100+ Pounds to lose Labor Day Challenge beg 7/6



  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    :smile: got back on track yesterday ... need to keep at it today
  • Dreaj79
    Dreaj79 Posts: 212
    @ kamcat how was girls night out? I'm dying to see The Ugly Truth.

    I'm pretty ticked off today. :mad: Not only because of TOM witchiness, but my husband did an ultiimate guy no no. I was getting dressed for work this morning and we were talking. When the converstation lulled for a minute, he says "don't you think you need to get back in the gym today?" I realize that to his eyes I have gained 10 pounds, but does he not know that it's mostly water retention?!? I know that I get defensive because he's 6 feet tall and athletically built and I feel like he's picking on me, but that's a crappy thing to do when someone is partially unclothed in front of you. Especially when we weren't even talking about anything related to diet, health, fitness or exercise. Am I overreacting or what??

    Somebody please respond before the Tom monster makes me see if his XBox will float in the bathtub. :devil:
  • SusieSonshine
    SusieSonshine Posts: 252 Member
    I'm late, but nevertheless, eager to join your group! I've read some of the posts, but not all--yikes!! there's alot!

    I am beginning at 319 lbs and my goal weight is 199. We'll see how much I can lose before Labor Day!

    All the best to all of us!

  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    @ kamcat how was girls night out? I'm dying to see The Ugly Truth.

    I'm pretty ticked off today. :mad: Not only because of TOM witchiness, but my husband did an ultiimate guy no no. I was getting dressed for work this morning and we were talking. When the converstation lulled for a minute, he says "don't you think you need to get back in the gym today?" I realize that to his eyes I have gained 10 pounds, but does he not know that it's mostly water retention?!? I know that I get defensive because he's 6 feet tall and athletically built and I feel like he's picking on me, but that's a crappy thing to do when someone is partially unclothed in front of you. Especially when we weren't even talking about anything related to diet, health, fitness or exercise. Am I overreacting or what??

    Somebody please respond before the Tom monster makes me see if his XBox will float in the bathtub. :devil:

    Girls night was great, the movie was awesome and I'm so proud that I stuck to my plan for food. It helps to plan ahead when you're going out to eat :) BTW, if anyone hits Cheesecake Factory, the Weight Management Grilled Chicken entree was very good, tasty, and filling!

    Aerdrea, I'd say hold off on the Xbox for now, lol, might just start something else with him :) Not knowing your husband, is it possible he thought he was being encouraging? Sometimes men are dense! To say something like that when you are in the process of losing, that doesn't help. How about an encouraging comment like "you're doing great!"?. I feel for you, I really do. It may suck for me to be single sometimes, but this weight-loss journey is so much easier without the hassle of a man or kids. I give props to anyone who can succeed even with the added pressures. Keep your chin up and use those comments as inspiration to show him up!!!!!
  • SusieSonshine
    SusieSonshine Posts: 252 Member
    @ kamcat how was girls night out? I'm dying to see The Ugly Truth.

    I'm pretty ticked off today. :mad: Not only because of TOM witchiness, but my husband did an ultiimate guy no no. I was getting dressed for work this morning and we were talking. When the converstation lulled for a minute, he says "don't you think you need to get back in the gym today?" I realize that to his eyes I have gained 10 pounds, but does he not know that it's mostly water retention?!? I know that I get defensive because he's 6 feet tall and athletically built and I feel like he's picking on me, but that's a crappy thing to do when someone is partially unclothed in front of you. Especially when we weren't even talking about anything related to diet, health, fitness or exercise. Am I overreacting or what??

    Somebody please respond before the Tom monster makes me see if his XBox will float in the bathtub. :devil:

    I'd talk to him about it and let him know just how much it hurt you. Don't get all upset or freaky on him, cuz I'm sure he doesn't even realize what he's done. Men can be kinda stupid about these things and think that they're actually helping. They'd think nothing of it if another man said it to them, at least, not on the same level as we take it.

    Keep up the good work!

  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I'm pretty ticked off today. :mad: Not only because of TOM witchiness, but my husband did an ultiimate guy no no. I was getting dressed for work this morning and we were talking. When the converstation lulled for a minute, he says "don't you think you need to get back in the gym today?" I realize that to his eyes I have gained 10 pounds, but does he not know that it's mostly water retention?!? I know that I get defensive because he's 6 feet tall and athletically built and I feel like he's picking on me, but that's a crappy thing to do when someone is partially unclothed in front of you. Especially when we weren't even talking about anything related to diet, health, fitness or exercise. Am I overreacting or what??

    Men can be such jerks at times! :explode: But try to just blow it off ... I'm sure he didn't have a clue that he was being insensitive.... maybe he was even thinking 'wow she is looking good - I'll be supportive and mention the gym' :ohwell: .
  • Dreaj79
    Dreaj79 Posts: 212
    Thanks for the advice. I've calmed down some. I just have a very short fuse right now :explode: . If I can make it through tomorrow and Friday, I'll have a whole week off work to just do whatever I need to do and I can focus on my exercise program wholeheartedly. Until then, I'll try to keep the Xbox 360 away from the bathtub. :wink:
  • cdwinters
    cdwinters Posts: 48 Member
    Ok so this week has been my first week back at work. I have done well with my lunches but have had a difficult time some days getting to the gym. By the time I am done at work I am just done and don't have the energy to go to the gym. So....I bought the Wii My Fitness Coach and a HRM today that I am going to start using in the mornings before I go to work...hell before anybody else is even awake:) Anybody used this? What do you think about it?
  • weightoffmom
    weightoffmom Posts: 61 Member
    Hello Lovelies!! I hope everyone is having a good weekend. Weigh in on Monday and I'm dreading it. It's been a long week with 3 days meetings with sweet treat breaks twice a day. My back still isn't 100% and I'm thinking I may need to see my doctor about some physical therapy. The muscle that wraps around my right hip is really tight. I miss pain free walking, sitting, and standing.

