Getting really upset



  • sasab904
    sasab904 Posts: 20 Member
    Looking at your log, try to eat a little more for breakfast. I have trainers tell me to eat more in the morning, a little less for lunch and protein, light carbs for dinner with a few snacks in between there. So with your banana in the morning, have a bowl of oatmeal a few hours laster if you don't like to eat a lot when you first get up. Or have a shake. I swear by my Chocolate Shakeology every morning. Mix some fruit in there and it is an instant breakfast. Send me a message if you would like to know more about Shakeology.

    Good luck! Stay positive!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I dont eat fish or avacado. Im not going to eat stuff that tastes gross to lose weight that doesn't make.any sense and I don't see how people can eat nuts that would take up all of my calories. Im not saying I eat perfect but at 215 pounds I shouldn't have to be eating nothing but veggies to lose weight.

    This is absolutely true. Even if you eat less calories than you should, if you are eating at a deficit you should be losing something regardless of food quality. You'll probably be healthier in the long run if you eat healthy food, but that's a different discussion. Eating very low calories for a long period may slow your metabolism, but it does not prevent weight loss, it just slows it some.

    If you haven't already, I would suggest seeing a doctor to check for a metabolic, hormonal or other issue that could be preventing weight loss.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    I dont eat fish or avacado. Im not going to eat stuff that tastes gross to lose weight that doesn't make.any sense and I don't see how people can eat nuts that would take up all of my calories. Im not saying I eat perfect but at 215 pounds I shouldn't have to be eating nothing but veggies to lose weight.

    :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :grumble: :grumble: :explode:

    Now that the formalities are out of the way here is the shortest version of what would otherwise be a long speech.

    Few things wrong with this statement. Yes, you want to lose weight, this is established.
    Now, you HAVE to establish NEW habits that will get you to a place you are currently NOT at.
    Notice I said HABITS, as in you won't be dumping these as soon as you lose the weight b/c they are apart of your lifestyle and if you do dump them, you will gain the weight back.
    Let's try drinking enough water for starters. Your body has a huge % of water, replenish it with h20, simple.
    Fish, there are WAY too many kinds to blanket statement not liking it. Please do try some different kinds.
    NUTS are beyond awesome. Healthy fats and protein/carb balance is great.
    But to wrap this up you seem to be under the impression that just b/c you're 215 pounds and eating a very small amount the weight should come off:grumble: {NOT THE CASE} Food is not the enemy, abusing the food is. This means you have to eat enough food to lose weight. Not only for weight loss, but for health, fruits/veggies and a good amount is the way to go. I am guilty of not getting enough in, but they are worth eating every day. Educate yourself on what foods are really good for you. The diet industry has skewed our realities and demonized some of the best foods around, EGGS, NUTS, BANANAS, ETC. all good whole foods, all significantly cheaper and superior in nutrition compared to prepared food.

    This is a snapshot lecture, hope some of the rambling helps.
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    It's really easy to get sucked into the convenience of prepared meals, especially those touted for diets, but I personally don't think they are helpful in the long-run.

    I make a lot of my own frozen meals, because you can't beat the convenience of them. Since I cook for just my husband and I, we always have a lot of leftovers, and I almost always freeze them for later. It has really helped - it's less expensive and a lot healthier, and I know exactly what I'm eating.
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    I agree with most of the other posters here.

    1) Track your sodium. With what you are eating you are consuming a TON of sodium. Track that and than find ways to lower it. Best thing is less processed foods (frozen, canned, dried, etc).

    2) Drink more water. I'm not sure if you aren't tracking it or aren't drinking it as your diary says no water.

    3) Eat less processed foods. There is far too many calories, sodium, etc for the actual nutrition you get from them.

    4) Make your own meals. You can make the same things you buy frozen for cheaper and MUCh healthier. Pick a day during the week when you are off work and don't have a lot to do. Spend the day in the kitchen. You can make your own frozen meals if the frozen dinner is easy for you. Make a big batch of salad and put in the fridge. Take bits each day. Make extra food when you cook and eat that the next day.

    5) Track everything! Every little bite adds up and could be what is hurting you. Yes it's hard but if it's too hard for you to do you won't be successful. Either you're in it for the long run or not. Weight loss isn't easy and it will take time.

    6) Measure everything! Kitchen scale, measuring spoons, measuring cups, etc. That way you will know exactly what you are eating in a day. Yes, it takes time but other wise you aren't committing to the journey 100%.

    7) Eat more! 1200 is not enough for most of the population. Eating less won't make you lose more or make you lose faster. In the long run it will hurt you and your body. You need to fuel your body for it to work properly.

    8) Healthy food doesn't have to taste bad. It can taste amazing! Experiment. Try different things. What you didn't like a few years ago you might like now.

    9) Pay attention to portion sizes. Those small cartons of milk you can buy in the stores are actually TWO servings. Some little bags of chips are two servings for the bag. A portion size of veggies dip is usually two TBSP. Not a whole lot. That can change the actual amount you are eating.

    10) Use the nutrional information on the foods you have and are eating. Ifyou have the package find the exact nutritional information match in the database or input it yourself. MFP has members from all over the world and food has different things in them and different nutriontional values.
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    Ok....I am going to give you the same speech I give every one else. I looked at your food journal. You are not eating enough and what you are eating is a lot of processed crap. Yes, you do eat some veggies but you also eat a lot of processed food and you are starving your body. That is why you are not losing weight. Plain and simple. Start adding things like avocados, nuts/seeds, salmon, dark leafy greens, fresh fruit, ect. Instead of buying dip for your veg make your own. make some guacamole to go with them.
    I dont eat fish or avacado. Im not going to eat stuff that tastes gross to lose weight that doesn't make.any sense and I don't see how people can eat nuts that would take up all of my calories. Im not saying I eat perfect but at 215 pounds I shouldn't have to be eating nothing but veggies to lose weight.

    You aren't eating (or at least logging) anywhere near you calories, you could totally get some nuts and veggies in there. As for the fish, I am willing to bet that you haven't tried every type of fish or even every way to prepare the fish that you have tried. I struggled with this a lot in the past. I wouldn't eat certain things--Salad, fish, broccoli, and much, much more--because my family is very set in how they prepare and eat those things and, honestly, it is generally gross. When I married my wife, it took her years to convince me to try a lot of things again. Turns out, I really like them--if they are prepared some ways, but not others.

    Keep in mind that MFP has already built in a Calorie deficit for you. You need to get closer to your calories each day. And if you are exercising, you really need to make sure that you are eating those too.

    For other advice, you definitely need to make sure you get your water in each day.

    The moral of the story is that losing weight is a lifestyle change, not something that you will do and then drop once you hit your goal weight.
  • minimaggie
    minimaggie Posts: 224 Member
    Everyone one has basically told you the same thing, eat more and eat better, I'm going to tell you what my trainer told me a week and a half ago...

    1. Try to keep your carbs to around 100g per day, when you exercise, up your protein.

    I did this and broke a 5 week plateau and lost 3 lbs when I weighed in and my weigh in day fell on the day that my TOM showed up (so I know there was some water weight in there!!!)

    I am on a 1200 calorie base plan and I eat my calories back. I usually drink 2 protein shakes a day to get my calories up where I need them.

    If you want to look at my diary you can add me. We are all here for the same reason, to be healthy, you want to lose the weight the right way because, and this is my new favorite quote:


    I want to look good naked!!!!!
  • bump
  • You don't have to eat fish or avocado if you don't like them. Nor do you have to live on diet frozen meals - they are loaded with bad-for-you stuff that could be hindering your progress.

    You likely need to eat more - and better too. It seems counter-intuitive, but bumping up your net intake to 1200-1300 might be just the boost your body needs. Why aren't you eating the same things as your husband/family? A little tweaking and portion control makes real food (foods you LIKE) within reason for your daily diet.

    Make sure you're getting enough protein and water too, especially if you're active!
    Because my husband is 6 foot 4 and 180 pounds. He lives on pizza rolls, fast food, and burritos and its just me, him, and my daughter who eats baby food. That's why we don't eat meals together. And I drink tons of water like 10 to 12 glasses a day I just don't log my water.
  • Instead of berating you as in prior posts which doesn't make any sense to me, I will tell you this. Reduce your sodium intake. I too thought eating frozen dinners was a good way to go. Eat a lot of fresh fruits, veggies and lean proteins. Eat only things that you enjoy. Adding certain nuts, like walnuts and almonds are a good source of protein, just watch the amount you take in. Log everything. Keep walking!!!!!:happy:
    Thank you and everyone keeps talking about my frozen meals but I don't normally eat.them I have been for like a week now bc my grill its out of gas and I can't afford to fill it now.
  • You need to know if your are gaining Lean muscle mass, which would be my first guess.

    I would suggest a scale with a body fat % reader.

    Then take your weight minus the inverse of your body fat percentage.

    For instance I weigh 189lbs as of this morning.
    189-(189*.0215) = 148.365 Lean Muscle

    If you are indeed working out then you are most likely building muscle and losing fat. You want your lean muscle to stay the same and your weight to go down (in a perfect world) but if your weight is staying the same and your body fat % is dropping you are doing just that!

    I bought a.really expensive weight watchers scale but the body fat % always changes I even bought a new battery
  • I feel your pain. I am in the same boat but can honestly tell you to not give up. keep watching what you eat
    and excercising, drink your water and you WILL see results. If you weren,t doing this you would
    weigh more , be unfit and not as healthy as you are now becoming. Don't undo all the good you have done,:smile:
    you can get through this. Best of Luck.!
  • LJC44
    LJC44 Posts: 221
    To Do:
    Eat more
    Eat veggies, fruit, grains (pair food correctly)
    Maybe up the exercise
    Drink alot of water (also green tea)
    BE PATIENT - alot of weight may fall off at once. That is what happened to me!
  • LJC44
    LJC44 Posts: 221
    P.S. Don't use salt or eat salty foods (everyone is giving you the same advice I know, but it's true)
  • I agree with those who say you need to eat more, and eat better! Log everything, even bites of your hubby's food, or even better, don't snitch his food! :tongue: Do you log your exercise? I didn't see any earned exercise calories at the bottom of your diary. If you are exercising and not logging it, and only showing 900-1000 calories a day, your net cals for the day are probably REALLY low.

