1250 calories?



  • anmei120
    anmei120 Posts: 19
    I don't want to say that it does not help reading through other people's experiences but in the end, you have to eat (or not eat) the calories, so you should make a decision that you are comfortable with. It is not only about stats, but also about the activity level and your metabolism - which MFP does not know!

    But in general I can tell you that all the people here who say that 1200cal are not too little have a valid point because it really depends on what you eat. A single Big Mac has 700 calories so do 480gr cooked rice or 6kg cucumber - you see it depends on what you eat ;)
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    you MAINTAIN at 1230? holy gosh! thats lower than my weight loss.

    It's unlikely her/his TDEE is 1230, they are probably confusing TDEE (maintenance) with BMR.
  • Mine was at 1200 calories!!
    I am 4ft 11'' and currently 8 stone 6. I should try and get to 8 stone ish. (my BMI says I should be between 6.5 stone and 8 stone. I have put that I want to loose 1 pound a week and thats what it gave me although in my 1st week I didnt reach that ... It was only at the weekend that I went over!
    eg. today I am having:

    breakfast - 1 x weetabix, 50ml milk and 1 teaspoon sweetener
    lunch - ham sandwich with light mayo
    dinner - 5 beef meatballs, 75g pasta and 150ml of pasta sauce

    It says that I still have 244 calories remaining. I am quite happy to have crisps with my lunch or not turn down the garlic bread at dinner but surely that is missing the point ?!?!
  • lizb41
    lizb41 Posts: 17
    i was going to quote another comment but did it wrong and can't delete this!!!
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    Set up your goals to be 1lb a week and not 2lbs per week and you should be fine. You can also adjust it manually.

    This. You're trying to lose a kilo a week, ay. If that's so, then your 1250 is better than my 1200 was when I put 1 kg a week in my profile.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Do u want to lose weight?? They set me at 1200 and I lost 17 lbs in 11 weeks. Now maintaining and they gave me 1230.

    That's nice. But so what? Why suffer if you don't need to?
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member


    sniff, sniff, sniff.......do I smell spam?

    I dunno. Does spam smell like bull doodies?
  • BobbieLee1959
    BobbieLee1959 Posts: 605 Member
    I hate it when people say 1200 is not sustainable, yes it is, we eat wayyyyy too much food, that's why we're fat!


    At sedentary, 1200 is fine. I am a great example as I am recovering from hysterectomy surgery and eating 1200 a day and losing weight at 1-2 lbs a week. I am not moving around very quickly at this stage of the game and 1200 is plenty of calories. As I begin to be more active, I expect one of two things will happen~either 1. I will plateau in my weight loss and need to up my calories or 2. I will feel like I am starving and need to up my calories. Either way, my expectation is that I will need to increase just to keep up with the demand of continued healing and added exercise. As long as I continue to lose 1-2 lbs a week, I will be a happy camper.
  • InTenn
    InTenn Posts: 99
    The calculator is only as good as the info you feed it. If you say you are sedentary and want to lose 2 pounds per week, it will give you a low number. If that number is too low, increase your activity to a level you are willing to commit to or allow yourself to lose only one pound (or a half pound) per week. Also, as another poster pointed out, the calories given are probably before exercise. I set my lifestyle as inactive, then use the extra calories as motivation to exercise more. If you are willing to burn 400 calories per day, you might find that 1650 calories is much easier to maintain.
  • Nicola1944
    Nicola1944 Posts: 290 Member
    Oh dear... Why is everyone arguing?? Im sure we're all here for the same reason, and im sure we're all here for SUPPORT!? If im wrong, maybe i should cancel my account?

    Everyone is different - Thats a FACT! People need to encourage people here, not "slam" each other!

    Sorry to comment and join in, I was reading the post, cos i was actually interested, but its ended up being a "whose advice is best" challenge!

    To the poster - Hi, if you go into the topics section and search for this, you will find loads of information and advice (some people here have offered some really good stuff)

    Good luck getting the information you need! :) x
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member

    OK, I'm officially sick of being slammed on this subject. I was by FAR not the only person to give the opinion that it was low, but yet mine is the only one people keep choosing to take a jab at? Really? Give me a break...

    Sorry, but I believe you were being 'slammed' more than others because you made it sound like your opinion was fact. That's all.

    Agreed. Your comment was also a put down to anyone who has lost weight a different way to you. I also notice we have a mutual friend who limits herself to 1200 calories and does not eat her exercise calories back... I've seen you giving encouraging comments to her there, yet come out with your fact opinion here. Makes you a bit unreliable in my opinion. But you know, just MHO.... As you say!
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    Do u want to lose weight?? They set me at 1200 and I lost 17 lbs in 11 weeks. Now maintaining and they gave me 1230.

    you MAINTAIN at 1230? holy gosh! thats lower than my weight loss.

