Should i eat less in a day if im going out drinking?

Yeah yeah, i know, drinking is bad and all that, but im a university student so its a given.
I plan to either have 10 shots of vodka (500 something calories) or a bottle of zinfandel wine (400 odd calories), does that mean i have to eat 400-500 calories less?


  • mmstgr
    mmstgr Posts: 578 Member
    You can either eat less, or work off enough cals exercising that will justify it :) Then have a good time!
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    that's binge drinking. just because you're a college student doesn't mean you should abuse alcohol. i did that...and ended up in a sorry, sorry place. try to responsibly enjoy alcohol. please eat healthfully and drink responsibly. i'm not kidding.
  • Yeah yeah, i know, drinking is bad and all that, but im a university student so its a given.
    I plan to either have 10 shots of vodka (500 something calories) or a bottle of zinfandel wine (400 odd calories), does that mean i have to eat 400-500 calories less?

    Oh my God I would pass out if I had 10 shots of anything, probably by the 4th shot. A bottle of wine or two for that matter is much healthier than 10 shots of vodka in my book.
  • I'm with simplesolid...I would be toast if I drank that much. Maybe just have two glasses of wine and enjoy your evening.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    10 shots of vodka?? Whoa, that is going to be really hard on your body! I would not suggest that on an empty stomach. I'd go with the wine if it were me (but then I almost always go with wine).

    But to answer your question, if your goal is to stay within the calorie limits then yes, you'd have to consume less calories from other things in order to do it.
  • TheWinman
    TheWinman Posts: 684 Member
    Work out more to make up the difference since it's important to have eaten good before you go out drinking. :)

    10 shots? Oh, I remember those days but it was either Jack or tequila for me. lol Be safe! THe parent in me now says that you should not drink that much, just sayin...... Have fun!!
  • lisahunrichs
    lisahunrichs Posts: 3 Member
    Whoa, 10 shots of vodka? Really? Even over the course of a long evening I drink 2-3 vodka martinis and it knocks me off my feet! I would suggest trying to moderate that a bit. If you nurse your drinks a little longer, you may end up having a better time and not paying for it the next day.
    Second, yes, you should exercise and eat a less on those days you are drinking if you want to accomplish your weight loss goals. Alcohol is very high in calories.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    I would. That way you can save up the calories.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Wow, 10 shots. I'm a drinker but that much would have me passed out on the floor. Although I probably came close to this on St. Patrick's Day and survived....

    This might be a good time in your life to start practicing moderation. Seriously, no one needs to drink that much in one evening to have a good time (even me!). What I often do, if I know I'm going to be going at it for more than a few hours, is to have a glass of water between my drinks. It keeps me hydrated as well as cutting down my alcohol and calorie intake. It also limits the likelihood that I'm going to eat stupidly (think greasy bar food or pancakes at 2am) because I'm drunk. If you ask for the bartender to serve you sparkling water or diet coke with a lime or lemon in a tall glass no one will even know you aren't drinking.

    In response to your original question, you should definitely plan on eating less or working out more to compensate for the calories if this is a regular activity for you. For a once in a great while drinking binge, I'd say just enjoy yourself.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    If you're actively planning on drinking either 10 shots of vodka or a bottle of wine, you should really just give up on the idea of losing weight and save yourself the mental anguish.
  • AmberLovesey
    AmberLovesey Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks guys :) im working an 8 hour shift before hand :/ so i guess ill have to just wake up early and go for a run or something :p ill be fine :) i always keep hydrated and have good friends who look after eachother :) i also have a supportive boyfriend who will make sure that i dont binge and drink lots of water before bed :D
  • AmberLovesey
    AmberLovesey Posts: 10 Member
    If you're actively planning on drinking either 10 shots of vodka or a bottle of wine, you should really just give up on the idea of losing weight and save yourself the mental anguish.

    yeah, so that was slightly mean. cheers for the unhelpful and uneccisary comment.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    You can't binge drink and lose weight. Sorry but it's the truth. If you're planning on drinking that much, it doesn't matter how many calories you leave out of your diet for the day.. You can't 'cancel out' 10 shots or a full bottle of wine.
  • jaireed
    jaireed Posts: 333 Member
    Just a thought, a shot of vodka is 1.5 oz which is about 100 calories each. That is about 1000 calories in alcohol alone. Then again, you might puke half of it up later, so maybe this is the route to go! LOL! Have fun!
  • I hate to be Devil's advocate here, but prior to my injury I would drink on weekends with my friends and YES I did still lose or maintain my weight. I realize some people have different opinions, but I enjoy going out drinking with friends and I'm not a college kid. I did eat less that day to allow for some of it, and I would also workout that morning to allow for some of it. While I couldn't do 10 shots, I could definitely do a bottle of wine or some beers. MGD 64 is a good option if you want to drink the night away and not use up too many calories. I think Rolling Rock Green Light is also extremely low in calories. I say, LIVE IT UP! If your lifestyle calls for nights out having fun with drinks, then you find a way to make it work into your plan!
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    When I know I'm going boozing I just work out extra hard that day and keep my diet on point.

    And to the person who said you can't drink like that an lose weight, not so. I drank my body weight in champagne in Vegas for 4 days, came back about a week and a half ago and weighed myself the next day to find that I'd lost a pound. I've lost 2 more since, so I know it was legit.

    If you're doing it all the time, no, you're not gonna lose weight, but if you work out and eat properly to compensate and only have mega boozefests from time to time, you'll be fine.

    I've had more than one party night since starting MFP, and I've been losing quite steadily and healthily!
  • EllenBe
    EllenBe Posts: 31
    I always try to exercise more that day as opposed to eating less as drinking on an empty stomach doesn't go well for me! Also an empty stomach means I'm more likely to be tempted by the chips on the way home! Ignore those saying you can't lose weight if you want to drink alcohol, yeah it might slow you down a bit but I'm just extra strict the following days. I'd rather that than it take over my life and not enjoy myself at uni!! Have a great night :)
  • LittleMissNerdy
    LittleMissNerdy Posts: 792 Member
    If I ate less and then went out drinking like that I wouldn't make the 3rd or 4th drink. If I drink on an empty stomach it hits me FAST.
  • Sb65513n
    Sb65513n Posts: 131 Member
    If you're actively planning on drinking either 10 shots of vodka or a bottle of wine, you should really just give up on the idea of losing weight and save yourself the mental anguish.
    This was completely unnecessary. I'm guessing it would have been to much to ask not to comment at all...
  • akjmart2002
    akjmart2002 Posts: 263 Member
    Alcohol contains calories (~ 150 cal per 12 oz @ 5%ABV), so yes, you should account for it in your NET calorie calculations for the day.

    Regardless of the intoxicating or social effects of alcohol, it is still *food*. Treat it as such, adjust your plan accordingly, and go about your life.