walking a lot and eating healthy....results?



  • raisingbabyk
    raisingbabyk Posts: 442 Member
    When i started and lost a big chunk of my weight it was with only walking & tracking on MFP. Now I run and do JM dvds too.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I lost 55 pounds mostly walking. I try to do weights twice a week, but being outside, walking, is definitely my preference. I walk quickly (over 4 mph pace), carry a backpack and climb lots of hills! It's a great workout!
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    The first several months all i did was walk and it worked quite well. It was a fat burning activity that didn't leave me worn out and hungry.
  • gersoco
    gersoco Posts: 155 Member
    Walking at a brisk pace is definitely awesome... Though, if you can, you may want to go at a faster than brisk pace every once in a while.
  • shakama
    shakama Posts: 13 Member
    i walk every day and I am eating pretty healthy meals. I have had pretty consistent results but have a fair way to go. I usually walk around the neighbourhood and am really enjoying it. The social aspect is nice - saying Hi to fellow walkers and "smelling the roses" is great! We are just coming in to autumn so I think I may have to use my treadmill a bit more once the weather gets colder. I would recommend walking - its cheap!! Cheers - Sharron
  • singledj
    singledj Posts: 147 Member
    i have lost all my weight walking. i walk on a treadmill and crank up the incline. :-)

    Yep, I do this too!! I also jog every 8-10 min for about 2 min at a time. Looking forward to the day I can jog for longer periods of time. I also use a HRM to stay within my limits.
  • Hoakiebs
    Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
    I've lost 42 lbs. in 95 days by basically walking 75-120 min. A day @ 4.25-4.5 mph pace while listening to my iPod and eating within my calorie allotment and eating back most of my exercise calories. Works for me. You can look @ my profile pics for head shots, but I've gone from a 17 to a 16 neck, 40 to 36 pants, and went from 247 lbs. to 205.

    I have refrained from running to this point because I wanted to avoid injury that would railroad my success. I'm finally getting some good running shoes Wednesday so I can return to using my orthotics and running.
  • tsimmsva
    tsimmsva Posts: 49
    I walk all the time....and have lost 23 lbs so far.
    My last fitness craze ....I excercised like a fiend and took weight off.....but it was 1 hr everyday at the gym and I ate terrible. It became a awful chore....go to hate it.
    Now I've be 2 1/2 months on MFP and walking and I'm almost were I was excercising like crazy...for 1 1/2 yrs.
    Love MFP!
  • numindan
    numindan Posts: 163 Member
    I lost over 50 lbs with walking as my only real exercise a few years ago. Went from huffing and puffing trying to walk a km to routinely walking 8-10km a day.

    I did change my diet significantly during that time. I didn't eat 100% healthy - more like 80-20 - but I did get into a habit of counting my calories, weighing and measuring my food, and packing my lunches and snacks for work.

    I still walk for exercise now but will be starting a strength training program this week. As far as fitness goes, I can comfortably walk for hours on end but can't lift/carry anything moderately heavy for the life of me. I'm planning on fixing that now.

    Note: I did eventually find that walking was taking up a significant part of my free time (hours a day) and so I tried running. Unfortunately, that was quickly veto'd by my physiotherapist.
  • maxmariesfo
    maxmariesfo Posts: 173 Member
    Who on here does a lot of walking, eats healthy and gets results?

    I LOVE walking...seriously love it and because it is something I enjoy doing I do it often and regularly. I keep finding I get into these exercise DVD's or programs and do them but don't really find joy in them so when I hit a roadblock of difficulty I quit. So, I'm curious is it possible and healthy to walk a lot/hike etc. eat healthy and lose weight/tone the body. I'm thinking of lifting also as I really enjoy my dumbbells in exercises but for now want to hear your experiences with walking/hiking and eating well. Post pics if you've got them :)

    Before I moved to Las Vegas, I didn't drive. Not for decades. I walked. I rode my bike. I took the bus or the train to get longer distances. I've been vegetarian for almost as long as I haven't (hadn't) been driving and purchased most of my fruits and veggies at the various farmers markets around the Bay Area. I'm not saying vegetarianism is a weight saver. I love to cook. I cook fresh food for myself and rarely eat out. I don't buy a lot of ready-made prepackaged food.

    I held at a constant 110 pounds. I was fit and never got sick. It was a half hour walk to my office every day. And a half hour walk home. People at my office were always commenting how I could eat anything and not gain an ounce.

    Public transportation in Vegas is awful. So I got a scooter. They are not as health aware here as they are in the Bay Area. So much junk food!! They're just now starting to come around to the farmers markets. I put on 20 pounds in less than 4 years. That included taking my MinPin hiking two weekends out of the month.
  • nwg74
    nwg74 Posts: 360 Member
    Most of my exercise is from walking and I have lost 148 pounds so far. I like to mix up the distance on a week by week basis. I have done anywhere from 2.5 miles to 7 miles in one day. I have managed to reduce my time from 62 minutes at the start for 2.5 miles to 50 minutes. I am also apparently walking more upright and not stooped over according to the stranger who noticed. :) I have never seen him before but has seen me walking often.