Do You Know Anyone Who Has Cancer?



  • christa96
    christa96 Posts: 153 Member
    It's really incredible and scary to see the number of people who have and are battling cancer. My father is a survivor of colon cancer. He was diagnosed 9 years ago and has been cancer free for 5 years and in remission!! My grandmother is a breast cancer survivor. My uncle is battling blood cancer. Prayers to all who are going through it and to their families also!
  • uscjayme
    uscjayme Posts: 1
    I know this is an old post, but my children are childhood cancer survivors. Technically they are in maintenance right now. They both have Retinoblastoma. Our youngest was diagnosed at 14 months in Nov 2010 and our oldest at 3 1/2 in Sept. 2011. They each went through 6 rounds of systemic chemo and laser and cryo treatments. Retinoblastoma is a rare childhood cancer that forms in the retina. They both have a genetic mutation throughout their bodies and are at risk for future cancers. They will be either fighting or in maintenance until their eyes stop developing, around the age of 5 and will have eye exams with their specialist forever. My MIL passed away from cancer 6 years ago yesterday, she battled leukemia and then lymphoma, my grandmother passed away from lung cancer 20 years ago today. I know many young fighters and older fighters as well. I also know a lot of survivors!
  • I have lost a few family members including my father to stomach cancer my aunt to implode cancer and last week I had cancer removed. So praying mine doesnt return and I am able to live a long healthy life.
  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    My dad died of lung cancer at 56 y/o. He smoked 3 cartons a week.

    I'm on my 4th bout of thyroid cancer. My thyroid was removed and now the sneaky *kitten* likes to roam around the lymph nodes in my neck.
    My endo suggested that I try an experimental treatment that involves the injection of pure alcohol in to the cancerous node.
    I will be taking him up on that offer.

    I asked him why it wasn't used more often. Was it the price, I asked?
    No, he said, it's very cheap.
    Exactly what I thought.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    I have survived neuroblastoma. My grandpa had prostate cancer. I recently lost a coworker to a brain tumor. It's much cloer to home than i'd like.
  • kylesmommy89
    kylesmommy89 Posts: 356 Member
    My grandpa (who was like my daddy) was diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme (brain tumor) in 2007, he passed away in 2009 dec 26 (65 years old).
    My aunt (my grandpa's daughter) was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer march 2010 and passed away in october of last year (46 years old).
    Cancer has completely dismantled my family's lives as we know it. I feel so bad for my grandma because first she loses her husband, then her daughter. It has been a devastating experience. My prayers go out to everyone dealing with cancer.
    DAMNCHARLIE Posts: 569
    My Grandmother had Cervical (died in '06)
    My Mother had Ovarian (died in'08)

    Cancer is a horrible diease, God bless the people that have endured it.
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    My uncle died of stomach cancer 11 years ago...he was 60.

    My aunt died of breast cancer last April. She had a mastectomy 10 years ago and 4 years later was told 'all clear', she found another lump and had another mastectomy (she opted for entire breast and lymph nodes each time). Then 2 years ago, she was told the cancer came back and had spread to her lungs...she basically sat around for a year waiting to die. Her husband was my uncle that died from the stomach cancer.

    It sucks even more when you're unemployed and can't even get enough money together to go to your favorite aunt's funeral.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Bumping to reply to later.
  • My daughter had Leukemia and is in remission. Two weeks ago we celebrated two years free of cancer!!!!!

    Thank God for great doctors and medicines
  • nikkiej2012
    nikkiej2012 Posts: 236 Member
    well my dad had lung cancer and my grandpa had stomach cancer..may their souls RIP
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    My Dad just passed away Feb. 23rd from lung cancer. My Mom is an Ovarian cancer survivor for 7 years now and I am an endometrial cancer survivor myself for almost 2 years. All of them are ugly.
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    My grandma (moms mom) died from breast cancer that spread to her entire body. She was 77. Both of my moms sisters had cervical cancer (in their 30's), one had to have a complete hystorectomy from it. Both are alive and well, the one who had the hystorectomy is now almost 70, the other is in her late 50's. My mom had cervical cancer when she was 27 and was given 3 months to live, she also had a complete hystorectomy. She beat that and lived to be 52 when she died from bladder cancer. In between she had skin cancer a few times, melanoma once.

