What's your water secret?

I'm not interested in what is considered water and what isn't. If you drink plain water, nothing added or mixed in (lemon is OK), what is your secret to getting enough? Let's also assume that 8 cups really is the magic number!

I know some people don't have a problem consuming water, and others do. For those who do have a hard time getting the magic 8 or more cups, but manage it, do you have a secret?

I don't easily get 8 cups a day. I tried adding a squeeze of lemon, and that helped. But I didn't always have lemon available and at work I'd often times forget to bring any. I recently started bringing my own flasks of water to work - 2 x 32 ounces. I try to get through the first one by lunch or shortly after, and the second one I try to finish either before I leave or on the drive home. Since doing this, I've had no problems getting my water intake.

What your secret?


  • My secret to getting the water was to tell myself water is my friend. Additionally I started out by not letting myself have my beloved coffee if I had not consumed enough water the day before. Because I "must" have my coffee I would tell myself throughout the day, water today equals coffee tomorrow. It seemed to help. Now I have no problem drinking water and even find myself done with the 8 cups of water by lunch time.
  • Well I think that its much healthier than soda. It makes my body feel good. Good luck. :smile:
  • angelaclassact
    angelaclassact Posts: 66 Member
    If I don't drink it, my body knows. I drink A LOT! My secret is drinking it from a cool cup, and making sure that if I'm behind on the water intake that I drink at least 8 ounces before I can eat a meal. I also live 45 minutes away from home, so on the commutes I make myself sip water, I can usually get 3 cups down in the AM, and 2 cups down on the way home. I take water with me everywhere, and I'm good for 3 cups during a work out. Making it a habit makes it easier drink all the water you need.
  • AntShanny
    AntShanny Posts: 359 Member
    Water is pretty much all I drink and usually get at least 8 glasses in while at work (have a 16 oz bottle and just keep refilling it from our r/o system) and then a few more once I get home. I drink it plain, have never really liked adding any flavorings. I like it cold but will drink it at room temp...it doesn't make a difference to me! But water has always been my drink of choice...I just drink it,
  • RachelVon
    RachelVon Posts: 66 Member
    The more water you drink the more you crave it! Just drink it with meals, when you wake up, and before you go to sleep. As well as during workouts and you should be good!!
  • cookiesrgood15
    cookiesrgood15 Posts: 72 Member
    drink it at room temperature!!! goes down much easier!! :D
  • Hood25
    Hood25 Posts: 201 Member
    I take my metal flasks/water cans with me everywhere. I have created a habit of having it with me and drinking throughout the day. Also, eating a lot of fruits and veggies that are mostly water could help. Google fruits and veggies with high water content and put those in your diet.
  • I make sure it's ice cold and if my bottle is almost empty, I chug it. I always try to drink a cup before each meal too.
  • 967_1111
    967_1111 Posts: 221 Member
    I filter mine through freshly ground coffee beans and add cream and sugar to it. Best water ever.
  • mseraf713
    mseraf713 Posts: 29 Member
    I drink alot with my meals so that takes care of about 75% of my water consumption for the day, plus I'll sit with a bottle at the end of the night while winding down.
  • jbuntu
    jbuntu Posts: 54 Member
    I have an 8 cup (2 quart) pitcher that I fill with water every morning. I just make sure that I drink it by the end of the day.
  • sing4me4you
    sing4me4you Posts: 88 Member
    I drink 24 oz during and after my early morning workout and then try to drink another 24oz during the work day. I do get bored with the taste so I will also drink sparkling water as well. My body also knows when I haven't had enough and definitely lets me know.
  • mns91
    mns91 Posts: 6
    This is going to seem ridiculous, but to me, it's all about the water bottle. If it's in a glass, I can't do it. I have a camelbak water bottle that holds 3 cups and I use it for the gym. When I'm at home, I have a "Smart Water" water bottle that I just continuously refill. It holds 2.5 cups, it fits in my purse or the drink holder in my car, and for some reason, it's just really easy to drink at least 3-4 of those bottles over the course of the day.
  • amandalfraser
    amandalfraser Posts: 40 Member
    Is there such a thing as too much water? Some days I barely drink any, and others I drink a ton! I know, probably not too healthy!
  • I've never been a water drinker - I esp. like drinks with flavor with meals. Since upping water & cutting all other drinks (minus 1 or 2 a week) I'm addicted to truelemon. Its crystalized lemon, lime or orange that comes in sugar sized packets. There are no artificial sweetners or sugars at all - just flavor. You can buy in bulk online & stash in your desk. I add to my water bottle every time I fill up.
  • 0EmmeNicole0
    0EmmeNicole0 Posts: 180 Member
    I wish i had a secret. I really just walk around with a 20oz water bottle, fill it to the top and drink that 4 times a day. I pee all the time, it gets on my damn nerves. But i really don't know how else to go about it. When you find the secret, please tell me!
  • hypersensitiveb
    hypersensitiveb Posts: 342 Member
    I don't always get my 8 in but when I do I credit it to the fact that I leave bottles ever where. like in my purse, gym bag, care, beside my bed, on my side tables by the couch, at work, on my dresser lol . My lazyness gives in and I drink what's near by.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I guess the secret is that I love water? Some days I drink 0-2 cups. Some days I drink 18-20 cups.

    On the best days, I fill up a 32oz cup from the local convenience store with water and drink through straw. Then I drink a second fill up of that. 8 cups right there.

    Always have water in arm distance so you can reach for it.
  • rahrah82
    rahrah82 Posts: 30 Member
    drink it at room temperature!!! goes down much easier!! :D

    ^^^^^ This .. I do 12 cups a day.. I fill my 1.5L bottle 4 times a day and make sure i drink it.. I am always thirsty though so I don't usually have any trouble...
  • laughingnome
    laughingnome Posts: 259 Member
    I just carry my refillable water bottle all day and refill as needed, after I gave up soda I did have some trouble but now I am never without my bottle of water