Sharing Your Diary



  • mdj1501
    mdj1501 Posts: 392 Member
    It keeps me honest... at least I stop and think before I put something in my mouth..... or 10 of that something!!! I also look at other peoples diaries to get ideas for meals. I tend to get burnt out easy eating the same things.
  • HotCuppaJo
    HotCuppaJo Posts: 477 Member
    I hesitate to even congratulate friends on their losses if I don't have access to their diary.

    See, this is what I'm talking about. NOT congratulating someone because they MIGHT not have done it the way YOU would have?? I just don't get it. :(
  • Kagard11
    Kagard11 Posts: 396 Member
    Shame works for me sometimes, so I make mine public. I've never had anyone criticize me for it. I must admit though, when I'm really bad, I just put the calories in under the "quick add calories only"! :wink:
  • lisaap77
    lisaap77 Posts: 123 Member

    See and it's that very reason that mine is public. It's that very shame that keeps me honest as well, just in a different way. But that's what I love about this site. You find what works for you. Good luck on your continued journey!

    Actually, yours isn't "public" - it's open to your friends (I imagine).

    In any case, I agree with you. I ditched a friend because I couldn't take seeing her claim "look, now I'm doing it right" and the "wtg" comments when she clearly wasn't eating anywhere near enough food to be healthy.

    Her choice, I just don't want to see it. And that's my choice.

    I hesitate to even congratulate friends on their losses if I don't have access to their diary.

    You are correct mine is open to my friends. And I might even change that! LOL
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I am all for whatever keeps someone honest. Some people are embarrassed to log certain foods or fail to own their calorie blowout because they don't want others to see. If you are that person, then by all means keep your diary private if that is what works for you. I don't care either way, so mine is open.

    Like everything with weight loss, it comes down to whatever works best for you. I don't judge one way or the other.
  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    I hesitate to even congratulate friends on their losses if I don't have access to their diary.
    See, this is what I'm talking about. NOT congratulating someone because they MIGHT not have done it the way YOU would have?? I just don't get it. :(

    VERY much agree. That is the judgement I was referring to, and it can be destructive. A lot of people here are feeling vulnerable and aren't stable in this lifestyle yet. One negative comment can send someone spinning.

    ETA - There is a difference between being helpful by offering up suggestions like more fruits and vegetables and being downright rude and condemning someone for poor choices.
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 894 Member
    Why wouldn't you? I mean for me that is part of why this works. Knowing that if I eat this, people are going to see it. It makes me stop and truly think about what I'm putting into my mouth. When I'm tempted to cheat, regardless of if I have the calories to do so or not, I will stop and think "Ok what will my MFP friends think when they see this?" Sometimes it's totally worth the criticism that I might get and I go for it.

    Also, when you comment on diaries under their calories, do you even look at them when able? I see alot of wtg's and awesome's and what not. But really if that person was way under and not healthy why would that be great? I won't comment if I can't view what those calories were and how under they were. I would rather see someone go over by 100/cals then under by 500. ya know? My goal is to do this the healthy way. Ok Tiny rant over........ :tongue:

    I agree with you 100%!! It helps me stay accountable. Mine is open to friends.
    I get super frustrated with "WTG!" and whatnot when they dont read. I see it often on someones diary post, then look at their diary and they have consumed 800 calories or something for the day. That is not a "WTG" moment! EEK!
  • JBrown9538
    JBrown9538 Posts: 39 Member
    Because people love to judge and I don't need to hear it. This is my weight loss journey. I don't need the peanut gallery criticizing everything I put in my mouth.
  • ReverendJim
    ReverendJim Posts: 260 Member
    I don't share mine. It's no one's business. I have no problems with my diet or what I eat. My issue is staying on track with exercise. I could put "300 oz. dog poop" in there for lunch and still would get the "wtg" and "good job" responses. We are all in this for different reasons. If you don't like it, there are billions of other people in this world you can be friends with and hold to your high expectations.
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 894 Member
    I hesitate to even congratulate friends on their losses if I don't have access to their diary.
    See, this is what I'm talking about. NOT congratulating someone because they MIGHT not have done it the way YOU would have?? I just don't get it. :(

    VERY much agree. That is the judgement I was referring to, and it can be destructive. A lot of people here are feeling vulnerable and aren't stable in this lifestyle yet. One negative comment can send someone spinning.

