These are serious issues and legitamate questions. If you can't say anything nice then.... P155 0ff x

    I can't believe I'm coming back to this, but here you go...

    People are being snarky because most women have been dealing with their lady-time since they were teenagers. Along with that usually comes bloating, water retention, etc. All of which will cause a small weight gain. Freaking out about something that you *should* know will go away after you start menstruating is, well, silly, thus, inviting the snark. :flowerforyou:

    (You asked.)

    I can't believe I'm coming back to this either, but here I go.

    Claiming that you "don't notice" these things is not a viable excuse. Every commercial for feminine products refers to the "bloating" feeling that accompanies your menstruation. All pop culture references to menstruation talk about cravings and bloating as well. It basically should be common knowledge for anyone that participates in modern society.

    Im PMSing right now so I may be a b!tch but ive been super heavy all my life EFF the commercials and what they say happens during a period cuzz it isnt the same for me, I never noticed bloating and I still dont...

    I just started this journey I DIDNT KNOW BEING ON YOUR PERIOD WOULD AFFECT YOUR WEIGHT LOSS SO EXCUSE ME FOR NOT BEING WOMAN ENOUGH TO KNOW LIKE ALL YOU WOMEN YOU ACT LIKE LADIES ALL THE TIME APPARENTLY. WHY BE SOOOOO *****Y!! YES!! IVE BEEN HAVING MY PERIOD A LONG *kitten* TIME NOW! NO! I DID NOT WEIGHT MYSELF MOST MY LIFE INCLUDING WHILE BEING ON MY PERIOD. SO NO IT DOESNT HAVE TO BE COMMON FOR PEOPLE IN MODERN SOCIETY. EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT AND COMES FROM A DIFFERENT BACKGROUND LADIES! Craving I deff understand thats the only common sympton of a period ive EVER noticed!! All this other stuff is new to me just like a lot of ladies out there who will soon be asking the same questions. So dont be a fu****ing B!tch about it! geez!! I swear a lot of you ladies were PMSing when you left comments too