anybody else constantly consumed in MFP!?!



  • AussieGem
    AussieGem Posts: 96 Member
    I :heart: MFP!

    I also have it open in my browser at all times, I literally save it that way.

    Facebook was so last year :tongue:

    I agree everyone is so supportive on here! :flowerforyou:
  • StrongGwen
    StrongGwen Posts: 378 Member
    oh, yeah! early mornings are suppposed to be my workout time, but some days I find I've used my time allowance on MFP instead! I need to use it as my reward AFTER workouts! LOL:blushing:
  • nikkiej2012
    nikkiej2012 Posts: 236 Member
    Yes i am addicted to MFP ..i go on facebook just to play work with friends and thats it..spend most of my time (when i have time) on MFP..I LOVE YOU MFP :love:
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I'm obsessed.

    I spend a large part of my day on here browsing the Forums and threads...logging food, exercise, and comment on friend statuses.

    Also at night before and after I eat anything I have to check MFP to make sure I am on In a way it is good...

    I have even considered getting a different phone so I can browse MFP all the time instead of having to always boot up my laptop....hahaha
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Yep. Even tho I'm really ill from a massive operation and not logging food right now as I'm just concentrating on eating what I want to get my body right I'm still here posting everyday and cheering my friends on. Major surgery and I still didn't miss a log in day! X
  • La1210
    La1210 Posts: 99 Member
    What a relief!!! I thought I was the only one. I'm totally obessed with MFP!
  • MarincicS
    MarincicS Posts: 265 Member
    Yes - totally obsessed. I've been sitting here for an hour about to go for a walk but scrolling through more and more community pages. But i'm getting up and going for that walk right now. Really. Right now.
  • mgpage
    mgpage Posts: 123
    Yes...the first thing I do in the morning is sign on to MFP. First thing I do when I get to work is sign on to MFP. First thing I do when I get home is sign on to MFP. I love this site!! I'm addicted!!
  • Kimm1986
    Kimm1986 Posts: 1
    I too, am addicted to MFP!!! It is the new FB :)
  • dizzylloyd
    dizzylloyd Posts: 15 Member
    yes, its addictive :wink:
  • terryjo623
    terryjo623 Posts: 101 Member
    totally addicted!!!
  • Raina27
    Raina27 Posts: 133
    I have totally given up Facebook. MFP is my new passion. There's no drama and the people are much more supportive

    Definitely THIS!!! I LOVE mfp I swear im on it everyday all day!! OBSESSED!! :D
  • Arrica
    Arrica Posts: 166 Member's my home page, facebook and pinterest are ignored, spend waaaaaay too much time browsing threads, and hubby has been a bit more than curious about certain conversations with members of the opposite sex (which were totally harmless but I guess he felt threatened). I'd say it's an addiction... But someone said something about not having to copy and paste your ticker??
  • AussieGem
    AussieGem Posts: 96 Member
    Yes - totally obsessed. I've been sitting here for an hour about to go for a walk but scrolling through more and more community pages. But i'm getting up and going for that walk right now. Really. Right now.

    :laugh: Are you still here or have you really gone for that walk lol???
  • Let's just say that I'm no longer Facebook obsessed.
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    Thank god, I thought I was the only one!
  • mamabear272
    mamabear272 Posts: 268 Member
    Am I the only person on here who thinks that facebook is incredibly stupid?

    Uhm...nope! I gave up FB for Lent. I went on last Sat because it was St. Patty's Day and I was wishing everyone happy SPD (we're Irish afterall :wink: ) and was reading some of my friends' posts. It's always the same old crap. I have a few friends who are just negative and say mean things all the time. I have a few who are forever looking for love who will never find it because they are so whiny all the time. And of course there are the ones who are only there to bit** about life and how unfair it is to them ALL THE TIME! :grumble:

    I won't completely give it up because I have family and friends who live out of state and some out of country (I have a grade school friend who's hubby is Navy and stationed in Okinawa which I think is so cool lol) but when Lent is over FB will be very limited! I love yous guys! LOL :drinker:
  • minit54
    minit54 Posts: 27
    my boyfriend thinks i'm crazy hahaha. especially when i talk about my "friends"
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    guilty... :blushing:
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,162 Member
    I love MFP. love, love, love. I'm starting to think I love it too much. I'm on here more than I'm on any other site, including netflix and facebook O_0 I even started bringing my laptop to lectures JUST to browse around MFP. Anybody else feel like this?
    yea me too...i deleted facebook a while back to not deal with drama of others but this is kinda the same...but at least i can log my calories lol
    i also like interacting with people with a common goal