    Have a great week!! I'll be back Monday with the way in.

    BTW....does anyone know if there is website, geared towards weight loss/health/nutrition similar to MySpace as far as the social networking side of it. I wish there was a place here to have status updates on our profiles and have them be more user friendly all together. Like I wish I could just 'squish' them together. :smile:
    I like Sparkpeople.com , Very similar to MFP. Their social sites are very large
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    :mad: I'm not very happy with my eating this past week (some good days, but a few very bad days)... and it showed on the scale - I'm up 1.6 pounds. I did exercise like crazy - so at least that is something. I was feeling so good about my efforts, I've got to get back on track today.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    not the best week -

    Last week - 263.9
    this week - 263.5
  • Dreaj79
    Dreaj79 Posts: 212
    I don't know what's going on with my body. TOM time came and went but aunt flo never showed. I'm not pregnant and the scale is still up ten pounds.:sad:

    With that being said, I am on vacation this week and I am going to be a meticulous calorie counter and fitness enthusiast. :smile: I kicked off my vacay with a trip to the beach this weekend where I did something unprecedented......I pranced around on the beach in my two piece bathing suit (a very cute halter style tankini). I frolicked in the surf with my husband, sat on my beach towel and sunbathed and had a phenomenal time. The unprecedented part was that I did it all without a shred of self consciousness at all. And do you know what happened? People complemented me on my bathing suit, smiled when I ran away squealing from my hubby trying to splash me and waved when they walked by me on my towel. It was the best. beach. day. ever. All because I said to heck with what people think and did whatever I wanted to do.

    Beauty does not make you beautiful. Happiness, confidence and joy shine brighter than any lipgloss MAC makes. So I guess my advice to everyone is to live life to the fullest and let the weight loss happen in it's own time. Just the fact that I was able to have so much fun in spite of the ten pounds is a testament to how much I have grown as a person through this process. I took some time yesterday to reevalutate some things and got my tush back in the gym this morning. WHEN the weight comes off (not if), I'll be doing the same thing I did Saturday. The only difference is I'll have on a much smaller two piece.:bigsmile:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    :smile: aerdrea: Good for you! Your story made me smile, what good advice!:happy:
  • Queenie000
    Queenie000 Posts: 113 Member
    What a great post, reminds me it isn't just about losing the weight, but enjoying the journey we are on! Sounds like you had lots of fun at the beach, have a great week!
  • tikilynne
    ok ill join too my start weight is 200 cant seem to go below that for the life of me i seem to be stuck here for the past few months so hopefully this chall will help me out a bit good luck to everyone...out
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Aerdrea, congrats ... I'll work my way towards that goal someday:)

    Welcome tikilynne!

    Checking in with the stats:

    Starting weight 274.5
    Current weight 267.5
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    :mad: I was doing so well ... really in a good groove with eating and exercising ... then I had a busy weekend with lots of food challenges and I've let it derail me. I tried to get back on track yesterday but ate way too much spaghetti last night (felt sick afterwards). Today has GOT to be a better day! :grumble:
  • Dreaj79
    Dreaj79 Posts: 212
    @ lstpaul. Sorry that happened sweetie!! It happens to me a lot too. :ohwell: Today will be a better day! You just have to remember why you want it to be so. Any time I'm tempted to eat something not so good for me, I ask myself is it worth it. Is it worth the time you would have to spend to burn those calories? Is it worth it when your jeans won't zip? Is it worth it when you have set a goal to stay within your calories and you let yourself down (that is by far the worst feeling in the world to me)? Like I said yesterday, live your life. If your life includes spaghetti, have spaghetti. I personally love spaghetti. Last time I cooked it I had a single serving and a big salad with lots of water to drink. I have also been known to budget calories so that if I have a "thing" to go to, I have some wiggle room. Life is too short to ALWAYS pass on fave foods. Just eat a little lighter today and do some extra exercise if possible. Remember 1 pound is 3500 calories above and beyond your daily needs. I'm guessing that it probably isn't as bad as you think.
  • cdwinters
    cdwinters Posts: 48 Member
    Ok, so I am not even half way through my first week back to work and I am a wreck. I work in an elementary school and for whatever reason I can do really well over the summer break with eating healthy, not drinking soda, and not binging on chocolate. But as soon as I step foot into this building everything goes out the window:( I have for the most part done pretty well. I have had no soda in over 2 months:) But I cannot say the same for chocolate:( Not that I am binging on it or anything by any means...although I totally could. Not to mention that fact that I have had this revelation in the last couple of days that while I have been watching my calories, fat, etc. and excercising my butt off I have been consuming so much sodium that I am not loosing weight. Everything that I thought was healthy to eat is full of sodium. This is so damn hard:(
  • Dreaj79
    Dreaj79 Posts: 212
    @ cdwinters, do you think it's the stress of work. I know a lot of teachers. My father in law is a retired teacher and although he loved teaching, he often talked of how stressful it is dealing with students and parents of students. I can only imagine. Is stress one of those things that triggers cravings for you? I know it is for me. I'm on vacation this week so no stress. Presto! No bad food decisions either. As for the sodium, really pound the water. Until you can get off such high sodium foods, make sure that you drink more than enough water to flush it out. I hope the rest of your week gets better. :flowerforyou: