BIG beer guy here



  • Tandi_S
    Tandi_S Posts: 439 Member
    I love craft beers. I think low cal beer tastes like **** and I'd rather skip the beer or wine for the day (if it'll put me over my calories) than consume something that I don't enjoy.

    IMHO, MFP is not about dieting or giving up the things you absolutely love, but rather it's about finding out how to fit things like tasty beer into your daily caloric allowance.

    Just like going on a 900 cal per day diet or just eating cabbage soup is not something someone can do for the rest of their lives, it doesn't sound giving up beer forever is an option for you. Rather, find out how you can fit it in to your daily nutritional requirements. :)

    ^^^This, on beer AND fitting it into your allowance! I *LOVE* your head gear, BTW!!

    I am a fellow beer lover, the darker and more complex the better. We are here to get healthier, but we are here to live too! Feel free to add me. :drinker:
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    I also love beer, and do not consider myself a huge drinker. When I do have it, I immensely enjoy it, though, hence the love. Like other posters, I will forego if it means drinking something crappy, and if I know there is good beer in my future, I plan for it by upping my workouts and budgeting my calories. Just like life, it's all about finding balance.

    Loved the reference to "Puritans" btw.
  • blueeyess55
    blueeyess55 Posts: 36 Member
    Totally agree.. I'm a Coors Light drinker myself.. I joined this mfp about two months or plus ago.. an I went to the Dr's two weeks ago an since May of 2010 he told me that I have lost 60 lbs all I havn't given up my beer an I stay around 1200 cals aday..It relax me in the evenin .. I'm from Maine so don't know about half them beers everyone is talkin about Cheers.:drinker:
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    Big Craft Beer lover. I tried to go cold turkey and not drink anything, but after giving up other things I enjoy (soda, fried food, etc), I realized you can't give up everything you love. Moderation is the key. I'm down 25 pounds officially (I joined MFP for the last 10 pounds) and I've gotten it off while drinking. I refuse to drink "Light" beers just to drink because that isn't why I drink beer, I drink it because I love the taste, not to get drunk. Which is the anti-definition of an alcoholic by the way (for those of you who feel if you drink you need AA).

    Add me if you wish, it would be nice to have someone to chat about beer with!
  • iampam4399
    iampam4399 Posts: 81 Member
    I love love love beer too!!! And if beer were a man, I 'd marry it in a heartbeat! But, I agree with the concensus around here. It's about finding balance with what works and does not work for you. For me, my struggle will come this summer finding that balance, when I am spending massive amounts of leisure time on the beaches drinking beer, beer, and more beer!!! Because that is what I like to do!! So, I guess I will have to run to the store for my beer, or dedicate my Sundays to working off my Friday and Saturday beers, or something. But, go without beer I will not!!!!
    If only beer were not so tasty, would make things much easier for me!!!! :)
  • Don't worry about people thinking you need AA - normal consumption doesn't mean you're an alcoholic. It's a valid question to wonder how beer - or any alcohol for that matter - will affect your weight loss. For me personally, beer bloats me, whiskey has no effect on my weight loss, so I stick to whiskey! :love:
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    I love the nice deep dark beers. A great tasing Oatmeal Stout and I am a happy camper. But since I joined MFP and started having to write down and seeing how many calories were in my beers I am finding it harder and harder to drink them. Even my Rum (my true weakness) is getting harder and harder to drink. I feel like I am cheating everytime I have some. And seeing how many calories just one little shot has in it just kills me.

    But I also will save up so I can go out and have a few drinks with friends. As I put it " I'm drinking my dinner." But instead of it being an every weekend thing it has turned into a once a month thing now. But will be worth it when I get to my goal. :drinker:
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    I've lost 10 lbs in just over 3 weeks, and a friend & I meet at our favourite bar for delicious craft beers once a week. I usually have 2.

    Now. I don't drink beer every day (never have!) but I do really, really enjoy it and refuse to give it up. I just know I have to work that much harder at the gym-- which is totally okay with me! It can be done!
  • mmklinemm
    mmklinemm Posts: 58 Member
    Guinness is the only choice for me. Not only is it lower in calories than most other beer, but it also has a bit of nutrition. It doesn't hurt that I've loved it far longer than I've cared about those sorts of things. :)
  • grendel322
    grendel322 Posts: 105 Member
    Happy to see so many craft beer people on here! I'm fitnesspal friends with a couple of them, and even have a few beer trades in the works! :drinker: I agree, everything in moderation, and if you know you're going to want to partake, plan it in your day. I have been inspired by a few of my MFP friends and their workout regiments, and also enjoy reviewing their diaries to see what brews they have enjoyed!

    Feel free to add me, I'm always willing to learn about fitness, exercise, music (where'd that come from??) and beer.
  • TempeB
    TempeB Posts: 43 Member
    I just finished a bottle of my own home-brew, a Black Ale. This is something that I absolutely would never be able to give up. The best I can do is control it. It's not even the worst dietary problem I have (need to control the carbs in general more, or at least eat only complex carbs). To my taste a well-crafted beer is not just a beverage, it is a nutritious food as well as one of life's best pleasures.
  • Firstly I never said that I drank on a daily basis (or that I 'needed' it), and secondly I'm an Englishman so have a VERY different cultural reference for alcohol when compared to your average, puritanical American!


    I have the same thing with sweets. I try to substitute fruit, but sometimes I want some damn chocolate. If you can fit it into your allowance, go for it! I know I do, and I've lost weight just fine.
  • freeasharold
    freeasharold Posts: 133 Member
    Craft beer lover, and home brewer. Pretty sure the love of this got me fat :) I am trying to work beer in in moderation. Definitely drinking far less than I used to. If I want something tasty during the week, I usually get my husband to split it with me for less calories.

    On the weekends I usually have at least 1-2 beers. I had one blow out in the last 6 weeks, went out with friends and had 5 beers all above 7% mind you, so around 1200-1500 calories in beer alone! I am still paying for it with no loss (and no gain) a week and a half later.
  • ding30180
    ding30180 Posts: 53 Member
    Posted a blog entry about my beer and calorie journey that is just starting.
  • Anelda
    Anelda Posts: 99 Member
    I'm also a huge, huge, huge fan of beer and drink craft/import beer only. I'm particularly partial to lambics and farmhouses (love my sour and love my funky beers).

    I find that as long as I'm moderate in my beer drinking, everything is swell. It's when I run into drinking 4 or 5 beers (or 10+ like I ended up drinking on Hunahpu release day) that I get in trouble as they are all usually high alcohol content beers.

    I don't think I'll ever be able to give up beer completely. Moderation is absolutely key.