Do You Know Anyone Who Has Cancer?



  • MotorCityFemmeFatale
    MotorCityFemmeFatale Posts: 222 Member
    My father, on and off (can't get rid of it), my only sister -breast cancer ... undergoing radiation now, my grandmother lost her fight and passed from breast cancer.
  • kayleesays
    kayleesays Posts: 564 Member
    Both my grandparents on my dad's side died of colon cancer, assisted by mouth/throat/lung/stomach cancer, within two weeks of each other. Colon cancer runs in my family, I guess.
  • Justthisgirl1994
    Justthisgirl1994 Posts: 226 Member
    Yeah, my first boyfriend had a brain tumour. He passed away last year on feb 18th - a few weeks before he turned 15.
  • Brittany3914
    Brittany3914 Posts: 258 Member
    My dad died in 1999 from malignant melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer.
    *Insert plug for how bad tanning beds are for your health*
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    My mom has breast cancer.

    And my cousin died at the age of 21 last summer from leukemia.
  • jennylsapia
    jennylsapia Posts: 236 Member
    My fiance is a cancer survivor! He had testicular cancer and went through 4 months of intensive chemo. He is currently in remission thank god!!
  • JMarigold
    JMarigold Posts: 232 Member
    This thread is already too long.

    It's sad.

    I don't currently know anyone with cancer. They have all passed.

    Father-in-law passed end of July 2011. Lung Cancer.
    First cousin. My age. Died when we were both 8. Didn't know what it was then, haven't asked since.
    Both grandfathers. Lung Cancer.
    Grandmother. Skin Cancer (probably not cause of death).
  • KimmyDucharme
    When I was 7 years old, (I'm now 24), my 10 year old brother passed away from a rare childhood cancer. He fought the cancer for 5 long years, and unfortunately didn't beat the odds.

    I now know 4 beautiful women who are fighting breast cancer. One of them is a cousin who was diagnosed at 33 years of age.
  • MRC77
    MRC77 Posts: 51
    I had cancer at the age of 18, a large cell lymphoma right above my left knee. They told me that it was in the advance stages and at the same time I broke that same leg. They told me that the surgery to repair the leg was a major risk because that type of tumor can not be exposed to air or it spreads rapidly. I have now had 9 surgeries on that leg and I am 34 still alive and cancer free.
  • AuntieMC
    AuntieMC Posts: 346 Member
  • Starla_
    Starla_ Posts: 349
    My mum was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer in 2004. She had a mastectomy on one breast and got her lymph nodes taken out, finished her chemo and was 'cancer' free. In 2008 she got lymphodema in her arm, 2009 she found out for sure that the cancer had returned again. She died of bone cancer in 2010, she was 45 years old.

    this sums up what I think about cancer
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    My sister (17 years older than me) died at 54. She had reached her 5 year anniversary from the mastectomy when they found tumors in her liver, spine and brain.

    My brother who was 9 years older than me died when he was 18 from bone cancer, I was 9 and had to tell the kids in my 5th grade class what I could about mom was so pissed with the teacher....

    My dad died at 73 with congestive heart failure and my other brother who was 10 years older than me died of a massive heart attack when he was 41(BP and weight problems).

    On the other hand Mom is 96 this April 12th, her mother lived to be 88. I am 55. Seeing as how I am getting my health back under control I am hoping for many more good years cause I am not even a grandma yet ;~)
  • niceMarly
    niceMarly Posts: 89 Member
    I was diagnosed with papillary-follicular Stage 2 thyroid cancer in April 2009, had my thyroid completely removed and underwent RAI treatment. I got the "good cancer" because it has the highest success rate. I was very fortunate that I had an excellent surgeon; I will see my oncologist every six months for the rest of my life. The downside of having no thyroid organ is that I have no metabollism, therefore making it nearly impossible to lose weight!

    My father died of kidney cancer (1993) and my sister fought breast cancer (early stages, radiation only).
  • rrhennen
    rrhennen Posts: 60 Member
    Wow - this thread is amazing and so humbling.

    I've lost several friends a family members. But all I can think about these days is Mom. Mom had colon cancer a couple years ago. Was "cured". In November last year, cancer was found in her liver and was already stage 4. Four months prior, she was completely clean. 2-4 year survival rate they say and I'm hanging on that to get an average they need people on the high parameter. She was doing great with her chemo and her scans have been positive. But she has been delayed two rounds now from chemo because her platelets are too low. It's great news that the cancer is receeding, but not so good that her platelets have diminished so early in treatment.
  • fabmst
    fabmst Posts: 42 Member
    My mom had breast cancer and fought it for many years but finally gave up when my dad died 3 weeks before she did. She was 48. He was 49.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    My great aunt has stage 4 lung cancer right now. I don't know if she'll be around much longer.
  • Kateraptor
    My mom battled a rare form of brain cancer before I was born. She went into remission, but it came back when I was around 2 or 3. She died when I was 6. By the time I ccould talk, she couldn't say anything. I remember going to visit her and reading to her. It's weird because I never really knew her, but I always feel like a huge chunk of me and my history is left unanswered.
  • rrcaudill
    rrcaudill Posts: 87
    My mom is battling cancer. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in February 2011. She went through chemo and radiation and had a mastectomy in June 2011. The cancer went in to remission, but spread to her liver and lymph glands in December 2011. She did 3 months of chemo which took it out of the lymph system, but it has gotten worse in the liver. She is starting an oral chemo tomorrow to try to target the liver.
  • kabloozi
    kabloozi Posts: 119 Member
    God bless your families and God rest your loved ones souls. I have lost many near and dear to me, and I worry for myself and my family. I have a few cousins now fighting different cancers, I wish them well. Take care MFP's! Xoxox
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    My mom is currently getting treated for stomach cancer. She has stage 3. She is doing very well considering the circumstances, pain free. Drs are saying that she will fight it, she has a very strong body and heart. My mom is a tough woman!