Working mom needs kid friendly crock pot recipe's!!



  • 11Jayme11
    11Jayme11 Posts: 194 Member
    Bump for later!
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    Some really good ideas!
  • Excellent website with
  • temp666777
    temp666777 Posts: 169
    Similar to a crock-pot, Here's an incredibly simple way to make awesome chicken soup

    Get a very large pot. Drop in a whole chicken. That's it. (Simply make sure to remove the plastic wrapper, strings, etc!)

    JUST COVER with water plus another inch - that's the secret.

    Drop in two onions (ideally take the peel off. Cut them in quarters, but it hardly matters.)

    Drop in say 4 lerge carrots (just break them in halves or quarters - cut of the tops, but it hardly matters), and ideally some celery (just break it up in to long lengths).

    (Carrots - celery - onion is the "secret trio".)

    Very simply add some salt, and about FOUR peppercorns. If you only have ground pepper, just a shake.

    That's it. Simmer on a low heat all day.

    IF you prefer add other vegetables - for example, a turnip or other hard root vegetables, whatever is popular in your country. (IF you happen to have the chicken livers, etc, with the chick - just drop those in also.)

    It's difficult to imagine anything simpler - the result is awesome! Eat the soup and as preferred rip the chicken meat off the bird (it falls off easily) and put it in the soup.

    I hope it helps.
  • excellent website with tons of crock pot recipes!
  • 11Jayme11
    11Jayme11 Posts: 194 Member
    One thats not a crock pot.... Pre cooked grilled chicken strips, sliced peppers, onions and mushrooms, EVOO, sauteed together. Wrap in a low cal wrap with lettuce and tablespoon on cheese. YUM! Kids love it with ranch dressing!
    Crock pot favorite in my house...sweet and sour meatballs. I buy the turkey meatballs, throw them in with a jar of grape jelly(i get sugar free) and a jar of chili sauce. Cook on low for 8 or so hours.. YUM! We have it with veggies, and salad. My kids love this meal!
    A life saver for ME has been the steam fresh veggie bags! I have so little time with kids school, work, scouts, baseball.. I need to have quick options in my reach!
  • abraam
    abraam Posts: 25
  • knelson422
    knelson422 Posts: 308 Member
    This is a great sight for crock pot recipes. She posted a new recipe each day for a year. Good luck!!
  • temp666777
    temp666777 Posts: 169
    From France, how to make incredibly simple boeuf bourgignon. (ie, "beef stew!" .. it was invented in Burgundy some centuries ago.)

    (1) ideally get a large fry pan. turn it on, no too hot. put in a little peanut oil or butter

    chop up one or two onions, not too fine, and put them in

    get the stew meat and chop it up -- not TOO small, fairly large chunks (each person might eat 2 or 3 chunks, you break them up on your plate when eating - a child will eat 2 or only 1 chunk). throw the meat in with the onions.

    (2) Basically just sear it, cook it a little bit. You're talking maybe 1-2 minutes here. Push it around with a wooden spoon to do all sides of the meat. DON'T get it hard and crispy or anything ... just barely seared, and the onions a little soft.

    Dump all of that in the crock-pot, and then you're done with the frypan - rinse it and put it back in the cupboard!


    (3) DO NOT PEEL THEM. you need a wire or other stiff "vegetable brush". Buy yourself a vegetable brush. Just throw all the potatoes and carrots in the sink, run cold water, and scrub the hell our of each carrot and potato - it only takes maybe 20 seconds to do the whole batch.

    (Apart from anything else, it takes far, far too long to peel them. it takes seconds to scrub them with a vegetable brush under running water.)

    (4) Then, cut them in to reasonably small pieces. Throw it in the crock-pot.

    Add a HALF BOTTLE of the cheapest red wine. In France, very very thrifty, so only "aligote" (the cheapest wine) would be used for this. You should do the same, the cheapest red wine you can find! Add same amount of tap water.

    Let it cook all day or all night. You're done. Add salt and eat.

    if you are TRULY IN A HURRY: ie you have only say "2 minutes" rather than "4 minutes" ! Don't even bother braising the meat/onions as described. Just throw the whole lot (meat, onions, carrots, potatoes) in the pot, with the half bottle of wine, half bottle of water. Cook all day or night.

    A fancy tip -- ideally, mix in the carrots, but then leave the potatoes more "on top". only mix them in a little bit, near the end. Enjoy!!

    BTW (5) it is essential and traditional to drink the other half-bottle, after getting the meal in the crockpot, to unwind after that exhausting 5 minutes work !!!
    LuLuSUPER Posts: 189
    My kids love :
    -apricot chicken (chicken, pkt dry french onion soup and can of apricot nectar),
    -salsa shicken (chicken, jar of salsa and some sour cream),
    -orange pork (pork, orange juice and hoisin sauce),
    -lots of Indian dishes that I use the sauce out of a packet (Passage to India is my favorite brand and they do great mango chicken, butter chicken and a korma)
    -My local supermarket sells sauces specifically designed for slow cookers, most of these are yummy, easy to prepare and you can find some that arent too bad on the calories
    -Massaman beef (beef, onion, massaman paste, coconut milk, brown sugar, potatoes and peanuts)

    WOW- great recipes everyone! That apricot chicken is goin down tonight!! :happy:
  • boncharlie
    boncharlie Posts: 459 Member
    bumpalicious :)
  • jenschnack
    jenschnack Posts: 112 Member
  • skeck
    skeck Posts: 46
  • emily2tx
    emily2tx Posts: 77
  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    THIS is a delicious crock pot recipe that everyone loved and was great for leftovers:

    (I left out the black beans since none of us like them.)

    When I put it in the recipe calculator with the ingredients I used, it came out to 5 servings with these stats:

    Per serving: 147 calories, 15g carbs, 2g fat, 18g protein.
  • doodledaze
    doodledaze Posts: 33 Member
    bump - Thanks for all the great, and easy, ideas!
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Bump for the great recipies!!
  • Amy_Lynn74
    Amy_Lynn74 Posts: 134 Member has a bunch of great recipes.
  • sandlerlover
    sandlerlover Posts: 96 Member
  • AMYJ7
    AMYJ7 Posts: 15 Member