I got the 'are you pregnant' question



  • vanishingirl77
    On another note what if somebody just had a miscarriage? You may still look pregnant or what if somebody was recovering from or have an eating disorder. They may not be able to handle hearing that. It can hurt no matter what the case may be. Everyone is different on how they may take it. Majority would be offended. I work with somebody who went through that and she was in tears because she was not pregnant just carries all her weight up front. It was sad to see.

    This happened to me after I had my first miscarriage at 12 weeks. This lady that I saw a few times a week at my internship told me congratulations because the shirt I was wearing made me look more pregnant instead of just fat...and I couldn 't stop crying after telling her I'd just lost my baby a week earlier. She was the nicest lady, but things were always awkward after that. I wasn't mad at her, and it wasn't even at being embarrassed at my fat...it was just so incredibly painful.
  • Rachiewoowoo
    If you're slim and just bloated around the tummy area, then I can understand why that person would be more inclined to pop the touchy question. I say spin that around, and take it as a compliment! You're slim enough that people would dare to walk past that "are you pregnant line" vs. staying behind it when the rest of the woman is a bit pudgy. ;)