Rant: MFP Forums.



  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    Maybe if the OPs of topics would post their so-called opinion in a not-so-b!tchy manner people wouldn't tear them apart. A lot of people post rants, comments, and other things to try to get a fanbase of people that will agree with them 100%. If no one agrees the OP gets all upset and b!tches more.

    Not saying this is everyone, but I see it a lot. Now for the people asking advice, some of them 1) don't have their dairy open publicly, 2) can't tell the difference between criticism and rude comments, 3) never really wanted advice in the first place.

    Again, this is not everyone...

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • echoica
    echoica Posts: 339 Member
    great post and well said! if you ask me it seems to be some of the same members that are doing this (at least I have noticed it with some of the members). the sadder part is that a lot of those critical people (NOT ALL) are long standing members with 1000+ posts on these forums. you'd think they'd have learned some patience and understanding by now. or perhaps they just enjoy being mean :explode:
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Well said! Its my first proper day on here and i was really disapointed in some of the thihgs i read. I felt like not bothering to stay if this was going to be typical of what was being posted. Thankfully there are some 'perfectly normal' people on here too! I want to wish everone luck on their personal journey. : ):smile:

    Welcome. :)

    My advice to you is to read the stickied threads above which are full of excellent information, and you will find out exactly how this site works.

    You'll be amazed at the amount of people who join, ignore the Newbie advice thread and just ask lot's of questions that are all covered in the stickied threads.

    "Why do I eat back my exercise calories?" has to be one of the most common.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    I've only been active in the forums the last few months, but have seen some some of the mean, rude posts around. I belong to a couple other non-fitness forums, and as a previous poster stated, the stuff posted here is not nearly as bad as seen on other sites. I'm guessing the increase in those types of posts has to to with the increase in members here.

    Doesn't make it ok, though, or make the OP of said posts feel any better to hear 'it could,be worse'.

    I try to go with the thought that the person posting the supposed mean/rude comment doesn't realize how they 'sound' via the written word. And those that post as if they are posting that way on purpose just get ignored by me. They aren't worth the time it takes to get upset.
  • HealthyLivingKathy
    HealthyLivingKathy Posts: 204 Member
    You'll be amazed at the amount of people who join, ignore the Newbie advice thread and just ask lot's of questions that are all covered in the stickied threads.

    "Why do I eat back my exercise calories?" has to be one of the most common.

    IMO that gets asked because it is counter-intuitive to what I've been taught all my life. Folks, like me, find it so hard to believe. :laugh:
  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member
    Thank you, OP, for sticking up for eating disordered people. I've been on this site for a month and I've been lurking the forums and I have to say posting anything is terrifying. People are terrible to eachother on here. ( and sadly, people on those so-called "pro-ana" sites are MUCH more encouraging and helpful, whether it's about eating healtheir or slowly killing yourself) Many people on these forums throw around the word "unhealthy" like it's a filthy insult. I've seen certain four letter words used with less malice.

    I get this crippling insecurity that people will peek at my diary if I post anything and rip me a new one for my erratic eating habits. I'm here trying to change, people.

    Isn't personal change what we're all here for?

    No two people are ever going to be on exactly the same journey.

    One thing I've noticed is that people here seem to equate "sticking up for ED people" as "sticking up for EDs" which is simply not true. It is possible to be supportive of someone with an ED without encouraging their habbits. The person is not the disease itself and all to often, i feel like that's how they're treated. There are people on this site who have flat out refused to add me because my net calories were too low, with no evidence whatsoever that it was even deliberate (I was just burning more than I could handle eating back in healthy foods).

    And as a former pro-ana site lurker, you are 100% right about pro-ana forums. People are 100 times more supportive, and the only time I've ever seen hostility on those sites are toward the girls coming in trying to get an ED.

    As for the comments regarding how other forums are just as bad, I've noticed that too, but every other forum I've ever been on was made up of mostly kids and teens. This is the first forum I've been on where the majority are adults, so I expected a lot more maturity and civility. But I guess you can't always expect people to act their age.
    Maybe if the OPs of topics would post their so-called opinion in a not-so-b!tchy manner people wouldn't tear them apart. A lot of people post rants, comments, and other things to try to get a fanbase of people that will agree with them 100%. If no one agrees the OP gets all upset and b!tches more.

    Not saying this is everyone, but I see it a lot. Now for the people asking advice, some of them 1) don't have their dairy open publicly, 2) can't tell the difference between criticism and rude comments, 3) never really wanted advice in the first place.

    Again, this is not everyone...

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    If you think they're being *****y, why respond at all? The only thing you'll really accomplish is fueling the flame, and in the end, no one feels any better.

    If someone is asking for advice directly related to their diary, politely ask them to open it up. The first time I asked for advice, my diary was closed and I didn't even realize it because my profile was public and I assumed th 2 went together. Again, many of these people are new and probably don't even realize there are settings for that. This all just goes back to the patience issue. If you don't have it, move on to another topic.

    Not knowing the difference between criticism and rudeness all goes back to tone, which admittedly is difficult on the internet. There are lots of ways to soften criticism to make it come off as friendly rather than condescending. Sometimes it's as easy as using a smiley or adding a "hope that helped" or "feel free to message me if you have questions" at the end.
    But the comments I'm referring to are pretty straight forwardly rude, though.
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    Thank you, OP, for sticking up for eating disordered people. I've been on this site for a month and I've been lurking the forums and I have to say posting anything is terrifying. People are terrible to eachother on here. ( and sadly, people on those so-called "pro-ana" sites are MUCH more encouraging and helpful, whether it's about eating healtheir or slowly killing yourself) Many people on these forums throw around the word "unhealthy" like it's a filthy insult. I've seen certain four letter words used with less malice.

    I get this crippling insecurity that people will peek at my diary if I post anything and rip me a new one for my erratic eating habits. I'm here trying to change, people.

    Isn't personal change what we're all here for?

    No two people are ever going to be on exactly the same journey.

    One thing I've noticed is that people here seem to equate "sticking up for ED people" as "sticking up for EDs" which is simply not true. It is possible to be supportive of someone with an ED without encouraging their habbits. The person is not the disease itself and all to often, i feel like that's how they're treated. There are people on this site who have flat out refused to add me because my net calories were too low, with no evidence whatsoever that it was even deliberate (I was just burning more than I could handle eating back in healthy foods).

    And as a former pro-ana site lurker, you are 100% right about pro-ana forums. People are 100 times more supportive, and the only time I've ever seen hostility on those sites are toward the girls coming in trying to get an ED.

    As for the comments regarding how other forums are just as bad, I've noticed that too, but every other forum I've ever been on was made up of mostly kids and teens. This is the first forum I've been on where the majority are adults, so I expected a lot more maturity and civility. But I guess you can't always expect people to act their age.
    Maybe if the OPs of topics would post their so-called opinion in a not-so-b!tchy manner people wouldn't tear them apart. A lot of people post rants, comments, and other things to try to get a fanbase of people that will agree with them 100%. If no one agrees the OP gets all upset and b!tches more.

    Not saying this is everyone, but I see it a lot. Now for the people asking advice, some of them 1) don't have their dairy open publicly, 2) can't tell the difference between criticism and rude comments, 3) never really wanted advice in the first place.

    Again, this is not everyone...

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    If you think they're being *****y, why respond at all? The only thing you'll really accomplish is fueling the flame, and in the end, no one feels any better.

    If someone is asking for advice directly related to their diary, politely ask them to open it up. The first time I asked for advice, my diary was closed and I didn't even realize it because my profile was public and I assumed th 2 went together. Again, many of these people are new and probably don't even realize there are settings for that. This all just goes back to the patience issue. If you don't have it, move on to another topic.

    Not knowing the difference between criticism and rudeness all goes back to tone, which admittedly is difficult on the internet. There are lots of ways to soften criticism to make it come off as friendly rather than condescending. Sometimes it's as easy as using a smiley or adding a "hope that helped" or "feel free to message me if you have questions" at the end.
    But the comments I'm referring to are pretty straight forwardly rude, though.

    I dont think from the examples the OP posted that is was very difficult to tell the difference between constructive feedback/criticism and rudeness. Far from it.
  • mrshoneybear1014
    mrshoneybear1014 Posts: 275 Member
    here here!
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    I don't find it all that bad - in fact, I'm more surprised at the amount of people with such thin skin. There are rude people on the Internet just like there are rude people "in real life", so I think it's just a matter of being able to brush it off.

  • LesaDave
    LesaDave Posts: 1,480 Member
    Wow. So true. I consider myself a newby. I'm not on here enough to read all the threads about different questions/suggestions, but I do try to encourage people.
    I wish everyone success.
  • ReverendJim
    ReverendJim Posts: 260 Member
    Probably because so many topics have already been covered and worn out. Including this one.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    The problem is, new posters NEVER use the search function to see if there is a thread on the topic already.
    That's why we see the same things over and over and over again.

    That would save a lot of annoying posts for long term users, and save a lot of snide remarks toward the new users.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    I'm with you. That being said, sometimes the OP gets a little too sensitive about replies, but that's a risk taken online (you can't read sarcasm, and whatever mood you're in when you read a statement like, "I think running is boring" it will reflect in the way you respond.) I think some people take things on here waaaay too seriously and it makes it super tense when you genuinely need advice.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member

    As for the comments regarding how other forums are just as bad, I've noticed that too, but every other forum I've ever been on was made up of mostly kids and teens. This is the first forum I've been on where the majority are adults, so I expected a lot more maturity and civility. But I guess you can't always expect people to act their age.

    :laugh: I've been posting on pregnancy and parenting forums (so obviously adults) for the last 12 years and believe me, they aren't any better. Oh, the catfights and meltdowns I have witnessed!
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    What I've seen in my time here is the people who want everyone to be nice and supportive regardless of the topic matter tend to be the ones with bad information. I can live with someone being snarky. What this site needs to guard against is people promoting dangerous, unhealthy diets and rehashing old weightloss myths.

    If the nicest, sweetest, kindest person you ever met is telling you to eat 500 calories a day they are not doing you any favors. And while that big guy at the gym may look intimidating, he's probably the guy who can tell you a good workout for your quads.

    I already have a mother who will tell me I'm a special little boy. I'm here to learn how to get in shape.
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    Agreed. Much of the behaviour in this place is utterly disgusting. Some of it is lovely and compassionate <3
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Finally someone says it! I totally agree!!
    Yes, finally! :flowerforyou:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
  • arosmith79
    arosmith79 Posts: 250 Member
    I absolutely agree with everything you said. Very well written :)
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    Agree with BrettPGH completely, and I love the profile pic, too. :)

    While I don't like rudeness for the sake of being rude, I'd really hate this forum to turn into a giant Hallmark card.

    It's disingenuous when people offer nothing but support and encouragement. If you're starving yourself, I'm not going to root for you. I'm going to encourage you to rethink dieting and learn how to eat in a healthy, sustainable way. I'll be polite but firm.

    I'd much rather have a diversity of opinions and ideas, even a few arguments (respectful arguments). Again, I don't like how unkind some people can be here, but those people are actually pretty rare. Support is great, and we need that. But disagreements can lead to understanding and compromise.
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