1250 calories?



  • cakeums
    cakeums Posts: 231 Member
    My cousin is an internship away from being an RD (registered dietician - an actual certified, standard-meeting designation...anybody can take a certain number of credits and call themselves a "nutritionist" without having to actually be licensed) and the information she has given me, along with the help of her boss (she works for an RD while going to school for her RD), has told me the exact same thing that Fat2FitRadio says in terms of numbers. Seriously, spot-on. So I feel comfortable eating at 2000 or so on rest days and 2400 on workout days. I am 5'10 and 192. I've lost 21lbs so far. My weight loss has been better since following this plan of more calories, AND my weight is stable from day to day. No fluctuations from one day to the next unless I've eaten something high in sodium.
  • beckylawrence70
    beckylawrence70 Posts: 752 Member
    C'mon people, I made a mistake and said I'm now maintaining at 1230, but I corrected it right below and said 1530 for God's sake, really???
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    C'mon people, I made a mistake and said I'm now maintaining at 1230, but I corrected it right below and said 1530 for God's sake, really???

    We love you becky!
    The other guy...not so much!

    BTW you look fantastic!
  • EnthusiaLove
    I feel ya. It all comes down to food choices. Also when you exercise-you get to eat more. It is amazing. Eat the cookie then walk for a few minutes. I am almost identical to you in size. Do not be discouraged dear. YOU CAN DO THIS!
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    I hate it when people say 1200 is not sustainable, yes it is, we eat wayyyyy too much food, that's why we're fat!

    I ate 1800+ calories everyday last week and lost 2lbs. It may be sustainable for you, but I prefer to feel full, satisfied, and still lose weight.
  • NiniLeeMarie
    that's too low from my perspective.I'm 5'7 161, I started at 1200 and it was impossible for me to not go over. I have set my goal to 1500 plus I eat back most of my exercise calories. (:
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    C'mon people, I made a mistake and said I'm now maintaining at 1230, but I corrected it right below and said 1530 for God's sake, really???

    Missed that, sorry. 1530 is still pretty low for maintenance though? How much do you weigh? At my goal weight my maintenance at sedentary is about 1650, I think.
  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    Way to go! Congrats!
    I hate it when people say 1200 is not sustainable, yes it is, we eat wayyyyy too much food, that's why we're fat!

    It most certainly is. Look at my food diary.. I eat roughly 1200 calories, but I'm actually eating a hell of a lot more than I was when I was shoving junk down my throat.

    I went from approx. 230 to 135 by following a 1200 calorie diet along with exercising most days. I was in no way starving... I was just filling myself with healthy food.

    If you are eating healthy food then 1200 calories is just fine. Just don't fill your allowed calories with junk, otherwise you will be starving. :)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    Everyone who is on 1200 calories and lost weight and found it sustainable congratulations. Great job , keep it up. I applaud your success, I don't think you need a study to prove how awesome you've done.
    Well said Lemon!

    So are you going to applaud anorexics for their weight loss? Because many eat 200-800 calories a day and they find it sustainable. I know this because I am helping several people get out of eating disorders. I have also helped well over 100 people (like dan) on this forum get out of ruts, stalls, plateaus and overall with their weight loss. Do you know what they all had in common? They were all on 1200 calories or close to it. And with all of those men and women, I have increased their calories by well over 40% have all came back to me with saying they lost weight and body fat. Many of them cut 2% body fat a month (and the women are already starting at 25-30%) and many lose 2 lbs+ a week for a few weeks and then stabilize at 1 lb per week. Heck, I had a few guys lose 5 lbs the first two weeks after I increase their calories from 1800 to 2500.

    Weight loss is simple. It's an easy science that anyone can understand but I guess broscience gets in the way. If VLCD works for you great, but I guarantee that if you are working to gain lean muscle mass, you won't make any progress.
  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    I'm not giving advise I'm giving encouragement to people who are successful. Something this forum seems to be lacking. Instead people keep being told it's not sustainable you're going to fail. Even people who lose 80 lbs are being told they are wrong. People who have been keeping it off and they are still being told they are wrong. I can post studies proving starvation mode is a myth but that's been done countless times. I can post studies of people who have to eat low calories due to their conditions but again that's been done countless times.


    Everyone who is on 1200 calories and lost weight and found it sustainable congratulations. Great job , keep it up. I applaud your success, I don't think you need a study to prove how awesome you've done.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Encouraging people to not eat at least their base nutrients is probably not a good idea.
    People who have a BMR below 1200 tend to be way below average in height.
    Like 4'8"???
    I've done numbers for 1 person in the year i've been logging and even their base calories were closer to 1600.
    In what measurements?
    Losing total weight?
    20-50% of their weight loss was in lean mass!
    That means they probably have a BF% that will never go below 20% if they continue on that path.
    They are simply shrinking mass but never recompositioning their body!
    The true diet is getting rid of unwanted fat while maintaining or increasing lean mass!

    I mean no offense to the men and women who dont know better than to eat more than their BMR but this Watboy is encouraging stupidity!
    Do the research and get back to us when you understand what it is you are talking about.

    Morning Lemon!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    I'm not giving advise I'm giving encouragement to people who are successful. Something this forum seems to be lacking. Instead people keep being told it's not sustainable you're going to fail. Even people who lose 80 lbs are being told they are wrong. People who have been keeping it off and they are still being told they are wrong. I can posts studies proving starvation mode is a myth but that's been done countless times. I can post studies of people who have to eat low calories due to their conditions but again that's been done countless times as well.


    Everyone who is on 1200 calories and lost weight and found it sustainable congratulations. Great job , keep it up. I applaud your success, I don't think you need a study to prove how awesome you've done.

    Well I never mentioned starvation mode, I too believe it's BS. But I do believe in the bodies' defense mechanism set up to conserve energy and the affects of cortisol on a body as I posted the information. Also, have you every looked in this forum and seen how many people are frustrated or not losing weight and NONE of them are eating 1600 calories or so. They are all on 1200 calories. Do you know the effects of VLCD on the metabolism or how about lean muscle mass?

    And at least for me, you can't say I don't encourage people, because if that was the case, i wouldn't be answering 20+ PM's a day and working with people to reach their goals. But what I actually do, unlike many others (yourself included at this moment) is show scientific data that shows eating VLCD isn't always the way to go. In fact, unless you are obese, it isn't suggested. So yes, people do lose 100 lbs on VLCD's but they all start out obese. If you only have 20 lbs to lose (like myself) a VLCD doesn't work. BTW, i tried it because I didn't educate myself. I did 1800 calories and P90X and didn't lose anything. Not an inch, not a lb, not any body fat. I upped my calories to 2600 and did CLX, I lost 6", 16 lbs and 3% body fat.

    So if you want to be a cheerleader for those on VLCD that is up to you. But don't come back to me and tell me I am wrong when I actually post legitimate data and try to help people out.

    Morning Dan.
  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    This is not a study http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/you-are-not-different.html it's a link to some guy who has authored diet books.. Hmmm of course a guy who is selling something has tons to say, study however it's not. Oh look a convenient link to buy his books....
    Sorry buddy not buying. And yeah let's ignore genetics or also medical conditions all together....

    Anywho again :Everyone who is on 1200 calories and lost weight and found it sustainable congratulations. Great job , keep it up. I applaud your success, I don't think you need a study to prove how awesome you've done.

    I'm not giving advise I'm giving encouragement to people who are successful. Something this forum seems to be lacking. Instead people keep being told it's not sustainable you're going to fail. Even people who lose 80 lbs are being told they are wrong. People who have been keeping it off and they are still being told they are wrong. I can posts studies proving starvation mode is a myth but that's been done countless times. I can post studies of people who have to eat low calories due to their conditions but again that's been done countless times as well.


    Everyone who is on 1200 calories and lost weight and found it sustainable congratulations. Great job , keep it up. I applaud your success, I don't think you need a study to prove how awesome you've done.

    Well I never mentioned starvation mode, I too believe it's BS. But I do believe in the bodies' defense mechanism set up to conserve energy and the affects of cortisol on a body as I posted the information. Also, have you every looked in this forum and seen how many people are frustrated or not losing weight and NONE of them are eating 1600 calories or so. They are all on 1200 calories. Do you know the effects of VLCD on the metabolism or how about lean muscle mass?

    And at least for me, you can't say I don't encourage people, because if that was the case, i wouldn't be answering 20+ PM's a day and working with people to reach their goals. But what I actually do, unlike many others (yourself included at this moment) is show scientific data that shows eating VLCD isn't always the way to go. In fact, unless you are obese, it isn't suggested. So yes, people do lose 100 lbs on VLCD's but they all start out obese. If you only have 20 lbs to lose (like myself) a VLCD doesn't work. BTW, i tried it because I didn't educate myself. I did 1800 calories and P90X and didn't lose anything. Not an inch, not a lb, not any body fat. I upped my calories to 2600 and did CLX, I lost 6", 16 lbs and 3% body fat.

    So if you want to be a cheerleader for those on VLCD that is up to you. But don't come back to me and tell me I am wrong when I actually post legitimate data and try to help people out.

    Morning Dan.
  • gleechick609
    Everyone who is on 1200 calories and lost weight and found it sustainable congratulations. Great job , keep it up. I applaud your success, I don't think you need a study to prove how awesome you've done.

  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    OMG I laughed for 5 minutes. Not sure if you were making fun of me or just being silly and giving me jesus thumbs up in agreement of my comment lol. either way did i laughbecause that was funny! oh boy here i go again lol. Just funny.
    Everyone who is on 1200 calories and lost weight and found it sustainable congratulations. Great job , keep it up. I applaud your success, I don't think you need a study to prove how awesome you've done.

  • gleechick609
    OMG I laughed for 5 minutes. Not sure if you were making fun of me or just being silly and giving me jesus thumbs up in agreement of my comment lol. either way did i laughbecause that was funny! oh boy here i go again lol. Just funny.

    You'll never know ;)
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    Eating 1200 calories and doing a Tony Horton workout like p90x is a recipe for disaster. Tony may come over and administer a beat down personally :)
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    1250 would probably work fine for you (for now) if you were able to continue it. But sometimes people just can't maintain such a low amount of calories, and it ends up working against them in the end by making them overeat. Remember, it's a diet, not torture. If you need 1400, go with 1400 (or more), as long as you're at a deficit. You'll just lose weight slower, which isn't a crime. Hopefully this is a lifestyle change for you.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    It depends, MFP put me on 1200 to start and I stuck with that as my target, though I did not always meet it. The results speak for them selves. I started at 5'7 203 and am now 133 and my Dr. says the only thing more I could do for my health is to have better genetic parents. Give it a while. If you can't do 1200 start at 1500, you can set your own.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    wow that's incredible for your height/weight. no wonder you're hungry. i am maintaining 125 at 5'4" and eating 1700-1800 calories. definitely bump that up. i dont' really work out that intensely either. i might burn 1400 calories a week doing exercise.