What's Your Weakness??



  • Nutella
    Chex Muddy Buddies (rice Chex with chocolate, peanut butter, and powered sugar on them)
    Jet's pizza with cajun crust
    Caramel Twix

    Basically still addicted to a lot of sugar. At least I don't drink soda anymore! Used to be a hardcore Mountain Dew and Pepsi addict--YUCK!
  • barbarella
    barbarella Posts: 609 Member
    SNACKING.... "healthy" versions of:
    chips & salsa
    crackers & cheese
    cookies & coffee
    popcorn by the handfuls
    red wine~wine~wine with all of the above
    chocolate covered raisins!!!! :sad: :grumble:

    I recently got sick which killed my appetite......
    when I stop this snacking habit my cravings actually subside.
    I don't do well with "everything in moderation"
    It just turns into eating more~more~more :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • lmalaschak
    lmalaschak Posts: 346 Member
    I feel the need to take a jog after just reading this thread.

    It's like all your cheeseburgers-pizza slice-cheesecake comments are being magnetically drawn to my thighs like plaster on a brick wall.

    I know, all it's doing is giving me more ideas of things I could eat. :)
  • katy4399
    katy4399 Posts: 136 Member
    For those of you that listed Peanut Butter as a weakness have you tried PB2?

  • For those of you that listed Peanut Butter as a weakness have you tried PB2?


    That sounds really interesting, Katy! I think I might beg Jay to buy it for me online! :)
  • jfinnivan
    jfinnivan Posts: 360 Member
    Wise potato chips.
  • LauraJWStevenson
    LauraJWStevenson Posts: 55 Member
    Chinese Food and Pasta!!!! I love California Rolls!!!
  • Tiger Bread... wow so tasty!
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    chips and salsa, who can really eat 7 chips and stop when there is tasty salsa to put on them?
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    god, this thread has turned into food porn, unnnnnnnnnnnnnngh
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    Tex-Mex food. I live in central Texas and we have like our own special kind of Mexican food. I just can't even explain the deliciousness. Aaaand my fav place called Trudy's is literally in walking distance from my house. It's just so easy!

    There's a Tex-Mex restaurant within 10 minutes of you no matter where you are where I live. It's like fat kid paradise.
  • Bud Light I love Beer
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    Tex-Mex food. I live in central Texas and we have like our own special kind of Mexican food. I just can't even explain the deliciousness. Aaaand my fav place called Trudy's is literally in walking distance from my house. It's just so easy!

    There's a Tex-Mex restaurant within 10 minutes of you no matter where you are where I live. It's like fat kid paradise.

    and Queso is SO SO GOOD
  • dbecker70
    dbecker70 Posts: 161 Member
    My weakness is food. My solution, eat everything in moderation.

    Yep that's what I was doing...little piece of cheese, few cocktail sausages, then a little slice of quiche, maybe a few crisps, a handy cheese slice, then pasta or something for dinner...then a few slices of ham...few cheese nibbles....

    Thats was my problem - I was eating EVERYTHING in moderation :) Just little bits, but lots of them!!

    Andy, I love it! LOL <3
  • wally1uk
    wally1uk Posts: 120
    Hehehe...yeah, I was really bad!!

    Was laughing at myself the other night...I do the kids pack up the evening before and I was thinking what I was like: here is the past routine...

    2 lots of cheese sandwiches for kids, one with ham = one slice of cheese for me, cause you always cut more than you need right? Accidentally of course ;) and a slice or two of ham, casue it's there and it's tasty....mmmmm

    3 cocktail sausages for my son = equals two for me while I'm doing the rest....mmmm...nice. Quality control: check!!

    4 bits of mattesons chicken fridge raiders = 2 for me, they smell so good...nom nom nom...

    1 Baby bell for the kids - one for me, again whilst I'm getting the pack up ready.

    and this is after having dinner for the night!!

    I was the same if I was cooking anything for dinner...doing something cheesy? Well, I'd have to try the cheese as I'm using it...

    Then you get the silly stuff, like doing potato waffles for the kids, and there is only one left....well, not worth putting it back in the freezer is it? Noooo...we'll stick that one in the oven too have have a tasty little snack, after all, I'm only gonna have to buy another box next week anyhoo...and it frees a bit of space in the freezer too!!

    Before long, you find yourself eating about 4 meals a day all in all without realising it!! It becomes second nature to think like that and really not consider what your doing! This is where MFP is so good, as when I'm tempted now, I think 'i'm gonna have to log this..' and it stops me dead!!

    I could easily slip back into my bad habits without a second thought and it's defo the hardest thing I've had to get control of on this journey, but so glad I have!!
  • wally1uk
    wally1uk Posts: 120
  • wally1uk
    wally1uk Posts: 120
    Pizza... usually with a lot of different meat on it... and I don't ever stop at just a slice or two... although I have to say last week we made pizza at home... I had cheese and veggies, stopped at just 2 normal sized slices. Although I'm sure a binge will happen again lol.

    Hahaha....oh my god...the local pizza place to us is also a kebab place and they do a full on meat feast pizza which is then loaded with donor meat!!! You can literally feel your artiaries hardening as you eat it but OMG is it good.....
  • talorK
    talorK Posts: 11
    Anything take-away- or chips! wow I'm stopping that!
  • wally1uk
    wally1uk Posts: 120
    Anything take-away- or chips! wow I'm stopping that!

    Yeah..it's just tasty and easy which normally means bad in reality!!! god I could do some chippy chips right now...with curry sauce...mmmmmmm
  • em435
    em435 Posts: 210 Member
    I don't have much of a sweet tooth but anything with a crispy fried outer layer makes me weak at the knees! ..especially chicken and anything in puff pastry (home made sausage rolls, pasties)..

    I couldn't resist a chicken kiev the other day and had to go for a jog to bring my calorie intake back down!

    I have just had to ban myself from buying anything of the kind and take extra care not to venture down the street with KFC and the pasty shop when I'm feeling peckish!