    PERSONALLY I have mine set for 1800 but I lose weight at around 1500 calories a day (and after exercise) I can see what my true deficit is.

    Whoa! Be careful! You might offend someone.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    thanks for everyones input! I am currently into week three of the beachbody turbofire program and because of my activity level I am going to see how i am at 1400 calories .. I am a massage therapist so I stand most of the day also. I still will be getting my calories from high quality food .. hopefully i see some progress! thanks everyone

    With beach body programs, you CAN NOT do 1400 calories. You burn a ton of calories and need enough fuel for you body to release the weight. I am speaking from experience. Most BB programs suggest 1800 calories as a minimum for woman and 2400 calories for men. Eating too little will only do two things; maintain fat and burn muscle.

    Also, every is NOT different. It's all calories in/calories out. Too many calories out and not enough in and your body will cannibalize your lean muscle mass for the amino acids to produce energy. The science is there and has been there. There is a reason if you go on the BB website, they would suggest around 1800 calories to burn fat and maintain lean muscle mass. This will also preserve your metabolism unlike this 1200 calorie crap. And really unless you are 4'10, it's high unlikely that your BMR is even close to 1200 calories.


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    And if anyone will argue, lets talk numbers instead of assumptions and opinions.

    Your estimated BMR is 1489 (using the Harris Benidict formula, http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/bmr/). I suspect it's very easy to burn 500 calories as I burn about 650 doing P90X2. And lets assume you are sedentary otherwise. SO...

    TDEE = 1489 * 1.2 + 500 = 2286

    And if you want to burn fat and not just lose weight (which would include muscle), it's more beneficial cutting calories by 20%

    Caloric needs = 2286 * .8 = 1829

    So more proof, that 1800 calories is a bit more beneficial to allow you to achieve those results Beach Body always recommends. BTW, if you look at the links I provided, they will tell you why little calories isn't always good.

    Now lets all stop fighting.
  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    that was awesome
    I hate it when people say 1200 is not sustainable, yes it is, we eat wayyyyy too much food, that's why we're fat!

    Yep, well said.
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    With beach body programs, you CAN NOT do 1400 calories. You burn a ton of calories and need enough fuel for you body to release the weight. I am speaking from experience. Most BB programs suggest 1800 calories as a minimum for woman and 2400 calories for men. Eating too little will only do two things; maintain fat and burn muscle.

    Also, every is NOT different. It's all calories in/calories out. Too many calories out and not enough in and your body will cannibalize your lean muscle mass for the amino acids to produce energy. The science is there and has been there. There is a reason if you go on the BB website, they would suggest around 1800 calories to burn fat and maintain lean muscle mass. This will also preserve your metabolism unlike this 1200 calorie crap. And really unless you are 4'10, it's high unlikely that your BMR is even close to 1200 calories.



    THANK YOU.... Ugh...
  • clschaan
    clschaan Posts: 16
    thanks for everyones input! I am currently into week three of the beachbody turbofire program and because of my activity level I am going to see how i am at 1400 calories .. I am a massage therapist so I stand most of the day also. I still will be getting my calories from high quality food .. hopefully i see some progress! thanks everyone

    With beach body programs, you CAN NOT do 1400 calories. You burn a ton of calories and need enough fuel for you body to release the weight. I am speaking from experience. Most BB programs suggest 1800 calories as a minimum for woman and 2400 calories for men. Eating too little will only do two things; maintain fat and burn muscle.

    Also, every is NOT different. It's all calories in/calories out. Too many calories out and not enough in and your body will cannibalize your lean muscle mass for the amino acids to produce energy. The science is there and has been there. There is a reason if you go on the BB website, they would suggest around 1800 calories to burn fat and maintain lean muscle mass. This will also preserve your metabolism unlike this 1200 calorie crap. And really unless you are 4'10, it's high unlikely that your BMR is even close to 1200 calories.


  • clschaan
    clschaan Posts: 16
    wow .. this sure is an eye opener! thanks for the links i will definately check them out
  • ADBroseh
    ADBroseh Posts: 1
    It's not too few. I'm 5'6 and 145lbs, to lose 1 pound a week, i have to do 1200 calories. Which is about in line with what my doctor and my trainer have both told me over the past few years. It sucks, but it can be done.
  • sam2674
    sam2674 Posts: 55 Member
    Finally! someone who says 1200 is sustainable! I get 1200 a day and have not problems. I do eat back some of what I exercise too!