Why do women put on makeup and do their hair for the gym???



  • Once again I have never said I was mad at these women, or put them down. This is suppose to be an open discussion and ppl are on here getting crazy and mean. Who the hell cares I keep getting asked but YOU are reading it and commenting. Why can others post on here about condoms and other such crap but I put something about makeup and everyone freaks out! Chill out ppl, go run off some of your aggression. And btw for the ppl who decided to say I am jealous and hate on pretty women 1. I gave these same women a compliment so reread my post and 2. I have no reason to be jealous, besides a few lbs ( the reason we are all on here )I wouldn't change anything about myself. It was just a damn discussion ppl.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    Don't wear makeup to workout, but I have no problem with those that do. The rest of the day I'm running around in mascara and lip gloss anyway, and as long as I'm clean and my hair is bouncing, I'm good.

    Who cares what someone else is doing or wearing?
    Unless it causes you harm why would you care?
    Quit looking at others.

    Silly forums.
  • I don't get the getting all dolled up for the gym? Everythings running and dripping by the time your done.

    Thank you, that's all I was trying to say and others are getting mad. Geesh! :)
  • Don't wear makeup to workout, but I have no problem with those that do. The rest of the day I'm running around in mascara and lip gloss anyway, and as long as I'm clean and my hair is bouncing, I'm good.

    Who cares what someone else is doing or wearing?
    Unless it causes you harm why would you care?
    Quit looking at others.

    Silly forums.

    Don't read them!!!!
  • Reeny1_8
    Reeny1_8 Posts: 277
    I usually go to the gym right after work so my makeup is still on, and I'm pretty much always color coordinated or wearing a cute gym outfit...I just like to look cute at the gym, makes me feel good :) BUT I will admit, there have been times I'll see a girl with her hair done walking slower than a turtle on the treadmill for like 15 minutes and that'll be her whole workout and I think "she's doing this whole exercise thing wrong." But there could be something I don't know, like she may have had a serious back injury and that's all she can do right now, or whatever.

    All I know, is if ladies are going to the gym to hunt for guys, that's the wrong approach. The guys are more impressed with the hot babes that can hit the weights like it's nobody's business :)

    Agree completely ^^^
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I don't get the getting all dolled up for the gym? Everythings running and dripping by the time your done.

    Thank you, that's all I was trying to say and others are getting mad. Geesh! :)

    That's why they make water proof and longer lasting makeup
  • I really don't care what people look like when they come into the gym. If you want to have your hair done and make-up on so be it. I agree some people probabIy do it for attention, while others just like to look their best at all times. I personally don't go out of my way to look cute when I'm going to workout. I try not to look like a total bum though. I tend to see a lot of people I work with!!! The bottom line is this...if you still look cute at the end of your workout you didn't train hard enough!!!!

    Thank you. This was what I was trying to say. I don't really care either way just don't see a point.
  • hbdub7
    hbdub7 Posts: 61 Member
    Well from point of view...I typically go to the gym right after work. I work in the corporate world, and have to look nice daily, so I go to the gym with my hair and make-up done. Now as soon as i get there you better beleive my hair is thrown into a pony tail, and I am ready to work. On weekends, I NEVER go with make-up or hair done...its just odd! :)
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    The bottom line is this...if you still look cute at the end of your workout you didn't train hard enough!!!!
    Well yeah sure if you're basing a "good" workout on the amount of sweat pouring from ones face...
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    The bottom line is this...if you still look cute at the end of your workout you didn't train hard enough!!!!
    Well yeah sure if you're basing a "good" workout on the amount of sweat pouring from ones face...

    Thank you!

    I look cute after most. Lifting doesn't make me sweat buckets and aI do cardio on a track with a fan. I am not really a person that sweats a lot either. I look good enough to do whatever after a good workout. Or a quick one. What proof eye makeup is also quite the invention eh?

    Guess I don't workout hard enough.
  • MrsLehman24
    MrsLehman24 Posts: 204 Member
    probably because you are married... or have a man. Not all of us are so lucky.
  • Sharon009
    Sharon009 Posts: 327 Member
    One of my friends always has full makeup and looking cute even if we are doing a 5k in the rain. Her reasoning is 'you never know when you'll meet someone'. I guess that's why these ladies do it. It does give me a little laugh though, especially when they have all their chunky assessories on too.
  • lol when i run i look like a zombie without my hair and makeup done. that's why i wear a visor ahaha
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    while I've never been a hair and make up gym bunny type, I find it hard to understand why it bothers people so much that other women might choose to make up their faces or do up their hair. It doesn't impact on my workout in any way, if someone else has styled their hair....
  • I don't mind really. I hear the same comment about women picking their kids up from school who wear nice clothes or shock horror, make up! As if it was okay to do it for work or going out but now you are a mother, get yourself in some baggy mum clothes, grease back your hair and scrub your face immediately lol. It probably is a bit silly but as long as you don't go in the steam room with all that mascara on, should be okay ;-)
  • CatchMom11
    CatchMom11 Posts: 462 Member
    People workout best when they're comfortable. If they're comfortable and feel good wearing the cute gym clothes, then that's good for them. As far as the makeup goes, don't necessarily assume that they're putting on make-up JUST for the gym. I used to go to the gym everyday with full make-up on simply because I was coming straight from work. While I would try to make an effort to wash my face before my workout, there were plenty of days where I just didn't have the time or just simply didn't care.

    There's a backstory to every situation... ;-)
  • Tphaeulz
    Tphaeulz Posts: 5
    I was a stickler for this. I never went to the gym without makeup. I went there with a plan but I never wanted to look bad while doing it. I always got regular personal training from the most physically fit body builders while I was at the gym. They always volunteered. I loved it. And did I mention I lost tons of weight. Lol.
  • rbs1985
    rbs1985 Posts: 7
    well personally i don't wear makeup and the only thing i do with my hair is either down or up in a pony tail. but i guess like some others said some women want to look their best and maybe want to attract someone.
  • obeserat
    obeserat Posts: 218 Member
    I think the only thing that bothers me with women's attire is when a woman goes shopping in her pyjamas.
    Makes me wonder if they've even had a wash
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    Don't wear makeup to workout, but I have no problem with those that do. The rest of the day I'm running around in mascara and lip gloss anyway, and as long as I'm clean and my hair is bouncing, I'm good.

    Who cares what someone else is doing or wearing?
    Unless it causes you harm why would you care?
    Quit looking at others.

    Silly forums.

    Don't read them!!!!

    Don't post them.