Biggest Pet Peeve



  • Massageu2
    Massageu2 Posts: 59
    when people say 'don't throw out your fat clothes, you'll need them again eventually...

    Anyone that said that to me would probably get promptly punched square in the face!
  • KarateGoddess
    KarateGoddess Posts: 93 Member
    My pet peeve is co-workers that know that you are trying to eat healthier but continuously "push" baked goods that they've baked over the weekend, cookies, donuts, anything sweet in your face. I politely turn them down but if you know that I am trying to be more health conscious dont leave items on my desk when I'm refilling my water bottle.
    Even after you turned them down. Huh! Jerks! In your place, I would have promptly thrown whatever it was they left in the most centrally located trash can so they would have been sure to see it.
  • privatetime
    privatetime Posts: 118
    Oh, and skinny women who always say things like 'I feel so fat' all the time.....when they are probably at the low end of their BMI range, if not below.

    That shouldn't be a pet peeve. People with low self-esteem shouldn't be dismissed like that, whether they're skinny or fat! Maybe they have a little to lose, in which case, they may feel fat, and if they don't have any to lose, maybe they should be encouraged to realise that. Just a thought.

    I never thought of it t hat way before :\

    I only wanted to add that most of my life I was pretty thin (5'4", 97lbs), and it was a very strange sensation for me when I was even a little bloated. My belly was usally tight as a drum, so any bloat at all felt really weird, and would be noticeable to me throughout the day. I didn't go around saying, "I feel fat," but I sure felt that way. I agree that being obviously thin, and calling oneself "fat", amidst normal-sized people, is probably a plea for attention. Now that I've been overweight for a few years, I STILL notice things like my thighs rubbing or my belly/butt jiggling. The sensations are still foreign to me.
  • privatetime
    privatetime Posts: 118
    ... I am an instant gratification person (most people who are overweight ARE and that's how we end up overweight - we choose the instant joy of fattening/fast food over choosing and preparing healthy meals)
    My pet peeve is the "desire for instant gratification makes you fat/fat people just lack will power" assumption/insult/slur. Just because you're an "instant gratification person" and you're overweight doesn't mean everyone else is just like you.

    Dude, I was raised in a religion where you sit quietly in a room for 60 minutes to see whether or not you get any Inspiration from God. That's vastly oversimplifying the theology of it; but my point is that when, from the age of 12, you can sit calmly for an hour during which almost nothing happens, you are *not* an instant gratification person.

    When I was a Teaching Assisitant during graduate school (itself definitely not an instant gratification proposition), I once spilled a test tube full of molten lead onto my bare forearm. Yes, it hurt like hell. I held my arm under cold running water long to stop any continuing tissue damage, rolled down my shirtsleeves to cover the burn, and finished teaching two more hours of lab class. I'm telling you here and now, that's not something a person without any willpower is going to do.

    Some of the reasons why I'm overweight are:
    - genetics (every woman I know of on my mom's side of the family is overweight or obese),
    - a mild early chilhood brain trauma that makes me suck at most sports & other forms of athletics,
    - an extremely painful illness that plagued my early adulthood,
    - and the perhaps-related not-quite-so-painful illness that has completely disabled me in middle age.

    Yes, that's a lot of crap to go through (and yes, I've gone through all of it). When you've gone through something similar, then you can tell me that a "have no willpower" and am an "instant gratification person." But not before.

    :-) THIS! (-:

    I gained weight because I became insulin resistant. I started treating that, and began losing weight immediately (LITERALLY the day I started treatment). In just a few months, I'm almost back to the weight I was before the IR began, 5 years ago.

    So, when I read all the sanctimonious "it's not complicated; it's all calories in/calories out" and "you're not different" kinds of remarks, I don't know whether to attempt to educate, snort back, or just ignore.

    I accept that most people probably are overweight because they ate too much and exercised too little. Even in my own case, I can't lose weight without caloric deficit. I mean, that's how long-term weight loss works. But some of us have real, diagnosable, well-researched metabolic issues, for which diet and exercise, alone, could never hope to work (short of starvation and daily marathon running). My weight gain was a mystery, when it began. My diet was pretty healthy, and I had no significant lifestyle changes. Now that I'm treating the IR, I still have to watch my diet & exercise, in order to lose weight. Treatment only allows weight loss to occur, with caloric deficit. Without treatment, though, diet & exercise did nothing.
  • 1953Judith
    1953Judith Posts: 325 Member
    My biggest pet peeve is my Border Collie who flaunts his speed and agility every time we go to the dog park. I can't catch him to go home until he's done herding other dogs so I am forced to wait and wait. And then when we finally do go home, I have to exercise while he sleeps.

    edited to note that I was in a weird mood and that this is a dogged attempt at humor.

    LOL loved that one :):)

    Thanks! I might add that he was acquired as a rescue dog. So much has he likes to run loose, he doesn't like to lose me.

    edited to add a period
  • veniceit
    veniceit Posts: 112 Member
    I doubt it, most of them are just fishing for compliments.

    Although you can tell if they're sincere. I have a friend who is very thin, in my eyes, but is upset she can't wear any of her pre-baby clothes. So I'm supportive and got her to try the 30ds, and other ideas. She's probably in a size 4/6 now, but used to be a 2/4.

  • veniceit
    veniceit Posts: 112 Member
    Yikes that's even worse then being raised a JW hahahaha.

  • elsinora
    elsinora Posts: 398 Member
    My pet peeve is co-workers that know that you are trying to eat healthier but continuously "push" baked goods that they've baked over the weekend, cookies, donuts, anything sweet in your face. I politely turn them down but if you know that I am trying to be more health conscious dont leave items on my desk when I'm refilling my water bottle.

    ^^ they are the same who say "YOU don't need to lose weight, you look fine the way you are (even if you are obese and nearly getting type 2 diabetes ....." ANDDDDDDDDDD they are about 5'6" and are a size 0. Saboteurs with their own issues I say.

    This sums it up:

  • kerrymh
    kerrymh Posts: 912 Member
    People judging each other on how we chose to make positive changes in our lives. I do many things to make a full on lifestyle change and what works for me might not work for others, and what works for jane do might not work for me.
    So long as its medically safe I support people in their efforts to get healthy. This is a journey to good health and we each get there is our own story and should not be judged as "less than" or "an easy way out".

  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    I agree with a lot of the things that were said.

    I've never had much to loose so when people ask why I am trying to loose the answer has been because I want to be healthier. They say if I loose to much I'll be to skinny too but thats also because I 'carry my weight well'... That annoys me. Just cause I carry it well doesn't mean its not effecting me. I am not a vain person I don't want to loose weight to fit into a certain size. I just want to feel better.

    Ever since I started this journey I've been a much happier person.

    I can relate to this, I get the "carry your weight well" a lot because ....well I do! I'm 6'1' and at 190 I don't look anywhere near it but as you said, just because my height & frame hides it well doesn't mean I don't want to get rid of it & be healthy!
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    That people think it is a quick fix. After watching biggest loser and seeing them losing weight fast. People think they can lose 5 pounds a week.

    Also, thinking it is a diet and not a lifestyle change. If you don't change your way of thinking, you are going to gain some back, after you are done with the diet.
  • acrego
    acrego Posts: 84 Member
    oh yeah I get that ALL the time. Because I am very obese people (family especially) expect me to drop 10 lbs a week. Hell biggest loser contestants do it. So "only 1 lb!" or "2 lbs" something must have gone wrong. I must not be eating healthy or exercising.

    Has your family ever actually watched The Biggest Loser? Do they not realize that those contestants work out each and every day for HOURS??? Forgive me for being presumptuous, but if you're like an average person here, you probably have a job or something that prevents you from keeping that level of workout schedule.

    Congratulations on your 1 or 2 pounds a week! Keep it up! :)
  • Chester_1
    Chester_1 Posts: 26
    I say "muscle weighes more than fat" alllll the time. I don't like that people pick at that. Obviously when you say that, and you're talking about on a specific person's body, the "per a unit of volume" is kind of implied. No one would ever actually think that a pound of muscle is more than a pound of fat. If you had a backpack filled with feathers and another filled with rocks, you wouldn't say that the one with rocks is "more dense" than the one with feathers (you'd just sound snooty - and that's coming from a science nerd), you'd just say it' weighs less, the "per a unit of volume" is implied!!
    Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you.

    My second biggest pet peeve are people who say a pound of muscle weighs the same as a pound of fat. Well yes, yes it does. A cubic inch of fat, however, does not weigh the same as a cubic inch of fat and you knew darn well what I meant!

    My biggest pet peeve is when I proudly announce to my family (because I like to share my minor victories) "I've lost X pounds!" and my irritating, overweight aunt says "Well it's just because you're not eating." It is possible that I've started eating better and moving around more! :explode:

    A minor irritant is my boyfriend's response to my minor victories. I'll tell him my progress, and he'll say "That's great! Let's go get <insert diet-unfriendly restaurant> to celebrate!" I know he means well, but come on :ohwell:
  • Chester_1
    Chester_1 Posts: 26
    Oh, I thought of another one As you can tell, I'm easily irritated lol

    . I don't think I've come across it on here, but I have a couple friends who tell me you HAVE to eat within a certain number of hours of waking up and CANNOT eat after a certain hour. Not, "don't skip meals" or "don't start snacking on junk after dinner" and not even "eat breakfast" and "don't eat right before bed" but that my first meal absolutely must be within a couple hours of getting out of bed and the last thing I eat absolutely must be before a certain time in the evening.

    Eating all of my calories during the day AND snacking on chips and candy before bed? Probably not going to help. But saving some calories so I can eat in the evening isn't going to make me gain weight.
  • bluecal822
    bluecal822 Posts: 21 Member
    My size 4 roommates who start fishing for compliments in front of me. Sometimes I just want to agree with their "I'm so fat" discussions so that they realize how offensive and ridiculous their discussions are. My brother did that to me once when I was fishing for complements in front of him and I haven't done it since.
  • MisterTEZ
    MisterTEZ Posts: 272 Member
    mine is when you have 30 pounds to lose, you lose say 7 pounds and someone says:
    "you don't need to lose weight you look thin enough to me"
  • noogie98
    noogie98 Posts: 444 Member

    1) A pound of muscle weighs the same as a pound of fat. A pound is a pound. However, muscle is leaner than fat. So if you really did, miraculously and against all logic, exchange 3 lbs of fat for 3 lbs of muscle you would look leaner. But it would not reflect on the scale.

    I ♥ this reply to that comment!! I am going to use this one from now on!! That is one of my pet peeves, too, by the way!!
  • Keep up the good work
  • Brittany3914
    Brittany3914 Posts: 258 Member
    It's not a health or fitness-related pet peeve by any means. But... my biggest pet peeve? People who don't understand (or perhaps are too lazy) to use the correct version of your or you're. 2 words taught in elementary school still confusing adults? Baffling. I'm also bothered by words like hubby, prego, wifey, and other unnecessary abbreviations :)
  • MisterTEZ
    MisterTEZ Posts: 272 Member
    Another one:

    "I can tell by your face you have lost weight!"

    Somehow they can't tell I have just lost 3 inches off my belly!