Half-marathon in two weeks – what to do now



  • BJRW
    BJRW Posts: 7
    I'm running a half marathon, on hills, Apr 21 my schedule leading into it is today (Thurs) 40 min run, Fri cross training day, Sat (Mar 24) 12 miles on hills, Sun a rest day,

    MWT I'll do 40-50-35 min runs, Sat (Mar 31) I'll do 8 miles on flats,

    MWT I'll do 25-50-25, Sat (Apr 7) 13 miles on hills,

    MWT another 30-25-15 min runs, Sat (Apr 14) 6 miles on flats

    MWT I'll do 30-25-0 min runs, Sat (Apr 21) 13.1 miles on hills.

    Tues, Fri and Sun are cross training/rest days I listen to my body to tell me what is needed. The schedule is based on Jeff Galloway's philosophy and worked the charm for my first half and this time by following it and working harder I am on track to shave off 30 mins from my finish time :)
  • leadoff
    leadoff Posts: 136 Member
    Good luck and let us know how you do! BTW...having a 10+ mile run under your belt should give you plenty of confidence going into the half. 10.46 was my longest run leading up to my first half, and I completed the 13.1 with a better pace than that long run and with enough gas left in the tank to push myself on the last mile point one. You will do great!!! :)
  • 51powerski
    51powerski Posts: 66 Member

    I wonder what usually happens between mile 11 and 13.

    Mile 12
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    best of luck!! i just finished my 3rd this weekend and am still living off the excitement.. you'll be great! relax and enjoy the atmosphere!
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    Good luck tomorrow!
  • seekingstrengthX2
    Good job on your long run! As for what happens between mile 11 and 13: You'll be amazed at what your body can do when you push it past your comfort zone, and past that longest training run. This was me doing my first half marathon last fall:

    Me: Oh wow, there's the 10 mile marker...yay, they're giving out Gu (energy gel chewy things). Good thing, cause I already took mine at mile 8.

    Me: at mile 11...ohmygod...legs are exhausted...but...whoa...I only have 2 miles left (omg when did I realize that I can EASILY do two miles?) Great song on my iPod: "Eye of the Tiger" keeps me going and going...

    Me: at mile 11.5...darn, a short but steep hill...ouch...time to focus...almost there... (I only went to 11.5 miles in training runs and my last training run went horribly, so like you I was nervous about how that last 1.5 miles would go)

    Me: mile 12.5...OMG...I can hear the crowd cheering on the runners as they finish, how cool! ooo a long slow downhill...YES! I can do this! Ohmygod I'm gonna finish...(looking over at the guy who has been on pace with me for the past mile..."hey! is this your first half ?" he says "yep." "Race ya to the finish!" We sprint like fools over the finish line...high five each other like long lost friends...scream "We did it!" and attempt to high five again but we're too clumsy and tired to actually connect palms. LOL.

    Me: 13.1 miles...ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod (tears)

    about 10 minutes later after walking around, eating my banana, drinking more water, admiring my finisher's medal...I stopped to rest next to the medical tent and my calves cramped up so badly I literally could not move. For like...10 minutes...and then I was fine.

    Best experience of my life. :heart:

    Thank you for this. It is how I imagine it will be. Mine is 5 weeks away and I think 10-11 will be my top run. You made me laugh. :)

    Good Luck Tomorrow!!!!!!!!!
  • mrk34
    mrk34 Posts: 227 Member
    I did it!!! I successfully ran the half-marathon this morning.

    I was much better prepared for the run and was able to successfully finish it thanks to your support, wisdom and experience you shared with me. Your advice to run it very slowly from the beginning served me very well.

    I admit that it was difficult and challenging after the tenth mile mark. After I finished both knee hurt a little and I experienced cramps in both legs. Applied cold ice on both knees and massaged the cramped muscles. Hope to be OK tomorrow.

    My stats are as follows: time 02:41:08, pace 12:17, split 10K was 1:10:35. I finished as 3010 out of 3366 finishers. The last person finished in 03:46:41.

    Thank you so much. It was a great and unbelievable experience.
  • leadoff
    leadoff Posts: 136 Member
    congrats on your accomplishment!!! Now.....when is the next? :)
  • BJRW
    BJRW Posts: 7
    Well done!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Fantastic, that's a great time, you must be very proud!
  • seekingstrengthX2
    Nice Job!!

    Thanks for posting a follow up!

    Mine is 5 weeks away. I ran 11 miles today without stopping, which is the most ever. LOL

    Ouch! :)

    Good Work!