Does You Spouse Motivate Or Complicate Your Weight Loss?



  • DAM_Fine
    DAM_Fine Posts: 1,292 Member
    My husband of 35 years is both my main support and a large part of my motivation. He has weighted the same and looked as hot as he does throughout our entire dating/married life. We are going to Hawaii for our 35th anniversary and I want to look as good as he does when we're on the beach.

    He has encouraged me throughout this, has built equipment an equipment racks for me, has moved the guest room furniture countless times, eaten what I eat at dinner (well, maybe I add a few things for him - he works hard all day). He is never judgemental and never presses me if I just don't want to exercise that night. He eats his chips and drinks his beer, but is good about not leaving temptation in my path and never offers things he knows I shouldn't have. He has loved me through menopause and weight gain, and shows his appreciation and pride in the new me in wonderful ways. He even took the bikini pics I have posted here!

    Could have done it without him, I guess, but its been so much more fun doing it with him!
  • KaydeeMehl
    definatley complicate!!!

    my fiance is very judgey!! Because I have had an eating disorder before he is always like "how many calories you eat today?" "waaatch it, your going back to your old ways" blah blah blah. So now, i just tell him im eating healthy and thats it..he always has soda all over the stupid kitchen!!! it is so discouraging!!!
  • vadiane1
    vadiane1 Posts: 50
    My DH is super supportive, but on the other hand makes me want to drop kick him onto Mars! We agreed for a New Years resolution we'd work out, watch what we eat, etc. He lasted A FREAKING DAY on the working out. THEN after it was so apparently obvious he bailed, he was going to sit and "give me advice" on my Jiliian Michaels workout. I can say, at least he knew when to beat a hasty retreat!
    He eats crappy, has no energy, promises EVERY DAY tomorrow is THE DAY he will start. Scary thing is he HAS to lose the 30 or so pounds he packed on. He has hereditary high cholesterol and triglycerides and had quadruple bypass surgery almost 11 years ago.
    We met 6 years ago this April, and he packed that on since then. I too, gained weight after meeting him, but to me he is just blowing smoke to keep my quiet at this point.
    Has anyone else had even a remotely similar issue, and if so what do you do to drop kick their *kitten* into gear again!
    I love him, but would love to sucker punch him at the same time!
    OHOHOHOH, the other thing he is doing!!! His 21 yr old daughter moved in after getting out of a bad relationship. She scarf eats her food like he does, and yet he is on her about it? GGRRRRRRR Bad day at work is spilling over. SORRY!! :(
  • Jeaniehop
    Jeaniehop Posts: 88 Member
    My husband motivates me greatly! He is dieting with me and he has lost almost double the weight I have so it pushes me harder, he also has a lot more to lose than I do. He comes out of the bathroom about three times a week saying I lost more weight and the scale hadn't been budging for me I amped up and had lost weight again this week! :happy:
  • AnnInTexas
    AnnInTexas Posts: 75 Member

    I totally feel your pain. My husband needs to lose about 30 lbs (compared to my 60). His father had a sextuple bypass. He himself is on blood pressure meds, cholesterol meds and something else I don't even know what it is.

    I have done my bestest to convince him to go to the gym with me, walk the dogs with me, anything. Nothing.

    I really worry about the struggle you and I both have, but I have resigned myself to thinking that in the end, I can only be responsible for me. I can try to prepare healthy meals for the two of us, and provide healthy snacks in the house. But if he's going to grab tortilla chips in the middle of the night after I've gone to sleep - there really isn't too much I can do about it.

  • jenstanley13
    jenstanley13 Posts: 194 Member
    my hubby is supportive of me and says he is proud when i do workout...not so supportive when it comes to eating healthy but doesnt try to drag me down either.
  • jching29
    jching29 Posts: 163
    She's definitely the biggest help :) we're both junk foodies, but we're really good at trying to motivate each other to do better. We shop for food together and make good (or bad!) decisions together. Knowing that someone else is watching what I eat as well as I am, and celebrates my weight loss when I do, has made this a million times better.
  • lorijh72
    lorijh72 Posts: 118 Member
    My husbands very supportive in my weight loss goals, he just lost 25 lbs himself and has encouraged me to start working out and eating healthy again!
  • santent
    santent Posts: 7
    My Ex-Girlfriend literally did not care about my Eating Habbits at all. She always wanted to go to CiCi pizzas, or some itallian place. Needless to say, she gained about 20 lbs. We are no longer together :-D
  • Kateraptor
    A bit of both. He helps me make healthier food choices and encourages me to cook more instead of going out. He's my running and cycling partner. That said, he'll look at me sometimes and say "don't lose too much, I like your belly can you keep some of it? Don't lose your butt!". It's nice to know he loves me as I am, but I have to explain to him I'm losing for my health.
  • Roly59
    Roly59 Posts: 21
    Neither, really. He looks after the children at weekends when I want to exercise, but aside from that, he keeps out of it. Doesn't put me off, but doesn't encourage either. He has only commented on my weight loss when I have outright asked him, and even then only in one word replies!

    I've got one like that
  • WingMan380
    WingMan380 Posts: 2,139 Member
    My wife and I are both on MFP so we try to encourage each other.
  • Thesis_gut
    Thesis_gut Posts: 56 Member
    My boyfriend keeps on saying I needn't lose weight but understands that it will make me feel more comfortable. He does encourage exercise (but doesn't do any himself). We only see each other on the weekends and because he eats rubbish fast food I usually give in and undo whatever progress I've made during the weekdays, which is very frustrating. When I insist on cooking a healthy meal he's well up for that and helps me chop veggies etc, but one or two healthy meals unfortunately don't seem to balance out the cheese on toast, pizza and fries we'll end up eating the rest of the weekend. I guess I just need to try and be more proactive about cooking healthily and have more self-control when he's munching on delicious yet fatty food.