    You should be netting at least 1200 per day, probably more. You gotta feed your body, especially if you are asking it to work hard with exercise. More protein rich foods, especially for breakfast!

    Search around the forums - there are quite a few topics with people's info on having great success with eating more calories. Sounds counter-intuitive, I know, but it works.
    No I don't exercise besides walking unless you count chasing a 1 year old around all day. I don't.get time to exercise
  • LJC44
    LJC44 Posts: 221
    I agree with those who say you need to eat more, and eat better! Log everything, even bites of your hubby's food, or even better, don't snitch his food! :tongue: Do you log your exercise? I didn't see any earned exercise calories at the bottom of your diary. If you are exercising and not logging it, and only showing 900-1000 calories a day, your net cals for the day are probably REALLY low.

    You should be netting at least 1200 per day, probably more. You gotta feed your body, especially if you are asking it to work hard with exercise. More protein rich foods, especially for breakfast!

    Search around the forums - there are quite a few topics with people's info on having great success with eating more calories. Sounds counter-intuitive, I know, but it works.

    No I don't exercise besides walking unless you count chasing a 1 year old around all day. I don't.get time to exercise

    Buy free weights and use them at home!
  • Yloa
    Yloa Posts: 5
    I also recommend shaking up the exercies. When I hit a wall, i started doing spin classes and lost three pounds in that first week. i
  • runderhi
    runderhi Posts: 52 Member
    I looked at your food diary and it looks like you are eating alot of frozen dinners for dinner.

    Those Frozen dinners look like they have alot of carbs (50+) and they are loaded with sodium. You might want to think about dumping those and having a meal with a lean meat and some veggies.

    I would up your calories to 1,400, drink more water and try to stay away from the carbs and sodium at night. You also might want to try a new type of cardio for a few weeks. Perhaps do some interval training where you walk for a minute than jog for a minute. Shake things up.

    Also, take a week off from the scale, don't let it frustrate you. In a week you will see progress!

    The good news is that you are down over 20 pounds already so congrats, don't get frustrated.

    This is really solid advice above - to add to that if your food can go off quickly that is the best kind to eat - stay with mostly fresh produce and stay away from processed foods.
  • Ok....I am going to give you the same speech I give every one else. I looked at your food journal. You are not eating enough and what you are eating is a lot of processed crap. Yes, you do eat some veggies but you also eat a lot of processed food and you are starving your body. That is why you are not losing weight. Plain and simple. Start adding things like avocados, nuts/seeds, salmon, dark leafy greens, fresh fruit, ect. Instead of buying dip for your veg make your own. make some guacamole to go with them.
    I dont eat fish or avacado. Im not going to eat stuff that tastes gross to lose weight that doesn't make.any sense and I don't see how people can eat nuts that would take up all of my calories. Im not saying I eat perfect but at 215 pounds I shouldn't have to be eating nothing but veggies to lose weight.

    You aren't eating (or at least logging) anywhere near you calories, you could totally get some nuts and veggies in there. As for the fish, I am willing to bet that you haven't tried every type of fish or even every way to prepare the fish that you have tried. I struggled with this a lot in the past. I wouldn't eat certain things--Salad, fish, broccoli, and much, much more--because my family is very set in how they prepare and eat those things and, honestly, it is generally gross. When I married my wife, it took her years to convince me to try a lot of things again. Turns out, I really like them--if they are prepared some ways, but not others.

    Keep in mind that MFP has already built in a Calorie deficit for you. You need to get closer to your calories each day. And if you are exercising, you really need to make sure that you are eating those too.

    For other advice, you definitely need to make sure you get your water in each day.

    The moral of the story is that losing weight is a lifestyle change, not something that you will do and then drop once you hit your goal weight.
    I may not have tried every kind but I have tried a lot my husband loves fish I hate it
  • BrunetteRunner87
    BrunetteRunner87 Posts: 591 Member
    I don't think you are doing too bad! Any changes you made are still good changes. From my personal experience, I would say eat less frozen dinners. I know it's hard. I used to eat 1-2 per day because I'm not a good cook and I'm never home with the time too cook. But I realized how much sodium is in them and that freezing food takes out a lot of good nutrients.

    Now I cook a crock pot meal at the beginning of the week and eat it throughout the week. It's so easy, a lot of the recipes are just dump and go! I can say I feel a lot better than I used to when I ate lean cuisine all the time, and frankly as bad of a cook I am, it even tastes better than Lean Cuisine!

    I see you like the lender's onion bagels... I used to eat those every day for breakfast before school as a kid! I love them :-) (Not quite healthy but I still eat them once in a while)