    I get what you are saying, but that doesnt say negative comments, that says they hesitate to comment. I do that too, but if i do comment, i comment sincerely and with concerns, if i feel they are not being healthy. I also offer a suggestion every now and then, but i try to not be pushy. I really try to be non judgmental and helpful as well, since thats what i appreciate most from my friends on here :)
  • Hezzakiah
    Hezzakiah Posts: 18 Member
    My diary is set so that only my MFP friends can see it and help keep me honest as well as indicate where I might need help.
  • ImJDLookatME
    I share my diary and I look at all diaries before I comment. If the diary is set at private I usually just give them props for continually logging. It's a personal choice if they want to let people see what they are eating.
  • lisaap77
    lisaap77 Posts: 123 Member
    I hesitate to even congratulate friends on their losses if I don't have access to their diary.

    See, this is what I'm talking about. NOT congratulating someone because they MIGHT not have done it the way YOU would have?? I just don't get it. :(

    For me personally, it's not even about "my way". If someone only had a banana ALL day, then I'm sorry I am not congradulating you for starving yourself. I am also not going to give you negative feedback either. That is not why any of us are here. Again this is a personal decision. I was just explaining why sharing my diary helps me and wondering why everyone has chosen their route and why it works for them. Please do not be offended. There is no right or wrong answer, it's all a personal choice.
  • original_cake_face
    original_cake_face Posts: 131 Member
    If I left my diary open everyone would know just how much coffee I drink every day. There might be an intervention. It could get ugly.
  • acuratlsd
    acuratlsd Posts: 228
    Me personally I keep my open because I can handle constructive criticism. If someone is going to give me advice on something they better do a very good job of backing up their reasoning.

    I admit that I eat bad things at times but I am slowly bringing my carbs and diet down. I cannot just do cold turkey. I am slowly having my body adjust to the new food.

    Everyone eats bad and junk food and whoever says they don't are liars. Well most people will lie because they don't want others to find out what they have in their diet if they are eating bad.

    I really don't care if they eat bad, it is their body, they know what they are doing when they eat it. It will affect them in the long run. Bad food should not be consumed everyday but if i see a friend who is constantly logging bad food in every single day and complaining why they are not loosing weight, i may point it out.

    Those are the ones with the 2 extra value meals from mcdonalds and a diet coke and complaining why they can't loose weight. LOL

    I invite people to look at my diary and introduce me to new foods or replace other foods for healthier foods. I would love to hear people's opinion.
  • JBrown9538
    JBrown9538 Posts: 39 Member

    I hesitate to even congratulate friends on their losses if I don't have access to their diary.

    This is a perfect example of why my diary is private.
  • seoid
    seoid Posts: 151
    It's to everyone's privacy preference. I have a code on my diary and only two people have the "code".

    I don't want just anyone looking at it. Just my point of view.
  • seoid
    seoid Posts: 151

    I hesitate to even congratulate friends on their losses if I don't have access to their diary.

    This is a perfect example of why my diary is private.

  • Masterchef2000
    Masterchef2000 Posts: 127 Member
    Because I haven't logged for months. Its dangerous ground for me in some aspects. I get too anal and obsessive and it's just not good. Even when I did log, I didn't keep it open to discussion by anyone. I don't think I want other people commenting on what I do or don't eat or think I'm doing it wrong when they will never meet me or know me and judge me in something I do daily. I just keep coming back to this site to really look at before and afters and help where I can or ask questions about other things. I've never even read another person's diary.
  • lisaap77
    lisaap77 Posts: 123 Member
    Shame works for me sometimes, so I make mine public. I've never had anyone criticize me for it. I must admit though, when I'm really bad, I just put the calories in under the "quick add calories only"! :wink:

    Me too! I love cheater!!! LOL (I just might have to steal that idea, on a really bad day!!!) LOL