Tell me how to learn how to love sardines



  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    I only buy the kind in olive oil, double rows of them, smaller ones... those are the tastiest.
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    Any food that you consume every day will slowly become normal. Anything, no matter how foul it tastes, will lose that foulness.

    You just have to eat one mouthful today, two mouthfuls tomorrow, and the whole thing the next day.

    Mash the sardines and eat with salt - keep adding salt till it tastes good - on cream crackers. Or in a lovely sandwich with fresh bread and real butter.

    But always salt. They are dreadful without salt, as dreadful as porridge without salt.
  • ineia
    ineia Posts: 4
    I love fresh sardines, just like anything else fresh tastes a whole lot better than canned. If you're stuck with canned ones try to use them as you would canned tuna. I actually prefer sardine salad sandwich over a tuna sandwich -light mayo, onions, parsley, hardboiled egg,pickle juice, salt and pepper. -yumm
  • a5sk1ck
    a5sk1ck Posts: 21
    In 'tomato sauce and comes in 155g can I think, I only buy the Ligo brand, green or red does not matter. I know it's not just me but my 1 yr old baby loves it too.

    Don't eat it straight from the can sometimes it could be gross unless you chop fresh tomatoes and raw onion rings then sprinkle with fresh lemon that would be awesome.

    Usually I follow this recipe:
    chop some garlic, onion, and tomatoes.
    saute the garlic then onions, then tomatoes. Crush the tomatoes so they juice out.
    pour in the can of sardines splitting the sardines in half to get flavor in to the fishes.
    add soy sauce, black pepper and sugar.
    enjoy over a cup of steaming wild rice.

    I like Spanish sardines too even when cold straight from the jar either with crackers, bread, or rice.
  • ineia
    ineia Posts: 4
    My mom used to sautée onions,garlic ad chopped tomatoes in olive oil and warmed up sardines in that mixture. It's pretty tasty on toast or on top of rice
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
  • ineia
    ineia Posts: 4
    So, are you in love yet?
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Plug your nose, try not to vomit, feed them to your dog and bake up some salmon.
  • gidgeclev
    gidgeclev Posts: 103 Member
    mash them up with low fat cream cheese, black pepper and some lemon juice to make a fish pate that you can spread on crispbread or use as a dip with crudites.
    Personally I love them and eat them out of the tin.
  • pinkminy
    pinkminy Posts: 286
    when i was a kid my mum used to cut a slice of bread into 1/4,s. top with sardines and tomatoe and grill them
    ..nice little bite size toastie snacks,
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    I love eating sardines!!:tongue::love: , but I can't anymore because it reminds me of some good times with the "ex":blushing: :huh: :noway: :laugh:
  • granet1
    granet1 Posts: 1
    I can't tell you how to love tinned sardines, because they are horrible! But here's what you do with fresh sardines....

    Start with sardine fillets, not whole fish ( no major bones - maybe some little ones!). You can fillet whole fish yourself if you are handy with a knife but it's very time consuming
    Mix about 1/4 cup flour, a good dash of extra virgin olive oil, juice & zest of 1 lemon in a bowl. You should have a fairly runny batter.
    Dedge the fillets in this, then grill them, turning once until they're golden brown. Really, really good.
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    You can get them skinless and boneless packed in water or olive oil. Tilt your head back, pick a piece out of the tin, and drop 'em in. Delicious.
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    There are some really interesting posts for different ways to eat sardines that I'll be trying in the future but I grew up eating them one way...if you want to try them, I remember my dad would buy them in olive oil. BE SURE TO TAKE OUT THE BONES - YUCK - break them up, put them on a plate, with a side of mustard, finely chopped onions, and yes, hotsauce...put a little of all of the above on a cracker and have something yummy to drink (preferably fizzy) and it makes for good snacking...hope you enjoy!:tongue:
  • karmin44
    karmin44 Posts: 3
    corn thins with some cottage cheese and sardines in tomato sauce... mmmmmm amazing !!!!
  • karmin44
    karmin44 Posts: 3
    when i was a kid my mum used to cut a slice of bread into 1/4,s. top with sardines and tomatoe and grill them
    ..nice little bite size toastie snacks,

    this sounds good!
  • Definitely grilled on toast with some sprinkled black pepper!
  • rocketmouse
    rocketmouse Posts: 143 Member
    I looooooooooove sardines, I never ate them before I came here. I got a can as a "here, you need some food to get you started" gift on my arrival, which I opened dubiously but was soon consuming enthusiastically. I just like them out of the can on bread with a little butter, but I love all these recipes that have been posted for dressing them up a bit.
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Love them - and can eat them straight out of the can.....
    They are also good mixed with some chopped onions, chopped tomatos, splash of tabasco on bread or crackers

    My personal favorite I make fishcakes ...... 2 cans sardines, I grate some onion (or chop very finely) add one egg and some breadcrumbs and form them into patties - which I then fry in a little bit of coconut oil - sprinkle with lemon juice - yum yum.... if you like spicy you can add a bit of chilli flakes to the mixture as well...