Sharing Your Diary



  • lady_in_weighting
    lady_in_weighting Posts: 196 Member
    i have my diary open so that people can see what i eat and they might get ideas about what foods contain what amounts of nutrients ect.

    I like being able to see other peoples diaries so that i can see what they eat to giove me ideas of where i can bump up calories (:
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    I agree, the variety of opinions on here is great. As for my personal thoughts, I totally agree that it is a personal choice and I don't have an issue with anyone that keeps their diary private. However, it should be noted that by doing that, you do kinda lose some of your right to complain and say that you don't understand why you are not losing. That being said, I keep mine open to friends so that I know I have someone to go to and ask for opinions. If they fail, I'd open it all the way up and ask around.
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    I recently made mine public because I feel it keeps me honest and I also don't mind constructive criticism. I prefer more personalized comments about my diary but even a quick "WTG" is enough to inspire me.

    I also enjoy looking at other people's diaries so I figured why not make mine public too.
  • pstaceyca
    pstaceyca Posts: 306 Member
    Mine is open, but I haven't had any harsh or mean comments so far. I am not sure how I would feel if I probably wouldn't be very motivating though. So far my MFP friends are always supportive no matter what. If they do comment negatively it is never in a way to make me feel bad about my day.
  • jfrog123
    jfrog123 Posts: 432 Member
    First of all, early on in my life I had a major problem with being a closet eater (sometimes literally). When I was five or six years old my father made a huge deal one day about the amount of food I ate at dinner. That was a pivotal moment in my life. After that I didn't want anyone to know that I was eating huge amounts of junk and judge me, so I would sneak and eat it when no one was looking. I would hide snacks in my room. I would get up in the middle of the night to raid the fridge. I remember the shame I felt when my dad found a zip lock bag full of Fruit Loops I had hidden under my pillow. Later as teenager I would buy food through the drive-thru, eat it in my car and hide the evidence before I got home. My habit of eating in secret continued even after I moved out on my own, even after I got married, even after I became a mother, even after I ballooned up to 388 pounds. I do not eat in secret anymore. When I first came to mfp I left my diary open thinking that if others could see what I was eating I would make better choices.

    I was doing well overall, but like most people I would have convenience food or a treat now and then. If I wanted to eat junk, I would eat junk. I had some well-meaning (I think) friends make comments to me about watching my sodium intake and eating more cals earlier in the day instead of in the evening. I went right back to feeling like I was being judged for my eating. Instead of pushing me to make better choices it had the opposite effect. I started falling back into old behaviors. I made it so that sodium was not one of the macros that I tracked. I logged everything I ate, but would sometimes log an evening snack as though it had been part of my breakfast so I would not be judged for eating too many cals at night. You get the idea. I was basically trying to hide what I was eating like I had in the past, only now that hiding had taken on a different form.

    When I realized this, I decided that I needed to make my diary private. I have a very warped relationship with food and it has been a struggle to get to where I am today. Case in point: I had bariatric surgery 10 years ago, but never worked on my mental issues with food. I lost a lot of weight, but because of my mindset about food and refusal to deal with the real issue I gained a lot back. Now I am doing things the right way, dealing with my emotions, eating well, and exercising. Since August I have lost 50 pounds. I am just saying that in my case I do better when I am accountable and honest with myself, not when I open up my diary to others. Maybe I will be able to some day, or maybe those mental scars will never heal and my diary will remain private. Either way, I think we each have to follow our own path and do what works best for us. I am here for support and to support others, and I would never begrudge someone their success just because I can't see what they have been eating. My mfp friends do not judge me or refuse to support me because they can't see what I had for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. My mfp friends rock!
  • undercovermother
    undercovermother Posts: 14 Member
    That's the beauty of the Internet, YOU choose what YOU share. My life is not an open book. Others are not entitled to see what I eat daily. If I were asking for help but a poster could not see my diary and could not offer that help, they can just say so and move on. I don't understand being overly invested in something like that. Live and let live. :)
  • Daydreams406
    Daydreams406 Posts: 249 Member
    I tend to agree with others who keep their food diary private.
    I am here for me and my health, and I am accountable to no one but myself.
    I am my own worst critic as well, so I know what is healthy and what isn't.
    I don't read other people's diaries, because who the heck am I to tell them what I think they are doing wrong or right? I need to keep track of my own self, not worry about policing other peoples diaries.
    If someone asks for tips or pointers, then thats another thing.
  • lisaap77
    lisaap77 Posts: 123 Member
    First of all, early on in my life I had a major problem with being a closet eater (sometimes literally). When I was five or six years old my father made a huge deal one day about the amount of food I ate at dinner. That was a pivotal moment in my life. After that I didn't want anyone to know that I was eating huge amounts of junk and judge me, so I would sneak and eat it when no one was looking. I would hide snacks in my room. I would get up in the middle of the night to raid the fridge. I remember the shame I felt when my dad found a zip lock bag full of Fruit Loops I had hidden under my pillow. Later as teenager I would buy food through the drive-thru, eat it in my car and hide the evidence before I got home. My habit of eating in secret continued even after I moved out on my own, even after I got married, even after I became a mother, even after I ballooned up to 388 pounds. I do not eat in secret anymore. When I first came to mfp I left my diary open thinking that if others could see what I was eating I would make better choices.

    I was doing well overall, but like most people I would have convenience food or a treat now and then. If I wanted to eat junk, I would eat junk. I had some well-meaning (I think) friends make comments to me about watching my sodium intake and eating more cals earlier in the day instead of in the evening. I went right back to feeling like I was being judged for my eating. Instead of pushing me to make better choices it had the opposite effect. I started falling back into old behaviors. I made it so that sodium was not one of the macros that I tracked. I logged everything I ate, but would sometimes log an evening snack as though it had been part of my breakfast so I would not be judged for eating too many cals at night. You get the idea. I was basically trying to hide what I was eating like I had in the past, only now that hiding had taken on a different form.

    When I realized this, I decided that I needed to make my diary private. I have a very warped relationship with food and it has been a struggle to get to where I am today. Case in point: I had bariatric surgery 10 years ago, but never worked on my mental issues with food. I lost a lot of weight, but because of my mindset about food and refusal to deal with the real issue I gained a lot back. Now I am doing things the right way, dealing with my emotions, eating well, and exercising. Since August I have lost 50 pounds. I am just saying that in my case I do better when I am accountable and honest with myself, not when I open up my diary to others. Maybe I will be able to some day, or maybe those mental scars will never heal and my diary will remain private. Either way, I think we each have to follow our own path and do what works best for us. I am here for support and to support others, and I would never begrudge someone their success just because I can't see what they have been eating. My mfp friends do not judge me or refuse to support me because they can't see what I had for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. My mfp friends rock!

    First of all, Congrats for taking charge of your own life!!!!
    I can see why some people choose to keep their diaries private. I have never had a negative comment, ever. Just the other day one of my MFP friends commented on my cheat day with "Not a very healthy day, but congrats for sticking with it and being honest :)" I'm ok with that comment. But I do agree that NO ONE has the right to belittle or judge others. I like mine public, it works for ME, but again I can see why others may choose privacy, it's what works for them. Either way I would like to believe that we are all here to support eachother......let me be naive please!!! LOL
  • Becky_Boodle
    Becky_Boodle Posts: 253 Member
    I personally only share my diary with people who share theirs with me...and I love those who do :)
    I love reading and making comments (good or bad) on other peoples food choices
    I often wonder if people even read mine and what they really makes a regular appearance :blushing:
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    I keep mine open and love looking at other people's - for food ideas! I didn't know how to eat when I started and seeing successful people's choices helped me tremendously. I would have never known about spaghetti squash, lavash wraps, protein shakes, cashew butter, unsweetened almond milk... the list goes on.

    Whatever floats your boat, but that's why I LOVE open diaries.
  • lisaap77
    lisaap77 Posts: 123 Member
    I keep mine open and love looking at other people's - for food ideas! I didn't know how to eat when I started and seeing successful people's choices helped me tremendously. I would have never known about spaghetti squash, lavash wraps, protein shakes, cashew butter, unsweetened almond milk... the list goes on.

    Whatever floats your boat, but that's why I LOVE open diaries.

    Oh I know! I have learned so many lovely recipes and food options from other's diary.
  • lisaap77
    lisaap77 Posts: 123 Member
    I personally only share my diary with people who share theirs with me...and I love those who do :)
    I love reading and making comments (good or bad) on other peoples food choices
    I often wonder if people even read mine and what they really makes a regular appearance :blushing:

    I read yours!! Admittedly I have no idea what some of the things you consume are! :ohwell: Hey if a little Vodka now and again keeps you sane then :drinker:
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    If it works for you to have people see what you eat, more power to ya! Personally my diary has nothing to be ashamed of, and for me, I know what I eat is fairly healthy and I stick to my calorie recommendations. I absolutely would not gain anything by having critics reviewing what I eat every day. I don't need praise or any other feedback to keep myself on track. And, if someone thinks I could help them by something I've posted, they are welcome to message me and I will try to help any way I can.

    Good luck! :happy:
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    Mine's friends only. I previously had it on private because people used to look at it and then proceed to tell me what I should eat. I'm a fussy eater, I eat the same meal for breakfast and lunch pretty much everyday of the week and only have a handful of dinners. If people stopped and asked me about that before telling me to eat something I wouldn't mind so much!
    I've also deleted friends because of this, it wasn't constructive or helpful, it made me feel guilty that I couldn't eat a piece of fruit or whatever. :-)