PCOS and Losing weight



  • RunnerBlonde808
    RunnerBlonde808 Posts: 257 Member
    I also have PCOS. It was a struggle for many years with losing weight for me. I did finally have success 3 1/2 years ago on Weight watcchers. I lost 75 pounds and have maintained that loss. I have revised how I eat several times since I have lost the weight. The biggest thing for me has been exercise. I started running after I lost about 25 pounds and have never looked back. The weight really started coming off with the addition of the exercise. Now I lift weights and run.

    It is hard but the best advice I can give is to stay committed. It's frustrating but it is something you can accomplish. Everyone is different. You just have to find the right combination for you.

    I don't buy into the crap that women with PCOS cannot lose weight. It might be a little more difficult to find the right combination but you just have to do it.
  • dgbiggz
    dgbiggz Posts: 25
    I had no idea there were so many women out there with PCOS! I've been dealing with it forever & that is the reason I was never able to have kids. My weight had gotten soooo out of control - all most 300lbs, but in 2007 I started exercising using only my treadmill for hours on end & I lost 112lbs.. I've gained about 25 of that back & now I'm trying to get that off & it's HAAARD. But like I've read here...it's definitely doable, you just have to work a little harder!

    It's great to find others who are dealing with the same thing. If anyone wants to add me, please do so...I know we could all use the support!

  • sakmomma
    sakmomma Posts: 1
    I was diagnosed with PCOS about 3 years after I had my third child. Weight loss is harder for sure, but definitely doable if you eat right. The key is low carb.
  • swifta
    swifta Posts: 7
    I have PCOS too. I find it very difficult to lose weight. I walk for 4 miles a day to and from work and am using this site but i'm finding it disheartening sometimes when it seems to be taking so long to lose anything. Feel free to add me anyone :)
  • slj812000
    slj812000 Posts: 1 Member
    I have PCOS too. My doctor tells me I should be on insulin injections (I do NOT have diabetes, so I declined them) and I would lose weight faster. Trying the 'old fashioned' road of eating right and excersizing. 3000 years of medication-free human race survival can't be wrong!
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS at the age of 16...I'm now 35, so I've been struggling with it for a long time. From May to November of last year I lost 45lbs without any medication whatsoever. However, at that point, my weightloss just stopped. I've continued to eat right and exercise six days a week, but I haven't lost an inch or an ounce since midNovember. The doctor recently medicated me for insulin resistance (Metformin) and hypothyroidism (Synthroid). I'm hoping that I'll start seeing results again in the next few weeks. Feel free to add me.
  • joeylu
    joeylu Posts: 208 Member
    Right here!!! Feel free to add me anyone :smile:
  • cvickie
    cvickie Posts: 11
    I have PCOS as well and have a hard time losing weight and inches, especially from the stomach which is my problem area.
  • cvickie
    cvickie Posts: 11
    I also have PCOS and have been trying for years to lose weight. I have had good success using this program as well as using Metformin (medication). I would be more then happy to help support you. Feel free to add me.

    Does the Metaformin make your stomach hurt? My doctor put me on that twice and it makes my stomach hurt so bad with cramps that I just couldn't take it anymore. I have another friend who has PCOS as well and the Metaformin does the same thing to her.
    What has been your expierence with it?
  • jaynehayden83
    jaynehayden83 Posts: 16 Member

    I have PCOS and really find it difficult to lose weight. i was diagnosed 3 years ago. My GP and specialist were not of much help at all just told me to lose weight and discharged me. Thanks for that! I am finding this application really helpful though and seem to be sticking to it longer than usual. Also my friends at work are also trying to lose weight so we are all helping each other along the way. I still have a very long way to go but intend to stick with it. Feel free to add me.

  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    I am right there with you! I actually quit Metformin recently and am trying a combination of clean eating and acupuncture instead.
  • mewhisler
    mewhisler Posts: 37 Member
    I was just diagnosed with PCOS...since I have been trying to get pregnant with no luck. MFP is great to make sure I stay healthy and accountable. I haven't lost any weight since I started, but I feel better and healthier. Feel free to add me.
  • krisrpaz
    krisrpaz Posts: 263 Member
    Yep I have it too. I have actually found this time that I have stuck to it religiously and have ensured i have had plenty of carbs too and have lost 24.5lbs in 9 weeks (joined here a week after I started).
    What i have found since i have been on this plan though, is that my periods have gone haywire. Second one 6 weeks into the diet was far heavier than normal and was really quite bad, this period i have been bleeding for 2 and a half weeks but its not been heavy.
    Anyone else found this??
    Anyway ladies feel free to add me!

    Leeanne x

    Yes! I went from having a period every 2-3 months to having one every month that is super heavy with so much pain. The pain actually lasts about 75% of the month. This has been within the past four months and my gyno says I probably have endometriosis that was being masked by my PCOS when I wasn't ovulating. Now that I'm ovulating and pumping out estrogen, the endo is flaring up and causing everything to go haywire. It sucks. I'm having Mirena put in with my next period; hoping to avoid any surgery.
  • krisrpaz
    krisrpaz Posts: 263 Member
    I also have PCOS and have been trying for years to lose weight. I have had good success using this program as well as using Metformin (medication). I would be more then happy to help support you. Feel free to add me.

    Does the Metaformin make your stomach hurt? My doctor put me on that twice and it makes my stomach hurt so bad with cramps that I just couldn't take it anymore. I have another friend who has PCOS as well and the Metaformin does the same thing to her.
    What has been your expierence with it?

    Yeah, I tried Metformin a couple different times. Twice with the regular, smallest dose and once with the extended-release version. I just couldn't handle it. It gave me severe stomach cramps and other issues. I've had more success with a low-carb diet than anything else.
  • edinat
    edinat Posts: 159 Member
    I have PCOS too, its hard, but its not impossible, last year i lost almost 40lbs, and i gained most back because i didnt continue the lifestyle , i went back to my old habits, so now i am starting again i have to get this weight off, because i want a baby so bad!
  • I have PCOS too... feel free to add me. :)
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    I have PCOS- was diagnosed about 5 years ago (after trying to figure out why I was having so much trouble conceiving). Its not impossible to lose weight but its a longer road for sure. I find that a combination of lower carb and exercise work best for me- like cardio exercise to be exact.

    Metformin is an insulin resistance drug that for some can help with fertility because it stabilizes the hormones (ok maybe stabilizes isn't the right word- but you get the idea). I take metformin when trying to get pregnant- I don't take it otherwise, although it would help with weight loss, because it makes my stomach queasy and just not right. Plus if my husband saw I was taking it again he might have a heart attack!!!!!

    Feel free to add me!
  • coffeegirl1998
    coffeegirl1998 Posts: 116 Member
    I was just recently diagnosed with PCOS (December 2011). Feel free to add me and we can get through this journey together!
  • I have PCOS too. My doctor tells me I should be on insulin injections (I do NOT have diabetes, so I declined them) and I would lose weight faster. Trying the 'old fashioned' road of eating right and excersizing. 3000 years of medication-free human race survival can't be wrong!

    Insulin injections will NOT make you lose weight. I can't imagine why your doctor told you that. When I started insulin, I gained 15 lbs in the first month. My body was (with the insulin) processing the sugars the way it should be and wham-o... 15 lbs bigger. Now I'm off insulin and FINALLY the scale is starting to move again.
  • robynj88
    robynj88 Posts: 104 Member
    I've also got PCOS. always find it a struggle to lose weight, even though I stick to my calories and do more exercise. Have started on Metformin recently and am following a low GI diet which I find really helps, also make sure I drink 2 litres of water a day when I can. It's harder to do but it can be done!