One phrase that people say that make you CRAZY!



  • ivansmomma
    ivansmomma Posts: 500
    :explode: anything with the word "retarded" or "that's so gay"...really!?!? From the gay perspective it makes me want to smack the living **** out of you and using the word "retarded" is classless and insulting to those who actually are mentally challenged. They both are downing...

    I agree with that. I have a son with Autism and Verbal Dyspraxia and I had one person say something was retarded (or something with the word retard or retarded, cant remember now lol). I basically told them I had a son with Autism and Verbal Dyspraxia and I do not appreciate that word being used.

    I wrote a blog about this a few days ago. Our daughter was brain injured at birth. The connotation of the word 'retarded' in today's language refers to stupid or idiot. She is neither one, but very smart, caring and a social butterfly. There are many of us advocating for our loved ones and ending the use of this word in its present slang.
  • trinitymel1982
    When someone gives their 110% -- where does that extra 10% come from?
    They all stole it from me! So I had no effort left for any thing but eating, thats how I got fat hehe :)
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    "My baby father/fatta" when it should be "The father of my baby."

    "Losing weight isn't hard. Just eat less and move more!"

    "You're a woman, why aren't you in the kitchen?" Or some variant of that. :/

    I'll think of more later.
  • SoCaliBeachGirl1
    "...If I were you" You're not, so let me do it. :)

    "...I can't lose weight" Yes you can, work.

    "...Working out is too hard" Or "...I don't like being outside" --I feel sorry for those people.
  • ivansmomma
    ivansmomma Posts: 500
    You don't know what you don't know!
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    When couples say WE'RE pregnant...really?! you're both gonna swell up, gain 20-30 lbs, deliver a 7-8lb baby and get stitches??!! NO! only the woman is pregnant!
  • JAllen32
    JAllen32 Posts: 991 Member
    Irregardless, at the end of the day, haters gonna hate. Just sayin.. it is what it is. LOL

    PS Thats another one I'm tired of hearing. :-P
  • kimmysmith4378
    kimmysmith4378 Posts: 41 Member
    "Just deal with it" My husband says this to me all the TIME. Drives me crazy. I realize I have to deal with it, but you are showing me the complete disregard you have for my situation. UGHH.
  • massagediva2001
    When sentences are started with "I don't know if you..." such as, "I don't know if you have any appointments today but I would like to get a massage." Of course you don't know if I have any appointments today, why would you know? And I don't expect you to know unless you are my receptionist.

    Irregardless- It technically is in the dictionary as "substandard use of the word regardless" , so if anyone wants to be substandard, please use this word.

    The nauseating over use of the word "like".

    When I got divorced- "well at least you didn't have kids". Yep, and pretty much now I never will, thanks for the reminder.
  • gerard54
    gerard54 Posts: 1,107 Member
  • Kassielin13
    Kassielin13 Posts: 263
    "Like I said..."
    I deal with this phrase every day. Any time my husband is talking business with someone, he will use the phrase "like I said" while trying to end a conversation. He knows how much it bothers me but I assume it to be a habit at this point.

    "Well, LIKE I SAID, just give me a call when you are ready to sell your car."

    Makes me want to strangle him. However, all I can really do is laugh while repeating his phrase back to him.
  • noteve
    noteve Posts: 57
    "It's always the last place you look!"

    Of course it is. Why would you keep looking after you find what you were looking for?
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    "My baby father/fatta" when it should be "The father of my baby."

    "Losing weight isn't hard. Just eat less and move more!"

    "You're a woman, why aren't you in the kitchen?" Or some variant of that. :/

    I'll think of more later.

    Or the other variant, "my baby daddy". Just like that. I have a woman on FB who will either refer to the fathers (yes fathers) of her children as "baby daddy" or "sperm donor". Seriously even if you hate their guts, at least refer to them as something more intelligent and proper. Such disrespect can influence the kids and often against the one who's doing the name calling.
  • HealthyHappy120

    Expert on subject -

    Ignore him after the could care bit though, even I think he takes it a bit far with the hold the fort things xD

  • YummyTpn
    YummyTpn Posts: 339 Member
    I cringe when I hear "My/your/his/her BAD",
    and when people are referred to as "folks", in order of which makes me cringe the most to the least.

    As well, any kind of bad grammer...the worst offender being, "I seen..." when it should be "I saw..." Ugh!

    And I also hate the "You should have..." My mother uses that all the time and it drives me CRAZY!!

    I use y'all all the time! lol... But that goes along with being in the South.

    I also use ya'll. I live in Kentucky, give me a break. But I HATE the word "folks."

    I know it's from the South...and it's very common there...but the question was, what makes you crazy... and this is irritating to me. No offense meant though!
  • JAllen32
    JAllen32 Posts: 991 Member
    A second peeve: less is about volume; fewer, number. Try this: if you want fewer penguins in your smoothy, remove them prior to blending. If you want less penguins, blend first.... (this the level to which 17 years of teaching high school English has reduced me.)

    "These ones." Plural singulars? Unless there's a pile of ones (perhaps in bill form?), this seems super goofy/wrong/inaccurate/WRONG/annoying/WRONG....and, the funniest part of this bothering me is that, when I was a teen in the bronze age, it bothered my father that I said "these ones," and I wasn't aware of the error of my ways.

    The less/fewer one: Never thought about it!! You have just educated me!!!

    These ones? I totally get what you are saying, but I can't figure out what I should be saying instead? Help a girl out. If I were to ask "do you like these ones or those ones?" That would be wrong?

    These threads can be very educating!! A friend once told me "I hate it when people say 'I should have went', it should be 'should have gone'!" I have always remembered to say gone instead of went since then!

    Also, I know someone who says "amblience". ::head desk::
  • perfectionxbreakdown
    "I'm starving"
    Just because you haven't eaten in several hours does not qualify you as starving..

    "You have to eat that because there's starving children in Africa"
    Oh really? So my gorging on more food than I need will somehow lessen their hunger??

    "I'm going anorexic today"
    ANOREXIA IS A MENTAL ILLNESS YOU STUPID *kitten*! Not a goddamn diet.
  • LovingCruz
    LovingCruz Posts: 640 Member
    Ratchet... "That girl is so Ratchet"... Those clothes are Ratchet....WTH I hate that word
  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member
    Well actually saying you "could care less" says you actually care as you could actually care less than you are already.


    If you "couldn't care less" then you well and truly could not give two s**** about it... you honestly don't care...

    Quite different the two phrases, and is annoying when people mix them up...
  • Angelangi
    Angelangi Posts: 35
    these are two words i have hated ever since i first started using the internet 12 years ago..
    I noticed people calling me 'BABE' or 'HUN'.. I am not their babe or their hun, and the latter of the two i absolutely cant abide. Even going into a shop now and they will say, 'yes hun, can i help you.. Arrrrrgggghhhhhh..