    I am just waiting to get some kind of cancer myself :frown:
  • hennyben
    hennyben Posts: 313 Member
    My dad is almost finished his treatment for prostate cancer. He is slowly getting back to himself now and hopefully his levels will stay low. I know too many people who have passed away from cancer (extended family members and family friends). Its a truly horrible disease and I sympathise with anyone who has experienced the suffering from it x
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    One of my longtime, dearest friends succumbed to breast cancer on Mother's Day 2009, at the age of 36, after fighting like hell for 6 years. She left behind 3 young daughters.
    There is a big empty space in my life where she used to be. :cry:
  • MrCaleb
    MrCaleb Posts: 26
    My dad was diagnosed the stage 4 non-Hodgikns Lymphoma last week. He starts chemo this Thursday and has 6 rounds of it every 3 weeks. The Doctor said it was very cureable so his outlook is pretty good. This is new for our family, no one has ever had cancer in our family. My wife and I are taking our 2 boys across the glorious state of Monata to go see him and my mom on Thursday. We live in Eastern Montana and my dad is doing his treatment in Missoula which is a good 8 hour drive for us.
  • shirleyhud
    shirleyhud Posts: 11 Member
    I had cervical cancer when I was 27, had to have a partial hysterectomy, then when i was 38 had a growth the size of a basketball on my ovary so they did the complete hysterectomy and I started menopause at 38, had a couple car accidents and other life changing things that caused me to gain alot of weight then 2 years ago i started to bleed and was put in the hospital, had some cat and pet scans done and then came the oncologist, says I have abnormal lymph nodes in my back pelvic and hip area, saw 3 different surgeons and non will operate said With my weight and heart and lung failure i wouldnt probably make it out alive, so they say ct scans every 6 months till it get close enough that a 12 inch needle can biopsy it., then they can type it, so no treatment..I had 14 scans in 1 and half years, each scan is equal to 400 chest ex rays, so I decided no more scans, ill lose the weight and get healthy, This I pray every day for.
  • Iamkim73
    Iamkim73 Posts: 924 Member
    My mom is going through testing right now for stomach cancer....

    My aunt died of lung cancer and my uncle of throat cancer....

    Ya, cancer sucks!
  • klynn81
    klynn81 Posts: 178 Member
    My grandfather on my dad's side had colon cancer.
    My grandmother on my mom's side had lung cancer.
    My uncle on my moms side had hodgkins when he was young, then at the age of 49 was diagnosed with lung cancer.
    My husbands aunt had cancer. I can't remember what form.
    My husbands step-grandmother had pancreatic cancer.

    All of the above family members fought a hard battle against cancer, but sadly left us too soon.

    My husbands step-mom had cervical cancer at a young age and had a full hysterectomy. A couple years ago we had another scare when they discovered a mass in her stomach region near her spine, which they have done extensive testing on and at this point it doesn't appear to be cancerous but she has to go for regular screenings.

    Also my aunt, married to my uncle mentioned above also had skin cancer on her face. She is well now.

    Far too many family members have had cancer, it scares the crap out of me.
  • love2cycle
    love2cycle Posts: 448 Member
    My dad had cancer in the esophagus. He found out he had it on Father's Day, in 1989, had surgery 2 weeks later, and then died in recovery of a heart attack. He was only 52. My husband's mother died 2 years ago from cancer. My brother's first wife had ovarian cancer and died. On the positive side, my friend's son was diagnosed with some kind of cancer when he was 8 months old, and he is now 23!